The greatest teacher... in our modern times..

Величайший учитель... в наше время
Hi givi,

Величайший учитель... в наше время
What you posted translates to: The greatest teacher... in our modern times..

Thank you for posting the video, it is quite long though, so would it be possible for you to write a little about what you found interesting in the video? so that other's curiosity might be peaked and more people might benefit from it?

Also, I noticed you haven't posted an introduction, may I ask you to post one that might allow us to get to know you a bit better, and how you found your way to the forum.

Lastly, most people in this forum with in English, so you may use online translators such as DeepL, to translate your messages prior to posting.

Thanks, and welcome to the forum.


Спасибо, что разместили видео, но оно довольно длинное, поэтому не могли бы вы написать немного о том, что интересного вы нашли в видео, чтобы любопытство других людей могло разгореться и больше людей могли извлечь из него пользу?

Также я заметил, что вы не написали вступление, могу ли я попросить вас написать его, чтобы мы могли узнать вас немного лучше, и как вы нашли свой путь на форум.

Наконец, большинство людей на этом форуме общаются на английском языке, поэтому вы можете использовать онлайн-переводчики, такие как DeepL, для перевода ваших сообщений перед публикацией.

Спасибо, и добро пожаловать на форум.

Переведено с помощью (бесплатная версия)
...прочитал Лауру 2009, все сеансы, и все главы, из серии "Волна"... что касается видео, рассматриваемого там человека, то оно содержит проявления элементов шестой плотности, в третья плотность, не понимание, а чувство... о чем он сам нам и рассказывает... но мало кто понимает...
...прочитал Лауру 2009, все сеансы, и все главы, из серии "Волна"... что касается видео, рассматриваемого там человека, то оно содержит проявления элементов шестой плотности, в третья плотность, не понимание, а чувство... о чем он сам нам и рассказывает... но мало кто понимает...
Translated: Laura 2009, all the sessions, and all the chapters, from the "Wave" series... as for the video, the man considered there, it contains manifestations of elements of the sixth density, in the third density, not understanding, but feeling... which he himself tells us about... but few people understand...

Thank you givi,

Your message is still in Russian, would you mind translating your messages before posting them?

I usually go to: and enter the text and pick the language I want it to translate it to, and then copy and paste it.

Please let me know if the above isn't clear


Спасибо, Гиви,

Ваше сообщение все еще на русском языке, не могли бы вы переводить свои сообщения, прежде чем публиковать их?

Обычно я захожу на, ввожу текст и выбираю язык, на который он должен быть переведен, а затем копирую и вставляю его.

Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если вышеизложенное непонятно.
I've been on the forum for a long time. I check the forum every day and read new posts. The hard work and knowledge that Laura has given us is an invaluable gift to us all and a great source of wisdom. The video I posted is identical to the knowledge we received.
I've been on the forum for a long time. I check the forum every day and read new posts. The hard work and knowledge that Laura has given us is an invaluable gift to us all and a great source of wisdom.

That is great you have been here following along, and you are right, an invaluable gift as you said, as Laura has done some major hard work many might not even realize.

I've not watched the video you posted nor to seen if it is already posted on the forum, although there is mention of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj on the forum.

Это замечательно, что вы были здесь и следили за всем этим, и вы правы, это бесценный дар, как вы сказали, поскольку Лаура проделала большую работу, о которой многие могут даже не подозревать.

Я не смотрел видео, которое вы разместили, и не знаю, размещено ли оно уже на форуме, хотя на форуме есть упоминание о Шри Нисаргадатте Махарадже.
Thank you for sharing. I'll check the video. I probably watched it partially before.

I'm very fond of Nisargadatta Maharaj, especially as a result of the book "I'm That", which consists of his answers to questions asked by various visitors at various times. I noticed that there are some significant parallels with the answers from the Cassiopaeans, some of which I listed below (directly copied from the book with no change/editing).

The book is somewhat difficult. It is the records of verbal questions and answers. Maharaj's answers at different times appear to contain many contradictions in themselves but I think this is "partly" caused by answering different persons with various levels of awareness, with various needs of explanations. If one is patient enough, many of the apparent contradictions seem to dissolve in some later other answers. I certainly don't claim that all he says is, or must be, true.

