The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

Fog also usually means no wind - so the smells tend to stick around. I remember at uni, there was a coffee roaster nearby, and the smell of roasting coffee (which I normally like) would become really offensive and persist when there was fog (and in that town there used to be a lot of that in winter). Without fog there usually was just a pleasant hint in the air.
This could be very possible, Popocateptl's volcano is very active, almost daily expulsing SO2 and aerosols. This also could explain the illness in people.
Frequently Asked Questions About Volcanic Smog (vog)
Vog is a hazy mixture of SO2 gas and aerosols (tiny particles or droplets) which are primarily sulfuric acid and other sulfate (SO4) compounds. Aerosols are created when SO2 and other volcanic gases combine in the atmosphere and interact chemically with oxygen, moisture, dust, and sunlight over minutes to days.
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