The Force is Strong With This One
Sibel Edmonds, the most classified woman in American history just released her second book, The Lone Gladio on Sept 11, 2014.
The release date was not chosen by accident.
While her first book 'Classified Woman' was autobiographical, 'The Lone Gladio' is her first attempt at a novel and she hits a home run at her first at bat!
It has many layers to it; on the surface it is a spy thriller. Dig just a little deeper and you will see that she is
writing about Operation Gladio B, the continuation of Operation Gladio.
Sibel is an extremely talented and brave woman.
Anyone who is interested in putting together many pieces of the 9/11 puzzle will enjoy reading this book.
I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
The book can be purchased at several venues including
Hop over there for some excellent reviews of the book.
The release date was not chosen by accident.
While her first book 'Classified Woman' was autobiographical, 'The Lone Gladio' is her first attempt at a novel and she hits a home run at her first at bat!
It has many layers to it; on the surface it is a spy thriller. Dig just a little deeper and you will see that she is
writing about Operation Gladio B, the continuation of Operation Gladio.
Sibel is an extremely talented and brave woman.
Anyone who is interested in putting together many pieces of the 9/11 puzzle will enjoy reading this book.
I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
The book can be purchased at several venues including
Hop over there for some excellent reviews of the book.