Also, despite the fact that there are some significant similarities with the C's material, there are also significant differences and incompatibilites. The scope of the Cassiopaean experiment and teaching is uncomparably wider.

Q: (L) Is the ultimate creator self-conscious and self-aware?
A: Yes and no.

Q: Is the Supreme conscious?
M: Neither conscious nor unconscious, I am telling you from experience.


Q: (L) Okay, what other illusions?
A: Monotheism, the belief in one separate, all powerful entity. ... (T) Is separate the key word in regard to Monotheism?
A: Yes.

Q: Is there no God apart from you?
M: How can there be? 'I am' is the root, God is the tree. Whom am I to worship, and what for?


A: If a tree falls in the forest, and nothing is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

M: Without you is there a world?
M: Before anything can come into being there must be somebody to whom it comes.
M: Can there be perception, experience without you? An experience must ‘belong'.


A: ...there is no start.
A: If there’s no end and no beginning, then what do you have?
A: There is no beginning or end.

M: Call it as you like. It is solid, steady, changeless, beginningless and endless, ever new, ever fresh.
M: You cannot speak of a beginning of consciousness. The very ideas of beginning and time are within consciousness. To talk meaningfully of the beginning of anything, you must step out of it. And the moment you step out, you realise that there is no such thing and never was. There is only reality, in which no ‘thing' has any being on its own. Like waves are inseparable from the ocean, so is all existence rooted in being.


A: ...we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be.

M: Instead of seeing things as imagined, learn to see them as they are.


A: Wishful thinking will get ya every time.

M: Pursue any desire, it will always give you trouble.


Q: ... (DM) Would you please explain to me what service to others entails?
A: Complete lack of concern for self.

(L) In the STO mode, you have those who only give.

A: When one gives, best to not expect ANY outcome.

Q: Okay, what is the profile of an enlightened STO being?
A: An intelligent being who only gives.

M: Only God's energy is infinite -- because He wants nothing for Himself.
M: ...the realised man is egoless
M: They are just unable to desire anything for themselves, not even the joy of helping others knowing that God is good they are at peace.
M: In my world love is the only law. I do not ask for love, I give it. Such is my nature.
M: Selfishness is the source of all evil.


A: False personality must die for the heart to be revealed.

M: The false self must be abandoned before the real self can be found.


A: Souls are not “born” into this planet. Souls were never born! And, will never die!

M: Your mistake lies in your belief that you are born. You were never born nor will you ever die


Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a “fall”?
A: Pleasure for the self.

Q: We live, because we must.
M: We live, because we crave sensory existence.

M: Desire for embodied existence is the root-cause of trouble.


A: Yes, think of the Ruby slippers. What did Glenda tell Dorothy???
Q: (J) You can always go home. (L) You have always had the power to go home…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, we always have the power to return to being STO? Even in 3rd density?
A: Yes.

M: What is the root of pain? Ignorance of yourself. What is the root of desire? The urge to find yourself. All creation toils for its self and will not rest until it returns to it.
Q: When will it return?
M: It can return whenever you want it.

M: Nothing stands in the way of your liberation and it can happen here and now, but for your being more interested in other things.


Q: (L) ...So is he alright and are our prayers helping him?
A: ...yes!

Q: What about the prayers for the dead?
M: By all means pray for the dead. It pleases them very much.


A: ...To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

M: ...that to know is to love and to love is to know.


A: Butterfly wings of sharing information and, most importantly, perspectives.
A: True love conquers all.

M: You just do what needs be done, leaving success and failure to the unknown. For everything is caused by innumerable factors, of which your personal endeavour is but one. Yet such is the magic of man's mind and heart that the most improbable happens when human will and love pull together.
M: ...when one thing changes, everything changes. Hence the great power of man in changing the world by changing himself.


A: Suffering activates neuro-chemicals which turn on DNA receptors.

M: Suffering is a call for enquiry, all pain needs investigation.


A: If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail.

