The Language of Miracles by Amelia Kinkade


Jedi Council Member
The Language of Miracles is a book I read after seeing a video on animal communication. I wanted to just read a little more to see for myself if there was any truth to it. I have put off posting about this for a while. I guess that comes down to ego issues, because I did(do) not want to sound crazy.

Well, crazy or not I have had enough confirmed communications that I feel comfortable sharing. I have read that this is not a special gift that few people have. It is something that we all can do. Thinking back on my life, I realize that I have been doing this to some degree the whole time. I grew up with a lot of animals in my life. To this day animals just show up on my door step. Almost all of my furry family came to me this way. They just show up and stay.

It's a funny thing though. I can not do it all the time and I never know when I will. I am curious to know of other members who have been practicing these abilities and how to fine tune them. My relationship with my critters has completely changed for the better. I had no idea how much I was missing. The depth of feelings and perceptions that they have. It is like waking up in a whole new world. I feel ashamed as an animal lover that I did not have this understanding before.

In the book The Language of Miracles by Amelia Kinkade she takes a scientific view on how and why this happens. She speaks of information fields and quantum holography. There seems to be many ways to receive this info. At first I was afraid I had lost my mind and was making all this up in my head. But, after countless times of being able to confirm what I was hearing I am relieved to know I had not gone bonkers and become one of those really weird "animal people".

I was wondering if anyone had advice or suggestions. One of the most practical things I have gleamed out of this is how noisy my head is and how to be quite and just be. Meditation has always been rather difficult for me and this has changed. Still a work in progress, but I am getting much better.
sounds very interesting, I ordered the book and look forward to reading it and experimenting
I remember when i was a kid i used to try to call animals with my mind. It often seemed to work, but then it also did not seem to work a lot of the time. i started to wonder if it was coincidence. I used to envy , and try to emulate individuals that were able to handle wild animals, but after reading much of the material from the C's i started to wonder if these individuals were OP's.
davey72 said:
I remember when i was a kid i used to try to call animals with my mind. It often seemed to work, but then it also did not seem to work a lot of the time. i started to wonder if it was coincidence. I used to envy , and try to emulate individuals that were able to handle wild animals, but after reading much of the material from the C's i started to wonder if these individuals were OP's.

Why would you be under the impression that people who can as you say "handle" wild animals be without a soul? My knee jerk reaction was to ask you what it is you are suggesting there.
I am interested though, because I have seen a flavor of some posts before of people who express an air of people who relate more on the animal level type thing. That is why I put off posting this for so long is I feared I would get lumped into whatever that is.

You could have been calling them, but just because they can hear you does not mean they have to obey your commands. Why did you call them? If someone called you for no reason and then blew you off because it must be a coincidence that you came after calling would put any type of creature off. ;D
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
davey72 said:
I remember when i was a kid i used to try to call animals with my mind. It often seemed to work, but then it also did not seem to work a lot of the time. i started to wonder if it was coincidence. I used to envy , and try to emulate individuals that were able to handle wild animals, but after reading much of the material from the C's i started to wonder if these individuals were OP's.

Why would you be under the impression that people who can as you say "handle" wild animals be without a soul? My knee jerk reaction was to ask you what it is you are suggesting there.
I am interested though, because I have seen a flavor of some posts before of people who express an air of people who relate more on the animal level type thing. That is why I put off posting this for so long is I feared I would get lumped into whatever that is.

You could have been calling them, but just because they can hear you does not mean they have to obey your commands. Why did you call them? If someone called you for no reason and then blew you off because it must be a coincidence that you came after calling would put any type of creature off. ;D

That's not really how i did it. Thinking back, if i can trust my memory it seemed to work when i wasn't trying really hard. Then other times i would try to even yell in my head to get any reaction at all. Maybe it is the emotions they sense, and not anything directly from the mind?

Maybe i worded it wrong, but i wasn't suggesting anything really. Just my personal thoughts on the subject. I have always had a fascination with people that have this ability. This is why i am interested in the thread. Something that is interesting is that when i watch my dog out the window lately, he seems to sense it a lot of the time. He cannot see me in the window, but i can go to different ones, and he will turn to stare directly in my direction.
davey72 said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
davey72 said:
I remember when i was a kid i used to try to call animals with my mind. It often seemed to work, but then it also did not seem to work a lot of the time. i started to wonder if it was coincidence. I used to envy , and try to emulate individuals that were able to handle wild animals, but after reading much of the material from the C's i started to wonder if these individuals were OP's.

