The Obama Campaign - The Orwellian Nightmare

Heck I think I'm going to Vote for Obama just for fun. I mean, no other election i've participated in gave me the chance to vote for a woman/black/openly gay candidate, so I might as well enjoy the opportunity for what it is.

I don't really think he'll win, and even if he does he'll toe the line of the PTB or be replaced, but still what's the real harm in voting for him? Besides, my other option is to a.) not vote, or b.) write in Ron Paul


on the topic of racism I have no comment, however the attitude towards gays has palpably changed in the last 10-15 years. I mean, does anyone else remember when Ellen came out on TV? I mark that as the turning point in my mind.
Autobot said:
Heck I think I'm going to Vote for Obama just for fun.

Gotta say, you made me smile Why not Barry? No matter who wins we still lose. Darned shame, but what the hey, gotta have some humor, eh? I'd rather laugh than cry.
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
If we are any more "free" than in previous years, it is not because of anything happening in mainstream politics. The PTB efforts to make uss even less free have been accelerating - trashing of Constitutional rights, Patriot Acts, offering limited choices in candidates, cameras everywhere etc. etc...

No, any increase in freedom comes in the knowledge department. More people are beginning to see the "man behind the curtain" for what he really is, and that is the beginning of being able to see through all of the machinations and the lies.
Autobot said:
Heck I think I'm going to Vote for Obama just for fun. I mean, no other election i've participated in gave me the chance to vote for a woman/black/openly gay candidate, so I might as well enjoy the opportunity for what it is.

Hmmm, opportunity for what? Obama has his strings clearly attached and he's a 100% supporter of Israel. "His" choice (if it really was his) of running mate just emphasizes that even more (see recent SOTT article with youtube clip of Biden). I can't support anyone who basically has quite a similar foreign policy as the Bush administration, just with different words and better "acting" (which is really not that hard when looking at Bush) and some hypnotizing slogans, supporting the war on terror, not questioning the official version of 9/11, the Al Qaida scare and supporting Terrorist Nation Israel. In my eyes, it is irrelevant if a candidate is black, female, gay or anything else. It comes down to what he/she says without getting sidetracked by appearances. Obama is as "black" as C. Rice or Colin Powell. Americans always like the game of superficial entertainment and image, as if life is just a hollywood movie, where the oppressed underdog will eventually win.

For fun? Sure, don't quite understand the fun part in it though. I refuse to give any vote to any of the candidates in this ponerized system. I'd quote George Carlin's version of "Hope" here, but here's the man himself:
Bernhard said:
Hmmm, opportunity for what? Obama has his strings clearly attached and he's a 100% supporter of Israel.

Well, opportunity to vote for the black guy. Like I said, what's the other option - not vote, or write someone in. Besides, it's not like our votes 'count' in any real sense. I could write in Jon Stewart too, or Barney the Purple Dinosaur, or Myself and my vote would be just as useless as voting for Obama or McSame, sooooo what's the harm in voting for Obama?

I might add there is the infinitesimally small chance that he's playing the game to get in office and then pull a shake-up Kennedy style. I mean, it's a possibility even if it's like a .00001% chance, no? That would make him a better option then any of the above.... osit.
Autobot said:
Well, opportunity to vote for the black guy.

Why not just imagine that you're 'voting for the black guy' - since that's as real as it will be. It has sunk in that it's ALL - 100% - theatre, right?

au said:
I might add there is the infinitesimally small chance that he's playing the game to get in office and then pull a shake-up Kennedy style. I mean, it's a possibility even if it's like a .00001% chance, no?

I really don't think so - it seems that the time where such a thing was possible has passed us by. If you go to vote to maintain a strategic enclosure, that's one thing - but if you go to vote because you think it's 'neat' to 'vote for the black guy (robotoid)' or because you actually think your vote will be counted to get him elected in which case he would pull a 'shake up' then you're dreaming.

