"The Green Web"


Padawan Learner
So...I actually started to explore activities of Erwin Laszlo (_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ervin_L%C3%A1szl%C3%B3)
Mybe some of you now him because he published many books in the "border" field of science, (e.g. Quantum Shift in the Global Brain: How the New Scientific Reality Can Change Us and our World [Rochester VT: Inner Traditions, 2008])... I saw that there is many positive stuff about him and his activities, but
my "mud detector" still had red light what means "I'm not really clear is everything clear".

Later on, this web of people got little bit wider and I just got good site with all organizations and people involved in the movement "The Green Web". _http://www.green-agenda.com/greenweb.html thnx to Ark)

Club of Budapest, World Wisdom Council, World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality, etc...are just some of organizations under this movement,
and from all people involved I can feel that there is "good" and "bad" guys under one roof. (e.g. from website; A quick perusal of their membership list reveals that more than half are also members of CoR National Associations and contain the usual suspects such as Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jimmy Carter, Tony Blair, Mary Robinson, Vaclav Havel, Romano Prodi, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Javier Perez de Cuellar, and Carl Bildt. )

All in all, it is hard to formulate "good" boys and "bad" boys, It seems that there are part of both under one movement...

What do you think is it worth to collaborate with this circles, or it is better to "go alone" (for whatever means)?

Vladimir :)
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