M: Be honest with yourself and nothing will betray you.
M: Life teaches, where all else fails. But the lessons of life take a long time to come. Much delay and trouble is saved by trusting and obeying.


A: Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: Life is sad.
M: Ignorance causes sorrow. Happiness follows understanding.
Q: Why should ignorance be painful?
M: It is at the root of all desire and fear, which are painful states and the source of endless errors.


A: You are “Prime Creator.”

M: You yourself are God, the Supreme Reality.


A: All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist.

M: All that lives, works for protecting, perpetuating and expanding consciousness. This is the world's sole meaning and purpose. It is the very essence of Yoga -- ever raising the level of consciousness, discovery of new dimensions, with their properties, qualities and powers. In that sense the entire universe becomes a school of Yoga


A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!
A: Gravity is all there is.
A: Gravity is “God.”

M: Wherefrom come all the powerful attractions that make all created things respond to each other, that bring people together, if not from the Supreme?


A: Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds.

M: Know you own mind first. It contains the entire universe and with space to spare!


Q: (L) Okay, you say they can’t experience true joy, but I’m sure they experience plenty of pleasure. Is there a difference?
A: Indeed. Pleasure is rooted in physiology and joy is of the soul.

Q: What is the difference between happiness and pleasure?
M: Pleasure depends on things, happiness does not.


A: ... You do not yet fully realize the power of spiritual truths given to those starving for them.
A: He was told that the knowledge was priceless and must not be wasted by too much dissemination particularly to those who do not have the burning desire for truth.

M: A man willing to die for truth will get it.


A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.
A: Everything is real, therefore, illusion is reality.

Q: How powerful the illusion?
M: No doubt, because based on reality.
Q: What is real in it?
M: Find out, by discerning and rejecting all that is unreal.
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... дело в том, что содержание, представленное нам Махараджем в самой первой книге «Я Есть То», абсолютно и радикально отличается от его последних, предсмертных бесед в «Сознании и Абсолюте», где он признает свою неправоту. прежде, что нет никакого «Я Есть» и что никто не живет в теле, никто не жив. . и так далее... тот, кто читал его более ранние беседы в "Я есть то", должен прочитать его последние, предсмертные беседы в "Сознании и абсолюте"... в которых он предлагает точку зрения, совершенно отличную от точки зрения в "Я есть то"...
... дело в том, что содержание, представленное нам Махараджем в самой первой книге «Я Есть То», абсолютно и радикально отличается от его последних, предсмертных бесед в «Сознании и Абсолюте», где он признает свою неправоту. прежде, что нет никакого «Я Есть» и что никто не живет в теле, никто не жив. . и так далее... тот, кто читал его более ранние беседы в "Я есть то", должен прочитать его последние, предсмертные беседы в "Сознании и абсолюте"... в которых он предлагает точку зрения, совершенно отличную от точки зрения в "Я есть то"...


... the point is that the content Maharaj presented to us in the very first book, I Am That, is completely and radically different from his last, dying talks in Consciousness and the Absolute, where he admits he is wrong. before, that there is no I Am and that no one lives in a body, no one is alive...and so on... anyone who has read his earlier conversations in "I Am That" should read his last, deathbed conversations in "Consciousness and the Absolute"... in which he offers a point of view quite different from that of I Am That...
Givi, thank you for your explanation about the difference between the teaching in the first book and the last one(s). I will share a guess about it.

First of all, as you can also agree, Maharaj’s teaching by itself is not enough to deal with our life. That’s why, I think, people like you and I are interested in the Cassiopaean experiment, among others. His teaching can be beneficial from certain aspects but eventually it’s kind of an “escape” teaching. Or rather, from STS to STO through the shortest way (fastest awakening) possible; like the C’s reference to the “Ruby slippers”. Whoever can leave the STS realm so easily, I congratulate them, but I think we, like a great majority of people, are inclined or hardwired to embrace our life as “our life”, not completely as a nightmare to be awakened from or a prison to be escaped. I think this might also be related to the C’s remark, “All who have fallen must learn ‘the hard way.’” Shortcutting is not often a viable option. But still, such teachings can be beneficial to some extent.

