This is so odd, as I am catching up on this thread and going though many of the articles posted regarding US Social Security running out, boomers drawing while their grandkids are not getting gainful employment and contributing, there is no mention that I see of the biggest drain in decades on US Social Security, which are the illegal immigrants. Whom starting in earnest with Obama, but paused during Trump's first four years, and then turned back on with gusto with the Biden regime, have classified illegals into different categories but all with the underlying 'lawfully permitted' veneer.

What 'cost center' do you think is being used (which one has liquidity) to disperse via the US banking system bank/debit cards the $2200/mo payments to every illegal? Hint, it starts with an 'S'. Even at the lower end of the talking point figure of 11 Millions illegals, that is still over $24 billion a month.

Horses mouth:
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