Why would you be under the impression that people who can as you say "handle" wild animals be without a soul? My knee jerk reaction was to ask you what it is you are suggesting there.
I am interested though, because I have seen a flavor of some posts before of people who express an air of people who relate more on the animal level type thing. That is why I put off posting this for so long is I feared I would get lumped into whatever that is.

You could have been calling them, but just because they can hear you does not mean they have to obey your commands. Why did you call them? If someone called you for no reason and then blew you off because it must be a coincidence that you came after calling would put any type of creature off. ;D

That's not really how i did it. Thinking back, if i can trust my memory it seemed to work when i wasn't trying really hard. Then other times i would try to even yell in my head to get any reaction at all. Maybe it is the emotions they sense, and not anything directly from the mind?

Maybe i worded it wrong, but i wasn't suggesting anything really. Just my personal thoughts on the subject. I have always had a fascination with people that have this ability. This is why i am interested in the thread. Something that is interesting is that when i watch my dog out the window lately, he seems to sense it a lot of the time. He cannot see me in the window, but i can go to different ones, and he will turn to stare directly in my direction.

A few weeks ago, I was working at a location that a man and his dog live. The pup came running down the hill and sniffed my hand and ran down the drive. I called him back, but I kept getting the impression that he was saying "no, he is coming and I have to wait for him". For about 15 minutes he stood like a statue until his owner did pull in the driveway. I have read that it is the same thing as when you think of a friend and then they call, or when you know someone needs you. I imagine assumption would block any efforts in reading the info, so you not trying to hard makes sense to me. Whenever I try I get nothing. It always happens when I do not expect it. The other day I tasted the sweet crunch of an apple in my mouth, thanks to one of my horses. I looked up in surprise and asked apples? I got the biggest nicker ever. It is the first time I have received a sensation like that. It was one of the sweetest apples I have ever tasted.
I always just wonder if i am reading things into it, or seeing patterns where there are none. Personally that is. I do believe that we all have this capability, and some seem to have a gift, or knack for it. I would be interested to see how the experiments turn out.
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
Why would you be under the impression that people who can as you say "handle" wild animals be without a soul? My knee jerk reaction was to ask you what it is you are suggesting there.

I think Davey is referring to the comments made by the C's that organic portals tend to have strong emotional feelings towards animals but lack the same feelings for humans. Now that's quite different than being a person who works closely with animals, so I think Davey's connection there was tenuous at best.

Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I am interested though, because I have seen a flavor of some posts before of people who express an air of people who relate more on the animal level type thing. That is why I put off posting this for so long is I feared I would get lumped into whatever that is.

I'm not sure what you mean here. You put off posting about what? What does it mean that people "express an air of people who relate more on the animal level"? Are you saying that you have better relations with animals than people but that you've held back in talking about this here because you fear you'd be labelled an organic portal? If so, that sounds a little like black and white thinking. Plus, we really discourage going around labelling people as OP's. I can't remember anyone doing that in quite a long time, so this seems a rather unfounded fear to have. I don't know, maybe it's worth thinking about why you feel like that when there doesn't seem to have been anyone posting with that kind of "flavor" in quite a while, unless I'm missing something. Perhaps it would help if you pointed out the specific posts where you picked that up.
Heimdallr said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
Why would you be under the impression that people who can as you say "handle" wild animals be without a soul? My knee jerk reaction was to ask you what it is you are suggesting there.

I think Davey is referring to the comments made by the C's that organic portals tend to have strong emotional feelings towards animals but lack the same feelings for humans. Now that's quite different than being a person who works closely with animals, so I think Davey's connection there was tenuous at best.

Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I am interested though, because I have seen a flavor of some posts before of people who express an air of people who relate more on the animal level type thing. That is why I put off posting this for so long is I feared I would get lumped into whatever that is.