As for the difference between the first and late books, I remember, a few years ago, trying to read some of his later pieces but not getting the same taste as from the first. I can’t exactly remember why I couldn’t continue reading those, but I probably thought the later books could be beyond my comprehension, that maybe I haven’t finished my work with the first book yet.

But now I think the difference might be related to Maharaj’s retiring from life, getting close to death. I will try to explain this possibility.

I think that the examples you provided about the “great difference” are not enough to claim a radical change in the teaching. For instance, Maharaj already mentioned the transitory nature of “I am” consciousness in the first book, too.

When pure awareness is attained, no need exists any more, not even for ‘I am’, which is but a useful pointer, a direction-indicator towards the Absolute. The awareness ‘I am’ then easily ceases. What prevails is that which cannot be described, that which is beyond words. It is this ‘state’ which is most real, a state of pure potentiality, which is prior to everything.

One thing is certain: the real is not imaginary, it is not a product of the mind. Even the sense ‘I am’ is not continuous, though it is a useful pointer; it shows where to seek, but not what to seek..

The same applies to your examples of “…that no one lives in a body, no one is alive..” These are already among the main themes of the first book. I can’t remember anything specific from his latest books but if you can give more concrete examples about any radical difference between the first and latest books, we can examine them and try to make a conclusion. I can be mistaken.

So, this is my guess: Obviously, at the time of the first book, Maharaj was relatively younger and inevitably more involved in “ordinary” life. As far as I remember, he tells or implies in “I Am That” that he hadn’t planned to be a public speaker or teacher. He was a very ordinary man operating a shop, selling tobacco and other items. But upon “awakening” after three years of meditation on the idea “I am the Supreme”, which his guru had suggested him merely to focus on, he gradually became a guru himself. And then he had to serve by answering innumerable questions by endless swarms of visitors.

I think he saw the relative ineffectiveness of his teaching or suggestions about "awakening in the shortest way possible". And probably, he was also subjected to a lot of psychic attacks from Lizzies, etc. because he was not a fraud. He dispensed a lot of true knowledge and influenced so many people. I think his death from throat cancer is somehow related to this “tiredness of speaking”, possible psychic attacks, and his need to die and rest. And the differential theme, as you imply, in the final books can be related to this situation. In his younger period, he was relatively more involved in the issues / questions associated with people’s ordinary life. But close to his death, his limited interest in the mundane was also lost. His greater or sole emphasis on the "absolute" was what he personally “needed” to concentrate on then.
I understood that Nisargata is in the lineage or lineage of Abhinavagupta.

With a Western connection in Master Eckhart:

The continuators of this path are Jean Klein

and today this guy: Baret éric:

They all talk about the same thing or the same place.

The best teacher of our time to quote the title of the thread is Eric Barret in my opinion.

His approach to yoga and breath. The body, the mind, the energy. It seems that in his reality there is no separation. That he lives consciously in the informational field. That his energy body is functional and that he inhabits his true center, the unified higher self.

And his formulation is current, in the sense that it speaks to us as contemporaries, whereas the words of the ancients corresponded to the vibration of their time.

Reading carefully what they express, I don't think we can say that they are simply on a fast or easy track, but that they practice the work intensely.

Yoga, meditation, pranayama, chanting, prayers... food.

The approach to the ego is radical in the sense of Musashi, i.e. an uncompromising mental martial art.

Therefore the difference with the C's is in the work of acquiring knowledge which is not central in the non-dual way; however they are founded in the tradition, therefore with a precise knowledge of the texts and the subtleties of the philosophy.

Baret brings crucial information about our ability to be unalienated. Especially in what he says is the royal road, the art of the Breath.
L'art du Souffle, as he says : la respiration est la manifestation physique du Souffle ( breathing is the physical manifestation of the Breath

In conclusion I would say that these teachers are relevant to us as long as we recognize their complementarity with the rest of our studies.

For me at least it is necessary for my psychological balance.

ps: i don't know if there are english or russian books or video of there works, in surching for video you may find some that you can translate on line i guess.

translate from french with deepl.
Q: (L) Is the ultimate creator self-conscious and self-aware?
A: Yes and no.

