The "Mandela Effect"- Has my Bible changed? Or do I just have a bad memory like most people?

Why limit the possibilities in regard to reality bridging? I guess the "current" timeline may be the result of multiple possible changes and each individual limited by the his own awareness level may experience it differently / contextually.

did a search on deja vu on and the session on January 4th 1997 may be relevant
Source: Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search
A: Deja vu comes to you compliments of 4th density STS.

Q: (L) Is deja vu a result of some sensation of the universe having changed?

A: Or... some sensation of reality bridging.

Q: (T) As you move into the new one, you have leftovers?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is reality bridging?

What does it sound like?

Q: (L) Is it somewhat like merging universes? (T) A bridge is something you put between two things...

A: You wish to limit, wait till 4th density, when the word will be obsolete!

Q: (L) That still doesn't help me to understand deja vu as a "sensation of reality bridging." Is deja vu because something comes into our reality from another?

A: One possibility..

Q: (T) Didn't we talk about this? That it is a bleedthrough from other dimensions... that when we think we have been someplace before, it is because in another dimension we have...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If you are now in a particular universe that has been created and merged by 4th density STS, and there is still the old universe existing, and you feel a connection, or a bridging, because some alternate self is in that alternate universe, living through some experience... or a similar thing?

A: No limits of possibilities.

Q: (L) So it can be any and all of those things, and bridging realities of "past" and "future," as well. Is it possible to change the past within a discrete universe, or does every change imply a new or alternate universe?

A: Discrete does not get it.

Q: (L) Well, within a particular, selected one of the universes, can you go back in time, within that universe, change the past, and have it change everything forward, still within that selected universe, like a domino effect?

A: In such a case, yes.

Q: (L) But, you said that if you want to change the past, you have to create an alternate universe... (T) No, you asked about changing the past, and they said you have to create a temporary place to work from, a position from which you can manipulate the reality...

A: That is for specialized activities.

Q: (L) So that creating of an alternate universe was for special things, and not for a general historic change?

A: What was described is not the same as an "alternate universe."

Q: (L) It is a temporary file that will go away when you are finished loading the program. And that is not creating an alternate universe, but rather a temporary dimension...

A: Close.
"Q: (L) Well, within a particular, selected one of the universes, can you go back in time, within that universe, change the past, and have it change everything forward, still within that selected universe, like a domino effect?

A: In such a case, yes."

This reminds me of a quote from William James where I think he was talking about multiple existences and how they can emerge and be accessed in special states of consciousness. Possibly the Wave may enhance this?

William James in his book 'The Varieties of Religious Experience':

The whole drift of my education goes to persuade me that the world of our present consciousness is only one out of many worlds of consciousness that exist, and that those other worlds must contain experiences which have a meaning for our life also; and that although in the main their experiences and those of this world keep discrete, yet the two become continuous at certain points, and higher energies filter in."
"Q: (L) Well, within a particular, selected one of the universes, can you go back in time, within that universe, change the past, and have it change everything forward, still within that selected universe, like a domino effect?

A: In such a case, yes."

Very interesting. My interpretation is that if you alter the past you will inevitably create an alternate timeline that will carry on independently from the original one, with a new set of conditions that will overwrite any possible paradoxes. But according to the C’s answer here, this new timeline would normally be inserted within the same universe that contained the original timeline, and not in some alternate universe. This would imply that the present universe contains many independent timelines, and the question would rather be, what is it that keeps us generally focused on one particular timeline throughout our present incarnation? I would speculate that one has a natural tendency to be drawn towards a “default timeline” because that timeline functions as a consensus reality by virtue of having been coalesced from the sum-total of all similar expectations and beliefs held by the majority of conscious beings; it’s the reality on which the most emotional currency has been invested.

This all boils down to the basic tenet that your beliefs create your reality, and that if you can manage to accept that you are only currently operating from a set of deeply ingrained beliefs basically because you made up your mind to play in the present sandbox, so you have to abide by the agreed upon rules. Then it also follows that at some point you can decide that the currently accepted beliefs have served their purpose and that you are ready to play in a different sandbox.
This would imply that the present universe contains many independent timelines, and the question would rather be, what is it that keeps us generally focused on one particular timeline throughout our present incarnation? I would speculate that one has a natural tendency to be drawn towards a “default timeline” because that timeline functions as a consensus reality by virtue of having been coalesced from the sum-total of all similar expectations and beliefs held by the majority of conscious beings; it’s the reality on which the most emotional currency has been invested.

