"The Horns of Moses"?

Anthony said:
I'm glad I never payed attention in history classes, my formal
history education started with this forum - and how grateful am I for
such a gift.
Same here, I seemed to only show up to class to mock my poor teacher (same happened in religion class, might have given a couple of sisters a conniption here and there too :/)
How neatly all those loose ends and questions about life are being tied together ever since the fateful day I typed the right words into my search engine and found myself reading some stuff that actually made sense. Hats off to you Laura !
I just started reading this book in the last four days or so. Super excited to dive in. I hope to reopen this thread of discussion of this material, unless maybe there is another thread some where else on the forum that someone could direct me to?
petite femme said:
I just started reading this book in the last four days or so. Super excited to dive in. I hope to reopen this thread of discussion of this material, unless maybe there is another thread some where else on the forum that someone could direct me to?

Hi Petite Femme,
There isn't another dedicated thread about "Comet and the Horns of Moses". Feel free to discuss it here. :)

We have an excerpt from the book in an article on Sott.net with some discussion in the comments. Also, the SOTT editors also interviewed Laura and Pierre on Blog Talk Radio about the follow up book to Moses called "Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection".

Happy reading! :read:
Thank you for the links, the interview should be fun!! It is slow goings right now, Laura is comparing MANY "different" peoples stories. Just to keep it straight and follow along, I must read slow. Also, doing a lot of referencing back to the first book to refresh my memory on things that she touched on already. It is exciting though, just takes some time. While I am laid up, I will plug away and get as far as I can!
It might help to keep notes in a notebook. That's what I did reading through CatHoM a couple of times through. I added to the notes on later readings.
Existe-t-il en Français ?... Je ne le vois pas chez Amazon France...

Does it exist in French?... I don't see it on Amazon France...
Existe-t-il en Français ?... Je ne le vois pas chez Amazon France...

Does it exist in French?... I don't see it on Amazon France...

Oui, il existe:

Les comètes et les cornes de Moïse - L'histoire secrète du monde, tome 2​

Voici deux liens, chez Amazon version Kindle et version papier.

Here's two links, Kindle's version and paper version.
En fait je m'aperçois que je les ai déjà tous les deux et même que je les ai déjà lus... Tome 1 et 2... Merci beaucoup Olivier...

In fact I realize that I already have them both and even that I have already read them... Volume 1 and 2... Thank you very much Olivier...
Thank you all for reading and hopefully commenting on Ark's blog. This is just a condensation of the part about the philosophers (with comet background) for the purpose of knowing the origins of science that is supposedly based on Greek philosophy. It's just a small part of HoM for a more focused audience.
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