I'm not sure what you mean here. You put off posting about what? What does it mean that people "express an air of people who relate more on the animal level"? Are you saying that you have better relations with animals than people but that you've held back in talking about this here because you fear you'd be labelled an organic portal? If so, that sounds a little like black and white thinking. Plus, we really discourage going around labelling people as OP's. I can't remember anyone doing that in quite a long time, so this seems a rather unfounded fear to have. I don't know, maybe it's worth thinking about why you feel like that when there doesn't seem to have been anyone posting with that kind of "flavor" in quite a while, unless I'm missing something. Perhaps it would help if you pointed out the specific posts where you picked that up.

I don't know where these fears of being thought of a crazy animal lady come from. I am aware that those feelings are pretty ridiculous, but as you saw I jumped up to defend myself right away. You are correct that my fears are unfounded, but that is why I shared that I felt that way. The subject on the table though is speaking to animals, so I imagine some people would think that is crazy. I can not recall anything recent on the forum I picked up on, so I am not sure where this black and white thinking is coming from. The only thing I can think of is that it is still new to me and I feel a little uncomfortable talking about.
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I don't know where these fears of being thought of a crazy animal lady come from. I am aware that those feelings are pretty ridiculous, but as you saw I jumped up to defend myself right away. You are correct that my fears are unfounded, but that is why I shared that I felt that way.

Maybe if you started a thread talking about this stuff, it would help alleviate those fears. It sounds like you've been wanting to talk to someone about it, but have felt inhibited in doing that here, because of being thought as "crazy". Well, I don't think anyone would label you that here, but you might get some feedback on the whole that will give you some food for thought.

Horseofadifferentcolor said:
The subject on the table though is speaking to animals, so I imagine some people would think that is crazy. I can not recall anything recent on the forum I picked up on, so I am not sure where this black and white thinking is coming from. The only thing I can think of is that it is still new to me and I feel a little uncomfortable talking about.

Well, you never know, there may be other people here that are just as timid about discussing it, so by bringing it up you could give them an opportunity. To me, it seems like you're unwillingness to discuss it could be related to an identification with the whole process, and that you're reluctance is due to worrying that someone here might tell you that your experience is anything other than what you think it is. I could be totally off there, but it's just the feeling I get from what you've written. You created the narrative of being labelled an OP or crazy animal lady to stop you from talking about this, but the real reason could be that you only want positive feedback on what you're experiencing, and you think that's not what you'll get here.
Heimdallr said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
Why would you be under the impression that people who can as you say "handle" wild animals be without a soul? My knee jerk reaction was to ask you what it is you are suggesting there.

I think Davey is referring to the comments made by the C's that organic portals tend to have strong emotional feelings towards animals but lack the same feelings for humans. Now that's quite different than being a person who works closely with animals, so I think Davey's connection there was tenuous at best.

Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I am interested though, because I have seen a flavor of some posts before of people who express an air of people who relate more on the animal level type thing. That is why I put off posting this for so long is I feared I would get lumped into whatever that is.

I'm not sure what you mean here. You put off posting about what? What does it mean that people "express an air of people who relate more on the animal level"? Are you saying that you have better relations with animals than people but that you've held back in talking about this here because you fear you'd be labelled an organic portal? If so, that sounds a little like black and white thinking. Plus, we really discourage going around labelling people as OP's. I can't remember anyone doing that in quite a long time, so this seems a rather unfounded fear to have. I don't know, maybe it's worth thinking about why you feel like that when there doesn't seem to have been anyone posting with that kind of "flavor" in quite a while, unless I'm missing something. Perhaps it would help if you pointed out the specific posts where you picked that up.

I agree with Heimdallr and FWIW. I've had thoughts like this, fairly recently actually, but from the context of my post being analyzed and the conclusion drawn that I may be an OP. I don't know why this popped into my head and looking back on it seems that it's a pretty ridiculous inner conflict to have. But after thinking about it I kind of came to the realization that all there is are lessons as the C's say. Regardless if one is an OP or not.

Contrasting Gurdjieff's notion that everyone is devoid a soul at first and Mouravieff's notion that only a percentage of the population is potentially souled I think a common realization between the two point to the idea that you must work on yourself either way to gain any kind of spiritual progress. For me personally this means that your spiritual standing doesn't matter (osit) when the point of it all is to strive and make efforts towards a greater understanding of yourself and objective reality. As objectively as possible. I may be off base a bit here so if any others have greater insight into this line of thought feel free to chime in.