Q: Is the Supreme conscious?
M: Neither conscious nor unconscious, I am telling you from experience.


Q: (L) Okay, what other illusions?
A: Monotheism, the belief in one separate, all powerful entity. ... (T) Is separate the key word in regard to Monotheism?
A: Yes.

Q: Is there no God apart from you?
M: How can there be? 'I am' is the root, God is the tree. Whom am I to worship, and what for?


A: If a tree falls in the forest, and nothing is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

M: Without you is there a world?
M: Before anything can come into being there must be somebody to whom it comes.
M: Can there be perception, experience without you? An experience must ‘belong'.


A: ...there is no start.
A: If there’s no end and no beginning, then what do you have?
A: There is no beginning or end.

M: Call it as you like. It is solid, steady, changeless, beginningless and endless, ever new, ever fresh.
M: You cannot speak of a beginning of consciousness. The very ideas of beginning and time are within consciousness. To talk meaningfully of the beginning of anything, you must step out of it. And the moment you step out, you realise that there is no such thing and never was. There is only reality, in which no ‘thing' has any being on its own. Like waves are inseparable from the ocean, so is all existence rooted in being.


A: ...we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be.

M: Instead of seeing things as imagined, learn to see them as they are.


A: Wishful thinking will get ya every time.

M: Pursue any desire, it will always give you trouble.


Q: ... (DM) Would you please explain to me what service to others entails?
A: Complete lack of concern for self.

(L) In the STO mode, you have those who only give.

A: When one gives, best to not expect ANY outcome.

Q: Okay, what is the profile of an enlightened STO being?
A: An intelligent being who only gives.

M: Only God's energy is infinite -- because He wants nothing for Himself.
M: ...the realised man is egoless
M: They are just unable to desire anything for themselves, not even the joy of helping others knowing that God is good they are at peace.
M: In my world love is the only law. I do not ask for love, I give it. Such is my nature.
M: Selfishness is the source of all evil.


A: False personality must die for the heart to be revealed.

M: The false self must be abandoned before the real self can be found.


A: Souls are not “born” into this planet. Souls were never born! And, will never die!

M: Your mistake lies in your belief that you are born. You were never born nor will you ever die


Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a “fall”?
A: Pleasure for the self.

Q: We live, because we must.
M: We live, because we crave sensory existence.

M: Desire for embodied existence is the root-cause of trouble.


A: Yes, think of the Ruby slippers. What did Glenda tell Dorothy???
Q: (J) You can always go home. (L) You have always had the power to go home…
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, we always have the power to return to being STO? Even in 3rd density?
A: Yes.

M: What is the root of pain? Ignorance of yourself. What is the root of desire? The urge to find yourself. All creation toils for its self and will not rest until it returns to it.
Q: When will it return?
M: It can return whenever you want it.

M: Nothing stands in the way of your liberation and it can happen here and now, but for your being more interested in other things.


Q: (L) ...So is he alright and are our prayers helping him?
A: ...yes!

Q: What about the prayers for the dead?
M: By all means pray for the dead. It pleases them very much.


A: ...To love you must know. And to know is to have light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge is to love.

M: ...that to know is to love and to love is to know.


A: Butterfly wings of sharing information and, most importantly, perspectives.
A: True love conquers all.

M: You just do what needs be done, leaving success and failure to the unknown. For everything is caused by innumerable factors, of which your personal endeavour is but one. Yet such is the magic of man's mind and heart that the most improbable happens when human will and love pull together.
M: ...when one thing changes, everything changes. Hence the great power of man in changing the world by changing himself.


A: Suffering activates neuro-chemicals which turn on DNA receptors.

M: Suffering is a call for enquiry, all pain needs investigation.


A: If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail.

M: Be honest with yourself and nothing will betray you.
M: Life teaches, where all else fails. But the lessons of life take a long time to come. Much delay and trouble is saved by trusting and obeying.


A: Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Q: Life is sad.
M: Ignorance causes sorrow. Happiness follows understanding.
Q: Why should ignorance be painful?
M: It is at the root of all desire and fear, which are painful states and the source of endless errors.


A: You are “Prime Creator.”

