Why Does'nt ET reveal themselves openly & other questions - 7th September 2005, 12:47 PM
That is a real good question. One fellow who talked with ET, Phil Krapf, asked ET if they intended to take over the racket here on earth, or words to that effect. ET responded with a curious statement, "We do not traffic in Pain nor Cruelty."
So they are not what we could consider ordinary political players. As early as the 1950s when Eisenhower was in office, apparently ET did talk with people within the Pentagon. It may be if they revealed themselves openly, it could be used by the forces that run the police states to attempt to convince the public that they are hostile to us, and they could continue with the police state racket that they have historically put upon us.
As we are being contacted by a much higher level intelligence, speculation is part of the equation. Our predatory leadership can continue to fleece us because they can control our minds by the use of the mass media. Once we see thru the game, it will end.
Some humans may think that ETs are "Gods" and develop new cults to worship them. I think that they would prefer to have a grown up relationship with us, after the 200,000 years since they created us. It may be like meeting relatives that we never knew that we had.
As for the speed of light travel, these are blood and flesh beings who can travel great distances by bending and folding space, which would give them a speed much beyond the speed of light. They also appear to be able to pass into and out of the dimension. This may be how they can travel such vast distances. At this time we only have a guess as to how their technology can do this. There are several different groups of ET, and people have reported that there are spiritual types of entities. When we have open contact with ET, that is if we can get these nuclear weapons retired before they are used on us, a new world that is a mystery now, will be known to us.
Channels to our Consciousness: A primate in an Israeli Zoo was treated for pneumonia. It would of ordinarily died but instead was given high tech treatment and lived. After the treatment, the Primate walked about as a man; no knuckle dragging, upright like a human. This may be a case of accidental Transmogrification of the Primate. By the very act of handling the animal, it absorbed some of our qualities. This may be part of the Abduction phenomenon. Merely by handling us, they pass unto us qualities of themselves, and is, or could be a tool to help us transition from a earthbound creature, to a higher level being as themselves.
As to why the truth has been supressed for so long, the humans who have been riding the herd have been having too much fun for too long to want to change the rules of the game. Think about it, will we continue to allow a few million people to build prisons, run death sqauds and initiate aggressive criminal wars? The great adversity that is brought upon humanity by a small number of predatory humans will end once the mass figures it out. Those who ordinarily say nothing, will react once they are fully aware of the deceptions of the predator classes.
Economically, the income distribution will change. Though, with higher technology, the overall amount of wealth should go straight thru the roof.So the people at the top will have possibly more than they have now, yet the ordinary people will have a much larger amount of income.
The distribution of income is the one factor that causes the financial elite to want to maintain control of the political structure. War is the only way that they can "Maintain the Disparity," at the levels that we have in this wealthy country. It is "Animal Primitivism" that makes them want to continue the "Ruse."
How to convince someone of the existence of ET: The way that ET approachs many people and events lends itself to a form of mind operation. It appears that some of the things they do, seem absurd. This may be a way of shaking the human mind, so that it begins to understand how deception operates, giving us a clue how our predator class is fooling us.
Only a few weeks ago an anti-war group had a meeting and I told them of this excellent book, "Aliens from Space" (1973) by Donald Keyhoe, to explain what was going on in the nuclear world. In this short time, the insiders in the library, shut that source of information down. The book was deleted from the library collection.
As to the evidence of ET, read the Keyhoe book, it is full of incidents that have been classified. Curiously, Keyhoe never understood the Politics of the Extraterrestrials, because he did not understand the basis of human warfare.
On my website, http://politicsofet.com I enter into the biological imperatives that also lead to warfare, which are somewhat beyond the politics of class. The struggle for resources in a scarce environment and how genocide is but a type of biologically created behavior. Individual Biological Opportunity, is the term given to the behavior. It is seen in times of civil war, where one family member struggles against another over access to the resource base.
The connection between ET and Assassinations: John Kennedy was on Airforce One, and there was a conversation about flying saucers amongst the staff. One person asked JFK about it, and he became very serious and said, "They won't let me talk about it."
Marylynn Monroe had said to her maid that there was a big secret about the "people from space." The death of Mary Meyer a year after JFK asks the question of why she was slain. A confidant of JFK, she was a lady in the "KNOW." She was also committed to peace, so that could of been a double wammy from the point of view of the "Controllers."
Malcolm had crossed the bridge; He was looking for an Ideology that would liberate the people, and had begun contacts with the white radicals. The plan of Racism is to prevent the linking of peoples, and to keep the seperation. He realized that a certain number of whites had wanted to align with blacks for radical action. He didn't need ET to become such a big target. His high intelligence was leading a movement, and the "Controllers" sent him away.
John Lennon had seen a UFO over New York, though, his radical anti-war stance was what made him a big target.
RFK was headed to the White House, so he was sent away, though he must of known something about ET.
Pope John Paul I, appears to have been sent away by church leaders in the Vatican, that did not want his accountants to start doing the books. Dr King was sent away because he was all too powerful of a man. He linked the crimes here at home to the crimes in Viet-Nam. He was aiming to create a system based upon notions of Justice. Dr King had already developed plans for a guaranteed national income. That is a plan that we shall create, if we survive this time.
As to 911: In August several weeks before 911, there were pictures on the internet of a UFO seen buzzing the World Trade Center Towers. It was taken by someone in an air taxi; A Helicopter. It accelerated rapidly out of sight. My contention is, that ET is marking things for us to see, and find out what is up!
There was an interview on George Noorys show with a man that worked in the WTC. He related that on 9/10 that several black helicopters were circling the towers all day. On 911 he came to work late. The question; were the black helicopters US, trying to tell everybody what was up, or was it ET again?
As to the question of Dolphin communications; very good question and one that I have thought about for some time. I think that the ET has had communications with the higher level minds all around the planet. There are people who can talk to these animals, and hopefully we may hear some of their stories, if they should talk to the whales and Dolphins.
As ET has the ability to scan our minds, for sure the Dolphins would be a logical mind to interact with.
As to John Deans book, there is very little available that covers the underground nuclear shelters. They don't want to talk about them, plus they don't plan to invite us into them and if we think about the shelters, we may conclude that we need a different strategy. They prefer that we find out what the score is from our local sports team.
The last though for this session is the one about project OZMA. That was why I went to my local library to get Major Donald Keyhoes book. In his book "Aliens From Space," he descibes how in 1960 project OZMA came about as a group of radio astronomers set out to search for intelligant signals from outer space .
The top scientists in the field set up sensitive radio receivers and began listening for signs of intelligent life in outer space, and searching for messages to us from other worlds.
Shortly after the equipment was running, a clear signal was detected and recorded. The group of scientists listened to the signals, and thought that it was clearly a signal of intelligent origin, and not just a random pattern.
The message from space was then taken to be decoded. Shortly thereafter, The scientists who recorded the signals were told that it was not a message at all, just noise from space. Then, project OZMA was suddenly shut down and became a secret project not open to public scutiny.
Major Keyhoe explains that the scientists were certain that it was a intelligent message to us from some other world, and it so rattled our "Controllers," that it caused the project to be shut down, and only continued as a secret government research program.
It has been 45 years since the now classified "Top Secret" message was sent to we the people of planet earth. Ask yourself what type of message to us could of scared our "Controllers" so much, that they shut down project OZMA, and why were they so rattled by contact with other worlds?
Here it is; Decide for yourself. The Message to us from the people of some other as yet unknown world is this: "Peace is Perfect."