So thinking about it from that perspective may help. Getting a bit back on topic though I think the topic of animal communication is interesting and I will be adding it to my list ;). I feel as though all of my pets have personalities and like yourself 2 of the 4 pretty much showed up either on my doorstep (as small feral kittens) or presented themselves to me in such way as to make it almost impossible to ignore them lol.

I'm not sure if I've had any blatant animal communication that was coherent besides being able to gauge their emotions from physical cues. But I will never forget the time I was dreaming that I was having a conversation with an unknown entity that I couldn't see. I wanted to know what it looked like so I asked how many appendages or toes do you have? The answer was 24.

This answer immediately caused me to wake up and open my eyes because of its ridiculousness. I turned to my right to catch the gaze of our rescue kitten at the time laying on her back with her paws in the air and staring me right in the eyes from a distance of less than a foot. Usually she slept throughout the entire night so needless to say I stopped letting her sleep in the bed because it creeped me out a bit.

Now i'm aware that I could have simply awakened her and she actually doesn't have 24 toes but I think some cats do have extra toes/claws due to a genetic trait that is not too uncommon but the gaze I caught from her felt eerie still.
Heimdallr said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I don't know where these fears of being thought of a crazy animal lady come from. I am aware that those feelings are pretty ridiculous, but as you saw I jumped up to defend myself right away. You are correct that my fears are unfounded, but that is why I shared that I felt that way.

Maybe if you started a thread talking about this stuff, it would help alleviate those fears. It sounds like you've been wanting to talk to someone about it, but have felt inhibited in doing that here, because of being thought as "crazy". Well, I don't think anyone would label you that here, but you might get some feedback on the whole that will give you some food for thought.

Horseofadifferentcolor said:
The subject on the table though is speaking to animals, so I imagine some people would think that is crazy. I can not recall anything recent on the forum I picked up on, so I am not sure where this black and white thinking is coming from. The only thing I can think of is that it is still new to me and I feel a little uncomfortable talking about.

Well, you never know, there may be other people here that are just as timid about discussing it, so by bringing it up you could give them an opportunity. To me, it seems like you're unwillingness to discuss it could be related to an identification with the whole process, and that you're reluctance is due to worrying that someone here might tell you that your experience is anything other than what you think it is. I could be totally off there, but it's just the feeling I get from what you've written. You created the narrative of being labelled an OP or crazy animal lady to stop you from talking about this, but the real reason could be that you only want positive feedback on what you're experiencing, and you think that's not what you'll get here.

I did overcome my silly fear and post about this subject(or so I though) . I am just sharing that I felt that way. I do not see that I am still reluctant to talk. I also understand that mirrors and scratches are part of this network and it might be my turn. I am open to talking and listening. I also understand that everyone of my experiences could be pure coincidence.

I thought really hard about your questions all day yesterday. The only thing I can come to about my reluctance to share is because of my identity as seen by others since I was a child. It has always made me uncomfortable when my family would tell others stories about my relationships with animals. I had wild pet lizards, fish that liked to be pet in the lake, catch bees in my hands, or hang out with whatever was around. My mother was convinced I was going to grow up and be a biologist. Her stories were laughing and patronizing. I have never had any problems making human friends either, so I don't feel I relate more to animals than people. This is all I can think of is that just because I enjoy animals company I have been labeled as an animal person and I did not like it. It felt like my private relationships were being labeled and I was being put into a category of a type of person I did not want to be seen as. I felt like that labeling took away everything that I am and put me in a box of being a certain way. I remember feelings of this sort since I was around five or six. My mother often got angry because of things like the snakes or my favorite jumping spiders. I realized yesterday that I often keep that part of my life private and share with very few people. I have learned over the past few years that my mothers constant anger and the way she would tell stories to her friends about me has shaped a lot of my behaviors and this is something I have been working on. It became common practice for me to hide my true feelings or thoughts about anything so I wouldn't get in trouble.

I am not sure if this is what you mean by discussing this, but I am trying and willing to listen. Or if I need to break down some of my experiences and share those I will do this also. I never expected only positive feed back. I have been reading this forum long enough to know better. :)
On being worried others will think your an OP, I wondered this too, until i saw the session when the C's were asked how one would know, and they said that if you have empathy then you are not.
trendsetter37 said:
Heimdallr said:
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
Why would you be under the impression that people who can as you say "handle" wild animals be without a soul? My knee jerk reaction was to ask you what it is you are suggesting there.