Sounds good!
Off topic - If anyone took an interest in the video I posted with Clif High and Dick A;guire about a coming event, here is a video of the six remote viewers discussing what to do with the information they received. Hopefully, someone will ask the Cs about this topic.

I am reading this now:
OK, here is a fascinating website that deals with time line shifts. Here is a page devoted to the 'Mandela Effect'. The rest of the webpage is even more fascinating.

And I found this quote:

Looney Toons

The children’s cartoon, the “Looney Toons” was loved by many. I myself would be glued to the television set all during my childhood. I would watch Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd, and the host of other characters entertain me.

The name, “Looney Toons” makes sense because “toons” is the ending of cartoons. The show is actually called “Looney Tunes.” Seriously. It’s not even a musical show!
So I remembered it like "toones" but now there is poped up a memory:
A friend of mine introduced me tho millencolin who had a song called "tiny toons" to "the same old tunes" because of copyright infringement with the tiny toons form Warner bros. (Same Old Tunes - Wikipedia.)
So why would WB call them tiny toons if the original is called loony tunes and why can millencolin use tunes if the loony tu(u)(oo)n(e)s use it too, that would be either an infringement...
This incident raises my curiosity - Is ist possible to pinpoint the original truth by searching it through a backdoor (via detours)?
Or am I only confused by that and this example can not proove anything?
Very interesting. My interpretation is that if you alter the past you will inevitably create an alternate timeline that will carry on independently from the original one, with a new set of conditions that will overwrite any possible paradoxes. But according to the C’s answer here, this new timeline would normally be inserted within the same universe that contained the original timeline, and not in some alternate universe. This would imply that the present universe contains many independent timelines, and the question would rather be, what is it that keeps us generally focused on one particular timeline throughout our present incarnation? I would speculate that one has a natural tendency to be drawn towards a “default timeline” because that timeline functions as a consensus reality by virtue of having been coalesced from the sum-total of all similar expectations and beliefs held by the majority of conscious beings; it’s the reality on which the most emotional currency has been invested.

This all boils down to the basic tenet that your beliefs create your reality, and that if you can manage to accept that you are only currently operating from a set of deeply ingrained beliefs basically because you made up your mind to play in the present sandbox, so you have to abide by the agreed upon rules. Then it also follows that at some point you can decide that the currently accepted beliefs have served their purpose and that you are ready to play in a different sandbox.



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Here's a video I came upon that has an individual that purports to be a channel for an ET life-form. In it there is an explanation of what the 'Mandela Effect' is and there is some light hearted discussion of some of what people notice in the time-line shifts.

OK, this is even weirder/freakier than I could imagine. A bloke takes a older phone and uses it to 'look back through time' at various Mandela Effects. Crikey, just when I think I'm getting a handle on this phenomena something like this pops up.

I just had an interesting experience that reminded my of the "reality bridging" phenomena. Last night, I wanted to take a piece of bread and I saw that there are several pieces that only had a crust on them, the middle was missing, just like when the kids sometimes like to eat only the middle and leave out the crust.

Today, I asked my mother why was she using only the middle of the bread pieces, and she answered that she thought that it was me. There are only two of us in the apartment, and we don't have any mice. So that makes me wonder if somehow the bread passed over from another reality?

I don't remember that something like this ever happened to me before, but it looks like a "reality bridge" case. If it was, maybe it has something to do with this recent solar activity.
Actually, I did remember another situation when my mother was angry at me and accused me of using all of her hand cream. I told her that she was wrong because I do not use hand creams. Many years ago I did, but ever since I discovered that iodine makes my hand skin in great condition, I do not have any need for hand creams.

Anyway, she didn't believe me and bought me a male version of her hand cream. Well, like I told her, I don't use hand creams anymore, so the cream just stood there, and she ended up using it instead of me. I thought that she just forgot that she used all of her hand cream, but looking at that situation from the current perspective, perhaps she was right, perhaps somebody did use her hand cream. Just like a couple of days ago, somebody ate the bread.

Interestingly, in both situations it was something connected to her. In the first situation, it was her hand cream, and in the second, she bought the bread. Perhaps this parallel reality merging is somehow connected to her? She does sometimes have the world spinning around her, so to speak, something which reminds me of many of Laura's life experiences. I think that she has some kind of special genes, but unfortunately was never interested in anything esoteric. Astrology is the furthest that she is willing to go.
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