The Hawk and the Crow


The Living Force
I've been thinking that I may have my own Aesop's fable unfolding in my backyard. For as long as I've been putting bird seed on my deck railing, it's not been unusual to see a wide variety of different species of wild birds daily dropping by for a snack. The last two months however, I've noticed a crow and hawk stopping by. Isn't this highly unusual? I mean I know a crow has no qualms as to where it gets its food but I have never heard of a hawk behaving like this.

Today I watched it as it sat on the railing awhile periodically pecking at one of the pillows on the bench. Looking for nesting elements maybe? Then it flew straight at the sliding glass door where I was standing to watch, and then turned and landed on the deck. It walked around the deck for a little while and then flew up to the roof. It was magnificent! After sitting there a while, it flew over across the yard to perch in an oak tree.

I then went out and put more bird seed on the railing and noticed the graveyard of beef bones on the deck and by the stairs in the grass. Ah, it was beginning to make more sense now. The birds were attracted to the leftover bones from the raw meet diet that I began feeding my dog not too long ago. Here I was imagining the universe was giving me some deep message, some naturalistic outdoor drama to demonstrate the concept of duality, the interaction between the dark and the light, that maybe this was some sort of indication that I was making big progress in the Work. Ha! Wishful thinking will get you everytime. Now I see it more clearly. The hawk and the crow were probably just stopping by to see if there was a quick bite to be had. I hope this doesn't mean the bears are next. :P
Hawks are predators, so more likely it is just hanging around waiting for a mouse or chipmunk to come to the bird feeder, so it can grab itself a quick lunch,the crow is probably there for the old meat left on the bones though. Just nature.
Meager1 said:
Hawks are predators, so more likely it is just hanging around waiting for a mouse or chipmunk to come to the bird feeder, so it can grab itself a quick lunch,the crow is probably there for the old meat left on the bones though. Just nature.

Yup, there's a Hawk that sits in the big popular right outside my window and hunts. He's waiting for one of the squirrels that lives in our rafters to come out. Hawks are also VERY smart and quickly learn the places they can hunt where they won't get shot at by humans.

Crows are carrion birds and can smell rotten meat from wayyyy far away.

Black Swan, the fact that what's going on in your back yard is "just Nature" makes it all the more special to me. You're feeding Nature as she feeds you. Look at the life you're supporting with just a little bit of seed. If there's a better "message" the universe can give you than an example of your part in the circle of life...I don't know what it is?
In the world of the Odyssey, you wouldn't be crazy for your interpretation of the "bird signs" going on for you to see in your back yard! Maybe the universe was confirming that a mostly meat/fat diet is healthiest for those engaged in The Work?

I agree with Guardian. Either way, its beautiful that you got to observe it. :)
Hi Black Swan,

Do you know what kind of hawk is visiting your backyard? Many species of hawks hunt birds. Sparrow hawks lived in the old maples at the farmstead of my youth and hunted small birds. I have seen hawks kill and eat sea gulls along the Oregon coast and red tail hawks take down pheasants in the Iowa countryside. Your backyard bird feeder may be a good hunting ground for the hawk. Observing a hawk capture its food species is an unforgettable scene in great nature.
Thanks for your replies, everyone. :)

Meager1 said:
Hawks are predators, so more likely it is just hanging around waiting for a mouse or chipmunk to come to the bird feeder...

You could be right, Meager1 , though I've never seen a hawk hang out on a deck so nonchalantly before. In my experience they're usually too skittish to come up to a house like that.

Guardian said:
Black Swan, the fact that what's going on in your back yard is "just Nature" makes it all the more special to me. You're feeding Nature as she feeds you. Look at the life you're supporting with just a little bit of seed. If there's a better "message" the universe can give you than an example of your part in the circle of life...I don't know what it is?

Ah, thanks for that beautiful reminder, Guardian. :) You're right, there really isn't a better message than that.

SethianSeth said:
Maybe the universe was confirming that a mostly meat/fat diet is healthiest for those engaged in The Work?

I like that that interpretation, SethianSeth. You definitely have a point.

go2 said:
Do you know what kind of hawk is visiting your backyard?

It's a red-tailed hawk. And what a beauty! :D
Cool! :) Usually, when I'd see an unusual animal appearing in my sight (whether IRL, during meditation or dreams) and it evokes my interest, I would go about and search for the symbolic meaning of it and see if there is any way it could be applied to my life at the moment. It's just something I do for fun.

Maybe if you're interested, here is some symbolic meaning on the hawk: _
There are many sites though to look for symbolism.

Here's a funny bit about hawks, though don't know if I can verify it:

[...] later it was the hawk (rather than the eagle) that was considered the messenger of the gods. Their art has numerous representations of the sharp-breasted hawk and/or hawk man. Among historic Southern tribes these sharp-breasted hawks were sky spirits who used their razor like breasts as weapons. As creatures of the sky they were in constant warfare with the spirits of the underworld as protectors.
The Hawk was a Ceremonial symbol, with it's sharp breast it continually fights to protects us from evil spirits of the air.Connected to forces such as rain, wind, thunder, and lightning. These were `thunderers' with special power. No feather was taken by hawk kill. (Ceremony of the Hawk represents earth cleansing.)
Patience said:
Let us know if the hawk and crow start hanging out TOGETHER on your deck. It would be like "cats and dogs living together"

LOL, Patience! They were sitting on the roof together this morning - uh oh -
you know what that means... a disaster of Biblical porportions. :shock:
Oxajil said:
Cool! Usually, when I'd see an unusual animal appearing in my sight (whether IRL, during meditation or dreams) and it evokes my interest, I would go about and search for the symbolic meaning of it and see if there is any way it could be applied to my life at the moment. It's just something I do for fun.

Yes, I confess to that one myself sometimes. ;) Thanks for the link.
Yeah, well don't worry too much... every few minutes the crow would remember himself and harass the hawk. ;) There were two more crows in the trees nearby egging him on, too.
Black Swan said:
Yeah, well don't worry too much... every few minutes the crow would remember himself and harass the hawk. ;) There were two more crows in the trees nearby egging him on, too.

Ahhh, they're just sizing each other up :lol:

A hawk can (and will) kill and eat a crow, and a murder of crows can (and will) kill and eat a hawk.

What's amazing is that they both know you're not going to hurt them. :)
This is the most laid-back, chattiest hawk I've ever seen. I think he/she's pretty young so maybe that has something to do with it. In any case, I'm enjoying his presence as long as it lasts. :D
You could nick name him/her "Guy Hawkes."


Sounds so neat to have these lovely creatures around!

Black Swan said:
This is the most laid-back, chattiest hawk I've ever seen. I think he/she's pretty young so maybe that has something to do with it. In any case, I'm enjoying his presence as long as it lasts. :D
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