If you think about it, your thinking is rather contradictory, since you admit your vote isn't counted, but then offer the possibility that voting for him could allow him to get into office and shake things up --- how would that work if your vote isn't counted? :huh:
Wishful thinking will get you every time. ;)
So, why wouldn't it be "fun" to vote for McKinney?
Black, female, single mom, more cojones than the rest, thoroughly falsely demonized....? :evil:
I mean, if voting means nuthin, then what the hey?
Still don't know what I'll do, but certainly won't give ANY form of energy to the unreality crew!
ron paul? oh puleeze! libertarianism is so lame. doesn't anyone get that capitalism, etc is all pathic? Sheesh! :huh:
More dementia Now! :cool2:


This isn't about higher consciousness or self-discovery or heaven on earth. This is about blood-caked swords and Buddha's rotting head and self-immolation, and anyone who says otherwise is selling something they don't have.
-Jed McKenna
Autobot said:
Bernhard said:
Hmmm, opportunity for what? Obama has his strings clearly attached and he's a 100% supporter of Israel.

Well, opportunity to vote for the black guy. Like I said, what's the other option - not vote, or write someone in. Besides, it's not like our votes 'count' in any real sense. I could write in Jon Stewart too, or Barney the Purple Dinosaur, or Myself and my vote would be just as useless as voting for Obama or McSame, sooooo what's the harm in voting for Obama?

Honestly, I wouldn't be able to tell if a vote "counts" or not. How can one prove it? What IF it counts? On some level you are giving your energy/permission to that person. So whoever I give my vote to, I want to make sure that he/she can see through the main issues affecting the world these days (questioning war on terror, al qaida, 9/11, Israel, etc). I don't see any candidate TRULY addressing these issues, including Ron Paul. And obviously no one would , because he/she would not even up there to begin with if they would truly question any of that.
Truth is not good for popularity.

Autobot said:
I might add there is the infinitesimally small chance that he's playing the game to get in office and then pull a shake-up Kennedy style. I mean, it's a possibility even if it's like a .00001% chance, no? That would make him a better option then any of the above.... osit.

Sure nothing is set in stone, so to speak or as the C's would say it is "open". But this contradicts what you said above that you consider your vote useless.
So in a sense you do project some "Hope" into Obama, even if it only .00001%.
However, in this day and age I think nothing will change by crossing an X on election day and "hoping" that someone will lead the way out of this. It's more wishful thinking than "hope" and could actually result in more serious problems, when mistaking "A" for "B" influences.

As far as I see Obama, based on my own observation, trying to be as objective as my current state of "Being" allows, I see more manipulation and even more deception in many ways than Bush or McCain. With Bush it is quite obvious. With Obama, he is more eloquent, more likable, can talk better, finds the right words, but essentially his policy is really not that much different than that of the Bush administration. I see him as more perfected psychopath, a better actor, giving the people exactly what they want to hear, mirroring their desperation and appearing to be different, when he is not at all. To me it seems the deception is becoming more and more subtle, where "A" influences are being mistaken as "B" influences more easily, giving bits of truth but still saturated with lies in very cunning ways.
Obama seems to have a big following in the New Age Movement, promoted as a Light Worker, who will bring world peace. That alone should raise some questions.
People project so many things into him, including his Kennedy comparison, it is rather disturbing to me.
I see him as the best tool, the perfect puppet, so to speak, better than McCain or Bush, to bring in total control, which the people will accept without questioning, precisely because of his hyped image of the "Savior" and appearing as a "Minority".

Of course, I could be all wrong with the way I currently see it, but I wouldn't just bet on the .00001%

I think, what it comes down to is reflected in the new direction here on the forum, and that is focus on esoteric matters. I think it is quite obvious that the majority of people are not going to wake up, because waking up requires quite some (Self)-Work and not just voting for the "right" person.

