The Mind of Hitler: A Secret Wartime Report by Walter Langer

I got this book through the local library a few days ago after reading the articles featured on SOTT where the author was writing a multipart series on Bush/Hitler, and made frequent references to this book. I have to say I found it a really interesting read, and it was a fairly easy read as well. My only issue is Langer's lack of describing what he means when he says "psychopath". Because by Langer's psychological analysis of Hitler, he seemed to be very much someone that was capable of some emotions, albeit in the most perverted sense. Langer's history of Hitler did not seem to reflect the idea that Hitler was, from the start, a psychopath as Martha Stout would term it. From the fragmented portrait that Langer was able to put together, Hitler seemed to have been traumatized, abused, etc, from the very beginning, but he did not seem to be manipulative, in fact he seemed to have retreated from society in his early days, and only became his manipulative and domineering self once he found acceptance in the military.

Anyone else read this?
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