'The Last Shout!'


Jedi Master
From thetruthseeker.co.uk site:

The Last Shout
By Mike James in Germany – 29 November 2008

It came to me as something of a surprise to learn that the German authorities and their Zionist puppet masters allowed me to remain online until Monday, December 1. So much so, that I could not resist writing one final article, one final shout aimed at the Zionist-Bolshevik takeover of the world we, as children of my generation, once knew as fertile soil for dissent and freedom.

America has just elected an avowed Marxist, aligned with the principles of British Fabianism, to be their president for at least the next four years. McCain would have been no different; for the Zionists and the State of Israel, who control America, stacked their cards to ensure for themselves a satisfactory outcome either way.

We in the European Soviet Union have become accustomed to the gradualism of a Jewish-Freemasonic dominated socialist bureaucracy that stifles freedom of speech and imprisons truth tellers as a matter of course under various strictures aimed at those brave enough to challenge historical orthodoxy and the Zionist manipulation of the usurious banking and financial system. On account of our weakness and cowardice to resist the encroachments upon our liberties, we are now easy prey for the Satanic elites who govern us by decree from Brussels.
At a whim, they haul us before their judicial synagogues in the same fashion as the Spanish Inquisition. No jury. No admissible defence. No escape from Gulag Europa. Case closed.

Now Americans must suffer the same plight. The corporate fascist enabling laws, most of which took shape under executive orders issued by the Clinton and Bush administrations, are now the purloin of the international socialist Obama government. It is my suspicion that the CFR and the Bilderberg cliques have determined that Obama will be a two-term president; and under his auspices Americans will be left disarmed, without any freedom of speech and devoid of the civil liberties they enjoyed prior to the treasonous Bush junta.

It is hardly a surprise to me that Obama has chosen former Clinton insiders, Zionist communitarians, treacherous Israeli dual-citizens and “Common Purpose” advocates as his main advisors. It was a done deal months before his (s)election. Once again, Americans have foolishly allowed themselves to be ensnared by the serpentine hypnotic trance of the City of London and its Zionist overlords.

The new American president may well be the “Black Pope” of which Nostradamus spoke, for the aforesaid recognised no higher authority than the Father of Rome; and America has, by its own volition and servitude to the parasitic Zionist entity, inherited every aspect of the empire that never died but was torn apart by civil war and internal strife. This curse has now been passed to the United States, which will soon experience nothing but disunity, repression, martial law, secession and massive suffering on a scale far surpassing that of the Great Depression.

I am simply an ordinary Englishman living in Germany under the shadow of a plastic Zionist dictatorship and the prospect of arrest and imprisonment due to the opinions I have published over the past few years. Yet I care deeply for my fellow ancestral Europeans in America, for they were always our last hope: comprising the great Alamo of resistance against global Jewish-Zionist tyranny and its much-heralded communist Noahide laws for the Goyim.

Now the Alamo has fallen, and with it nary a chance that the world can be truly free again.

And so the burden of responsibility for the future of our children and our grandchildren lies upon the shoulders of brave individuals in place of steadfast, free and independent nation states. You know who you are, and the decision to do the right thing is yours and yours alone. Nobody will help you. Like me, you’re a lone wolf pining for freedom. Look to no leaders, for there are none; and those who pose as such are merely tools of the state.

These are the days of which the great prophets and seers of all religions spoke. These are not the End of Times, but the beginning of a leaderless resistance: the turning of the tide.

In the early hours of Monday morning, the parasitic Zionists will cut me off from the rest of the world by word and mouth, and I must trust that my letters pass untrammelled through the hands of the German Zionist police state, which has unerringly and successfully connived at depriving me of my income.

But I shall continue to fight to the bitter end, for this is my Alamo. They cannot and will not ever break my spirit. I shall never accept defeat, go down on my knees and lick the boots of the financial and political Master Race. I am, and shall always remain, a defiantly freeborn Englishman.

I refuse to be a slave to those who have torn our world asunder and who have despoiled our culture, our values and our noble heritage with their insane decadence and sneering disrespect.

And you? Will you go gently into the night?

It's your shout.

Michael James, an Englishman, is a former freelance journalist resident in Germany since 1992 with additional long-haul stays in East Africa, Poland and Switzerland.

Regular readers of thetruthseeker and Les Visible blogs will know that Mike James has been fighting his own lone war against the PTB for some time now, and has suffered accordingly. Thing is, he doesn't have any extensive back-up support (such as Laura has with the SOTT and Cassiopaea sites, for instance).

His writings have shown that there is no intrinsic difference between what is happening in the US at the moment and the European Union. Germany is the only EU country which has laws in place to prevent people 'researching' the Holocaust, although other EU countries don't take kindly to this either.

All in all, a very gloomy outlook for Europeans.
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