The secrets to aging gracefully

An article i've translated from my native language. Would like to share with ya.

It’s not difficult at all to live by the happiness list based on the scientific researches. Here is the happiness list that British scientists have researched for 5 years and that allegedly provide graceful aging:

1- Know well the diseases in your family. Be an expert for your own health.

2- Drink coffee. Be careful that it doesn’t contain sugar or milk.

3- Spend at least 15 minutes on the greenery. The bacteria on the forest land, play an important role in fighting depression. Also the substances that trees secrete decreases the blood pressure.

4- Walk every day at a fast pace for half an hour until you sweat.

5- Fast every day. Fasting every day for 14-16 hours, does strengthen intestinal health and protect from Alzheimer and diabetes.

6- After the age of 40, the body loses 1% of its muscle mass each year. Exercising, cooking and sleeping well prevents this.

7- Reading books and learning new things keeps the brain vigorous.

8- Working for long years protects from depression.

9- Napping for 30 minutes in the afternoon, strengthens mental health.

10- Lowering the dependency on the pills, decreases the risk of Alzheimer.

11- Consuming olive oil protects the heart.

12- Jumping for 10-20 times every day, is effective against osteoporosis.

13- Nutrients like green leafy vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, onion and garlic do strengthen the immunity.

14- People not having a strong peer connection carries the risk of early death of 29 percent.

15- Eating slowly and giving up on night snacking prevent diabetes.

16- For a good sleeping quality, it’s necessary no to look at the blue light emitting screens like cell phones and tablets in the evenings.

17- Consuming corn, bell pepper, carrot and black cabbage protects the eyes.

18- Adopting a dog and walking him decreases blood pressure and cholesterol.

19- The turmeric which is full of antioxidants protects the liver.

20- Viewing life always from a positive perspective keeps the mind steady.
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