The Middle East


Jedi Master
This has been on my mind for quite along time. The Middle East is where all three great religions started. It is like a Bermuda Triangle - first Moses from Egypt, then Jesus (Christ) in Bethlehem and then Mohammed in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. If you draw the lines, it is like a triangle. Why were all the religions born within this triangle ? And why is there so much conflict and turmoil in these lands ? Is there a hyperdimensional portal of some sort here for the entropic beings to easily travel and meddle things up ? Some parts of the world seem to have a larger share of the ongoing troubles, wars, what not. Or am I just imagining things ? Any thoughts .....
Yes there is a huge portal. I remember reading in the C's transcripts (dont know exactly where) that this is the largest portal. almost 1000 miles or so.
In 'Bringers of the Dawn', the Pleideans mentioned a huge portal in the Middle East which may be important for STS activities during the 'end times'. They don't elaborate on this, I don't remember the C's mentioning it either.
Thanks Ben, I started reading Bringer's of the Dawn but didn't get there yet. Gotta finish Secret History of the World first. I looked up at the index for portals- it mentions it on page 260 in relation to Morris Jessup. I'll quote from this book by Laura Knight-Jadczyk with her permission : (I hope I am not infringing on her copyright rights)
There are several important things in the comments of Jessup that are pertinent to our discussion here. Not only is he drawing very close to describing a paraphysical, hyperdimensional state of existence which utilizes gravitational technology, he is also pointing out a certain ''periodicity''to the activities of same in relation to what might be considered points in time when ''dimensional doorways'' open and close naturally. This is the fundemental concept behind his idea of garvitational nodes in a three-body system, the Earth, Moon and Sun. Jessup came to these ideas by reasearching UFOs and other anomalous phenomena, and it is very interesting to speculate as to how this might connect to the ideas of Gurdijeff when he says we are ''food for the moon''. In the latter case, Gurdijeff was repeating an ancient idea that
may have been related to the concept of hyperdimensional beings using gravitational nodes as ''portals'' between dimensions. Portal or dimensional doorways or gravitational nodes - do they all mean the same thing ? But why do they say dimensional doorways and not doorways through/between densities ?

Sleepingboy, I cannot seem to use the search function for the C's sessions, I downloaded them all from the Casschat files. If you can search the sessions could you tell me the date of this particular session ? thanks in advance.
The C's were asked about the middle-east portal, mentioned by the Pleiadians, in Session 971004:

Q: [...] On page 33 of 'Bringers of the Dawn,' Barbara Marciniak writes: 'there have been different portals on earth that have allowed different species, creator gods from space, to insert themselves. One of the huge portals that presently being fought over is the portal of the Middle East. If you think back over the history of the Earth, you will realize how many dramas of religion and civilization have been introduced in that portal. It's a huge portal with a radius of 1,000 miles or so. This is why there is so much activity in the Middle East. This is the portal that the Lizzies use.' Could you comment on that information? Are there other portals that are that large which are used by positive entities?
A: Portal is dual.
Q: So any can use it. Is it correct that this is a large portal over the Middle East?
A: Statements made in publication are close, but not absolute.
Q: Is this idea of portals extremely significant. Are they fought over?
A: Yes, but you do not need to explore these truths, until you have learned more.
This discussion reminds me of something i read in Tom Robbin's Skinny Legs and All and then remembered it few years later as i was reading this particular part of the C's transcripts. He described the fights and the bloodshed in Middle east as being the pains of labor, something will be born out of that region he said, that will change the world [paraphrazing]. At the time i read it as a positive thing, but it's a fiction novel so i didn't pay much attention to it. When i read this from the C's transcripts, it came back to mind and i realized that this "birth" might not be in our best interests. Am afraid we'll live to find out!

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