The Lake House


FOTCM Member
I recently saw The Lake House starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. It's basically about two people who meet under odd circumstances that center around a lake house. Seems that Reeves is in 2004 and Bullock is in 2006, yet somehow they communicate with each other.

The movie is full of reference to much of the material that we study, including an open universe, non-linear time, merging time lines, non-linear effects, and good vs. evil in the sense that what might seem detrimental might actually lead to a better outcome overall. There's even a hint of 'myself in the future communicating with myself in the past.'

Very good movie.
I second that Mark. I saw this the other day, and wanted to post something on it. I was having a little hard time following it at first (especially the ending) but I got it. :)

It was very good.
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