The Hidden History of the 20th Century, Donald Trump and Progressivism


FOTCM Member
Behind the Headlines: The Hidden History of the 20th Century, Donald Trump and Progressivism

Official history records that the last 100 years of human history were dominated by 2 world wars, fought between the proponents of freedom and democracy and the forces of slavery and fascism; a 'Cold War' waged by the 'West' against Communist China and the Soviet Union; and more recently, a potentially 'unending' war against the forces of 'Islamic fundamentalism', against waged by the 'West'.

That, at least, is the official narrative.

The alleged 'humanitarian' or otherwise benevolent intentions of the 'West' in these campaigns appears to have given rise, at least in the latter part of the 20th century, to an entrenched culture of progressivism in many 'Western' nations that bolstered the cause of 'humanitarian' military interventions in other countries by Western military forces. This 'progressivism has, however, produced significant social stressors in Western nations, and provoked a backlash from conservative or 'traditionalist' segments of the population that found their voice, finally, in the unexpected election of Donald Trump as US President.

Join your hosts this week as we disassemble the official narrative of modern history and reveal the much more plausible, if unpalatable, truth about the forces behind the scenes that have brought our global society to the sorry state in which it currently finds itself.

Tune in!
Awesome, thank you Joe! I was actually wondering whether there was going to be a SOTT Radio show today as I couldn't see any info about it. That's a really interesting topic, looking forward to the show!
Thanks Goemon_. I was wondering the same thing. I've been looking for it for the last couple of days.

Will this show be available?
Moonbird said:
Thanks Goemon_. I was wondering the same thing. I've been looking for it for the last couple of days.

Will this show be available?

Maybe. The sound quality was so bad that it needs careful editing to make it reasonably audible. Whatever happens to this one, we'll be revisiting both themes (how the various grand narratives of the 20th century masked one underlying reality) and Trump's exposure of 'progressive' falsehoods in future shows.
Thanks for the podcast, I listened while it was live, and hopefully I am posting this in the right podcast topic subject. Because I kind of forgot the title.

I agree that there will always be friction between different kinds of communities.

But this friction does not naturally turn into violence unless there is an agitator setting them up against each other.

It reminds me when MI6 tried to blow up a mosque in Iraq in a false flag attack attempt. To get the Sunni and Shiite fighting against each other to prevent them of forming an effective Iraqi Resistance group together against the US coalition.

This incident is just one example of a shadow global war the US is waging against the World to set communities against each other. A unipolor world can only exist when the rest of the World is on their knees, fighting each other, and suffering.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have people like Nelson Mandela who prevented a race war and who helped build a tolerant South Africa. Instead of letting it transform into a country ripping itself apart through a cycle of hatred.

Ultimately love comes more naturally to people than hate. But if you give psychopaths free reign, setting others up against each other. Than eventually, people will turn to violence. But if you have people who carry the hero archetype, different communties can be shown the way of how to live peacefully with each other.

Putin during the Chechnya war turned many of his enemies in his allies because he has the empathy to understand them. He talked to them and showed that they have more things in common than what divided them. Which is mainly the willing of true tolerance by living in peace together.

Those same forces Putin fought against, are now serving in Syria. Chechnya special forces are carrying out important tasks.

I find that really remarkable, how people like Putin and Mandela where capable of uniting their former enemies into one community where both life peacefully together.

There will always be friction. But maybe we should focus on the things that binds us, instead of what divides us. Most people after all just want to live in peace. But with a lack of people who can lead by example, and with psychopaths setting us up against each other. I am afraid that people will eventually turn to violence and start killing each other.

And about psychopaths trying to set us up against each other :

Few days back I watched a video of a Muslim chanting a prayer during an anti Trump demonstration. All kinds of groups where demonstrating against Trump where he was chanting his prayer. The prayer was meant to show that in the US there is freedom of religion. Of course this is hysterical because Trump doesn't intent to outlaw Islam unlike other European politicians.

But the Alt-right media picked this up and showed it as the ultimate proof that the Left and Muslims are conspiring to destroy them. Simply because this Muslim was chanting a prayer between other groups of Leftist people who were protesting.

And let's not forget that the Alt-right like infowars also sold the lie that Obama is an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama helped ISIS because he is a Muslim, or so they told. Global Sharia law is their goal and the Left are usefull idiots helping them to furfill this.

- The MSM has a 30% trust rating, which is great. But the Alt-Right media which might be even bigger right now isn't the solution either, now is it?
Niall said:
Moonbird said:
Thanks Goemon_. I was wondering the same thing. I've been looking for it for the last couple of days.

Will this show be available?

Maybe. The sound quality was so bad that it needs careful editing to make it reasonably audible. Whatever happens to this one, we'll be revisiting both themes (how the various grand narratives of the 20th century masked one underlying reality) and Trump's exposure of 'progressive' falsehoods in future shows.

Thanks Niall for letting us know. Looking forward to listening to shows on these topics!
Moonbird said:
Niall said:
Moonbird said:
Thanks Goemon_. I was wondering the same thing. I've been looking for it for the last couple of days.

Will this show be available?

Maybe. The sound quality was so bad that it needs careful editing to make it reasonably audible. Whatever happens to this one, we'll be revisiting both themes (how the various grand narratives of the 20th century masked one underlying reality) and Trump's exposure of 'progressive' falsehoods in future shows.

Thanks Niall for letting us know. Looking forward to listening to shows on these topics!

It's up now, minus the dead air. We left in most of the robo-voices, because if you listen hard, you can still catch the gist of what is being said.
I'm about halfway through and despite the distortions at times, I'm really enjoying it so far. It would be great to continue these exploring themes. I've been trying to make sense of this crazy pervasive line of force running through society at the moment with post-modernist relativity and subjectivity, it would be great to pull on these threads a bit more.

I really enjoy your Radio shows guys, thank you so much for your time and effort that go into them.
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