Krishnamurti said it well in a talk he gave over 40 years go (from his book "The First and Last Freedom"):

Krishnamurti said:
No leader is going to gives us peace, no government, no army, no country. What will bring peace is inward transformation, which will lead to outward action. Inward transformation is not isolation, is not withdrawal from outward action. On the contrary, there can be right action only when there is right thinking and there is no right thinking when there is no self-knowledge. Without knowing yourself, there is no peace.
To put an end to outward war, you must begin to put an end to war in yourself. Some of you will nod your heads and say, "I agree", and go outside and do exactly the same as you have been doing for the last ten or twenty years. Your agreement is merely verbal and has no significance, for the world's miseries and wars are not going to be stopped by your casual assent. They will be only stopped when you realize the danger, when you realize your responsibility, when you do not leave it to somebody else. If you realize the suffering, if you see the urgency of immediate action and do not postpone, then you will transform yourself and the world.

In a way, the Obama hype (which is so apparent where I live, here in California) reminds me of a section in "Bringers of the Dawn" by the P's.
In this particular excerpt, they talk more about alien intervention, but their take on "authority" can be applied to the political system as well and the foolishness of following world leaders. At least that's how see it. The walk towards a "false god" is something that reminds me of the Obama hype these days, all based on blind belief and wishful thinking. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Obama (if he becomes president) would play the "brothers from space" card, considering the support he has in the New Age Movement, who also can't wait for their Space Brothers to land and "unite" humanity. I'm going a bit far out here with the Obama topic, but maybe you can catch my drift.

Bringers of the Dawn said:
Not everyone is going to make the shift. Everyone is not in the vibration that wants to work in harmony at this time. There are those on Earth who will feel as if they are in states of ecstacy when they find what they think is a new authority, a higher authority, a new paradigm. You are all learning about authority... That authority is coming back to Earth. There is a lesson in this for Earth. These beings, who are neither spiritually informed nor lean in spiritual ways, deny the existence of a spiritual force. They have developed scientific principles and technologies that scatter the laws of sprituality... It is possible to become a brilliant master of manipulating matter and reality without understanding spritual connections. It is very important that you learn this... Just as you have cultivated very powerful individuals upon this planet who are not in touch with their feeling centers... there are those who exist in space who are extremely powerful... who have nothing to do with spirituality... Wanting to have something to worship is the frequency control on Earth. What the planet is headed for is someone or something new to worship.
Many of you may find that you will be very frustrated. You will see things that others will not see; you will see a mass mania occurring on this planet, and you will not be able to live with it. You will see masses of people walk toward a false god that is foolishness. Many of you who have studied and used your own discernment will be shocked and appalled at the foolishness and ideological worship that the rest of the human race will express toward certain beings from space. You will become disgusted with society because you will not fit with the new gods, and you will retreat.
Iconoclast said:
of course when one looks at the situation of blacks in america objectively, it's quite obvious that the PTB don't give a damn about them, even increasing their suffering intentionally in order to keep them down. (ghettoization, drugs and the resulting crime, while the corporate-wh0re rapper on MTV tells them that all these things are 'cool')

I would say that not only does the above apply to blacks in America, but all races pretty much everywhere. That's not to say minorities don't have it more difficult. But I'd say the PTB don't give a damn about anyone, no matter the race.
Bernhard said:
Well, opportunity to vote for the black guy. Like I said, what's the other option - not vote, or write someone in. Besides, it's not like our votes 'count' in any real sense. I could write in Jon Stewart too, or Barney the Purple Dinosaur, or Myself and my vote would be just as useless as voting for Obama or McSame, sooooo what's the harm in voting for Obama?

I don't think our votes count much either, though if one keeps voting while hoping to have an impact on which leader will be elected might be the proof that we still believe in a lie, the lie that electors choose their leaders.