M: You yourself are God, the Supreme Reality.


A: All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist.

M: All that lives, works for protecting, perpetuating and expanding consciousness. This is the world's sole meaning and purpose. It is the very essence of Yoga -- ever raising the level of consciousness, discovery of new dimensions, with their properties, qualities and powers. In that sense the entire universe becomes a school of Yoga


A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!
A: Gravity is all there is.
A: Gravity is “God.”

M: Wherefrom come all the powerful attractions that make all created things respond to each other, that bring people together, if not from the Supreme?


A: Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds.

M: Know you own mind first. It contains the entire universe and with space to spare!


Q: (L) Okay, you say they can’t experience true joy, but I’m sure they experience plenty of pleasure. Is there a difference?
A: Indeed. Pleasure is rooted in physiology and joy is of the soul.

Q: What is the difference between happiness and pleasure?
M: Pleasure depends on things, happiness does not.


A: ... You do not yet fully realize the power of spiritual truths given to those starving for them.
A: He was told that the knowledge was priceless and must not be wasted by too much dissemination particularly to those who do not have the burning desire for truth.

M: A man willing to die for truth will get it.


A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose of learning.
A: Everything is real, therefore, illusion is reality.

Q: How powerful the illusion?
M: No doubt, because based on reality.
Q: What is real in it?
M: Find out, by discerning and rejecting all that is unreal.

A few new notes on the similarities I found between the two sources:

A: There is no time on 5th density.

Q: What happens to that spark of life after death?

M: It is beyond time.

M: ... And the life is never so alive as after death.


A: No matter where you go, there you are.

M: You are yourself wherever you are and you create your own climate.


A: Even inanimate matter learns.

M: Even stones are conscious and alive.


A: All exists which is imagined.

M: ...Whatever you think and feel has being.


Q: So, you seem to be suggesting that the real trick is to just become non-attached to anything and anybody, do nothing, and just dissolve into nothing? No thought, no want, no do, no be, no anything!
A: If you are STS, that does not fit, but, if you did exactly that, you would reincarnate in an STO realm, where such energy does fit.

M: When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing then the Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected!


Q: (L) Where do you live specifically?
A: Live in omnipresence.

M: I am beyond time and space, eternal and omnipresent.


A: It is only with individuals we find negativity or positivity.

M: It is only for the individual that a distinction between right and wrong is valid.


A: [...] All who have fallen must learn "the hard way."
Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience physical reality is the act of falling? [...] What is it about wanting to be physical is a "fall"?
A: Pleasure for the self.

M: [...] Desire the good of all and the universe will work with you. But if you want your own pleasure, you must earn it the hard way.


A: ...this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to illumination.

M: Your love of others is the result of self-knowledge, not its cause.


A: Waves are a part of the fiber of all nature.

M: In nature nothing is at stand-still, everything pulsates, appears and disappears. Heart, breath, digestion, sleep and waking -- birth and death everything comes and goes in waves.


A: ... science is most spiritual

M: ... the mystical is most practical


Q: (L) So, what is it that makes somebody weak?
A: Mostly ego.

M: Becoming selfish makes you weak.


A: Guilt is basically an ego thing of a very covert nature.

M: Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors.


A: You see when you speed too quickly in the process of learning and gathering knowledge, it is like skipping down the road without pausing to reflect on the ground beneath you. One misses the gold coins and the gemstones contained within the cracks in the road.

A: All of us have a long way to go, but getting there is half the fun.

M: Once you realise that the road is the goal and that you are always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task and becomes natural and simple, in itself an ecstasy.


A: Okay, now picture yourself in a forest clearing. In that clearing you are surrounded by a pack of wolves. [...] Wolves are part of nature. One must not want to be rid of wolves, only to interact with them in a positive manner. That is why we told you to ask the wolves to return to the forest, as there is no reason to encircle you.

M: Imagine a dense forest full of tigers and you in a strong steel cage. Knowing that you are well protected by the cage, you watch the tigers fearlessly. Next you find the tigers in the cage and yourself roaming about in the jungle. Last -- the cage disappears and you ride the tigers!
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