I think Davey is referring to the comments made by the C's that organic portals tend to have strong emotional feelings towards animals but lack the same feelings for humans. Now that's quite different than being a person who works closely with animals, so I think Davey's connection there was tenuous at best.

Horseofadifferentcolor said:
I am interested though, because I have seen a flavor of some posts before of people who express an air of people who relate more on the animal level type thing. That is why I put off posting this for so long is I feared I would get lumped into whatever that is.

I'm not sure what you mean here. You put off posting about what? What does it mean that people "express an air of people who relate more on the animal level"? Are you saying that you have better relations with animals than people but that you've held back in talking about this here because you fear you'd be labelled an organic portal? If so, that sounds a little like black and white thinking. Plus, we really discourage going around labelling people as OP's. I can't remember anyone doing that in quite a long time, so this seems a rather unfounded fear to have. I don't know, maybe it's worth thinking about why you feel like that when there doesn't seem to have been anyone posting with that kind of "flavor" in quite a while, unless I'm missing something. Perhaps it would help if you pointed out the specific posts where you picked that up.

I agree with Heimdallr and FWIW. I've had thoughts like this, fairly recently actually, but from the context of my post being analyzed and the conclusion drawn that I may be an OP. I don't know why this popped into my head and looking back on it seems that it's a pretty ridiculous inner conflict to have. But after thinking about it I kind of came to the realization that all there is are lessons as the C's say. Regardless if one is an OP or not.

Contrasting Gurdjieff's notion that everyone is devoid a soul at first and Mouravieff's notion that only a percentage of the population is potentially souled I think a common realization between the two point to the idea that you must work on yourself either way to gain any kind of spiritual progress. For me personally this means that your spiritual standing doesn't matter (osit) when the point of it all is to strive and make efforts towards a greater understanding of yourself and objective reality. As objectively as possible. I may be off base a bit here so if any others have greater insight into this line of thought feel free to chime in.

So thinking about it from that perspective may help. Getting a bit back on topic though I think the topic of animal communication is interesting and I will be adding it to my list ;). I feel as though all of my pets have personalities and like yourself 2 of the 4 pretty much showed up either on my doorstep (as small feral kittens) or presented themselves to me in such way as to make it almost impossible to ignore them lol.

I'm not sure if I've had any blatant animal communication that was coherent besides being able to gauge their emotions from physical cues. But I will never forget the time I was dreaming that I was having a conversation with an unknown entity that I couldn't see. I wanted to know what it looked like so I asked how many appendages or toes do you have? The answer was 24.

This answer immediately caused me to wake up and open my eyes because of its ridiculousness. I turned to my right to catch the gaze of our rescue kitten at the time laying on her back with her paws in the air and staring me right in the eyes from a distance of less than a foot. Usually she slept throughout the entire night so needless to say I stopped letting her sleep in the bed because it creeped me out a bit.

Now i'm aware that I could have simply awakened her and she actually doesn't have 24 toes but I think some cats do have extra toes/claws due to a genetic trait that is not too uncommon but the gaze I caught from her felt eerie still.

Thankyou for sharing Trendsetter37. I have never gotten words, it is more like a series of pictures, feelings, and sensations that add up to something that is more like a translation that can be spoken about in words. Most all of my understanding comes from body language and just adding up clues that are obvious. One of my dogs though, I have had more of a watching a movie like experience with him. He comes through the loudest and most clear. Some animals seemingly do not have as much going on. They perceive only basic desires and instincts. It is only my thoughts and experiences, but I think it is the same with them as it is humans, that they are all on different levels of learning and awareness.

Here is something that just happened the other day. I was working on filling a really large gabion full of rock. I had sat down to rest and a little wren landed on fence next to face. I felt like I got the impression that he was thankful for my work. Ha ha! Had a good laugh at myself on that one. Why on earth would a little wren have any interest in my building gabions. After finishing my work for the day and I was getting together my tools I see the wren land again with a friend. They had bits of string and strips of bark. They both hopped into the spaces of rock in the gabion to began making their nest. I do not call those kind a confirmation. Maybe I just had a wild thought and a little wren by happen chance wanted to start building a nest on my new constructed gabion.

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