On the other side voting can be part of a strategic enclosure, going to the voting office, participating to this "great democratic dynamics" to give the illusion to neighbours and local officials that you fully believe in the democratic dream.
If you haven't seen it, please see the documentary called "Spin" here:

Notice in the documentary what was done to Larry Agran, which is also mentioned here:

So in case it is not already completely obvious, this documentary should help in the understanding that the media are completely owned and controlled. Obama would not even show up on television unless he walked the party line.

As for the man himself, please see the following articles, each one having something to add to the overall picture of what is Obama:


Then please see this page that goes point by point through various things Obama said:

The link above has its problems, assumptions, and biases, but it also does make some valid observations about the lies Obama has already told, so that's why I included it.

The future may be open - but knowledge protects. If you think about it, you can use "the future is open" as an excuse to do anything that based on all available data is a very damaging and destructive thing. You leave open the possibility that it might, against all evidence, data, and odds, turn out for the best. If you do that, how does "knowledge protects" play a role in this type of existence? It doesn't, you're not using knowledge, you're just wishfully thinking.

In addition to the above, you may want to do some digging into this:

Obama and his pastor - this one is REALLY telling. With a racist bigot like his pastor, there is no way in hell Obama could sit through 20 years of his "preaching" - anybody who is not a racist bigot would be sick to their stomach on day one. This whole excuse that he doesn't agree with everything has pastor believes and then suddenly disassociating himself from the church only now is ridiculous in the extreme. That's like if Bush suddenly quit the Skull and Bones club when he got elected because it looks bad for his image and by saying "oh I don't agree with everything those guys believe". I mean come on, get real.

Obama's financial and media support - see the above documentary, and the above articles. People who are sponsoring his campaign are very, very bad people. They don't just sponsor anybody - they only sponsor people they trust will act in their best interest. And why would they have such trust that Obama will do this? Faith? Yeah right!

As has been mentioned, Obama avoids every single real issue and pledges his unconditional support for Israel. And just to make sure we know he's not kidding, he chooses a Zionist psychopath as his running mate - it's like icing on the cake.

Combine all of the above with the fact that the president has never been in control or in charge of what he does or what happens in the world, and add to it the rigged elections, and there's just no wiggle room for Obama or anybody else.

But if you you are going to allow for the possibility that Obama has a 1/1000000 chance to shake things up, why not just believe the same thing about Hillary or McCain too? Maybe they're just really good at faking just so they can get into the white house and start undermining the evil system? Wishful thinking will get you - every time.

Also although voting doesn't matter - you're giving it more numbers. Just by participating in the process you're telling the system "I support this system, I'm providing energy to it, I'm keeping the system alive by helping it stay alive". The pathocracy exists only as long as everyone keeps participating. It's like going to Church for the fun of it - if half the people in Church do it just for the social aspect, it actually helps the religions stay powerful and keep brainwashing people and continue to look like they have tons of members and support and therefore legitimacy. So why add to the voter turnout? Why legitimize the process in the eyes of everyone else? Why continue the illusion that the system works and everybody is participating and taking it seriously - even if you personally are not? And worst of all, why keep the system running by adding yourself as another gear?
Well curses, I did contradict myself.

Well on that note I think I'll write myself in.... if anyone should be running those I's it's.....

Me!! No Me! Me! Ah.. right - ME! He's dumb Vote Me! Don't forget Me!
SAO said:
Also although voting doesn't matter - you're giving it more numbers. Just by participating in the process you're telling the system "I support this system, I'm providing energy to it, I'm keeping the system alive by helping it stay alive". The pathocracy exists only as long as everyone keeps participating. It's like going to Church for the fun of it - if half the people in Church do it just for the social aspect, it actually helps the religions stay powerful and keep brainwashing people and continue to look like they have tons of members and support and therefore legitimacy. So why add to the voter turnout? Why legitimize the process in the eyes of everyone else? Why continue the illusion that the system works and everybody is participating and taking it seriously - even if you personally are not? And worst of all, why keep the system running by adding yourself as another gear?

Great analogy.
Also thanks for the links, SAO.

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