The spaceship cloud

mentioned night (9/10 December) i had an extraordinarily vivid dream about sky being covered by some chopper-resembling flying machines. they were moving slowly on low altitude in a grid-like formation, emitting regular flashes of light. i was watching the situation through the window of my flat but i somehow knew they had appeared simultaneosly all over the world. i also had a feeling of strict cooperation between those vehicles, they were acting "as one" in order to get desired result. there was also an odd low-frequency vibration in the air (not an OOBE thing). it was not a physical sound, rather something meant to work on higher level. the vibration kept increasing throughout the dream and finally it started making me feel dizzy. then i woke up, with a sense of terror and ultimate control being taken over everything.

dreams of that kind happen to me from time to time but this one felt different. i don't know why, maybe because it was so realistic.
Nawd wrote: << What if there's some lizard sitting there with a button... and every time we feel inspired to do anything, he pushes that button? What if that saps our energy, saps our will and inspiration, saps our emotions, and makes our minds confused and critical thinking stunted? >>

This is an amusing image, Nawd, but, I swear, it feels almost exactly like that! Like a dull pain that comes at the thought of starting back in on a project, though once pushed through, it is like breaking a restraint. But, next day, it's hard to start again.

Those C's quotes, even though I'd read before, are mind-blowing to see together.
Keit said:
Hmm, interesting. I have a strange sleeping pattern with very weird dreams (including strange formation in the sky, etc...) since mid November. And since 9 of December I have a great trouble concentrating. I actually feel that if I wont focus my mind and thoughts, I'll lose a grip on reality and dwell into something or dissociate. Also for some reason time moves extremely fast for me, and no matter how I try, I can't do the same amount of things I was able to do not so long ago. As if I am wasting lot of time. I wasted lot of time before and still could do a lot. Very strange feeling and a bit disorienting. Maybe it is just as a result of lack of sleep.
On this, and fwiw, I have tried the Dick Sutphen tapes on Concentration Power. I figure that if there is an evil hypnotist then there must be a good one. Imo, the difference is that with the ‘good magician’ one is conscious of what one is doing and one knows why one is doing it. (Also, perhaps, and this is just speculation, is that it it may be possible that our 'higher' or greater part of the self (or whatever one wants to call it) that is, our ‘good hypnotist,’ can ‘hypnotize’ the lower part of the self, for just a brief moment, to send information or perhaps warnings to our conscious awareness).

However, I have found that I cannot expect miracles and permanent results from these tapes. It’s just a temporary aid but the tape have helped me. I combined this (listening to the tapes when going to sleep) with morning meditation. No big deal on the meditation. I just make an effort in the morning (although I’m working on being consistent about it) to sit comfortably and simply concentrate on my breathing until I relax. I don’t try to control my breathing in any way. I simply watch it, sense it, and listen to it for a little while until I relax.

These two actions have at least helped me to be more able to make the effort to concentrate. If persistent, and done with no anticipation, then something, sometimes, ‘clicks’ and suddenly I find I can focus better. But as I said these things are simply conscious aids to help me to be more able to make an effort to concentrate. Such aids, I think, can help counteract the negative hypnotic ‘feedback’ programming that we encounter in our everyday life that scatters our attention in ten thousand different ways. But I have found that the bottom line and most important is the effort of my will.

Also, I think proper diet and eating what is right for us is very important. I have found that certain negative internal states are a result of our identification with negative or uncomfortable physiological states and as a result they become negative psychological states that we erroneously call 'I'.
inspiring words indeed ScioAgapeOmnis , truly inspiring , you made it sound like it had to be made sound like , yup we're screwed from the point of view of having a 4D expert on subsuming 3D , a personal one.. egotist, powerful, knowledgeable , time traveling capabilities , and physically scary as hell , and yes we could sit down and let it do his job loose our minds and become a dominated perfect food source without being asked to but instead by being controlled influenced and threaten to...; well yes pretty bad huh? but what you pointed out was a great concept , move on , you are already aware of it all so do something about it or don't ,is up to everyone.

thanx man.. really nice words
SAO said:
What if there's some lizard sitting there with a button, with a monitor pointing at each and every one of us (in zero time so he's got all the time in the world to dedicate individual attention to each one of us), and every time we feel inspired to do anything, he pushes that button? What if that saps our energy, saps our will and inspiration, saps our emotions, and makes our minds confused and critical thinking stunted?
I think you've put your finger on something there, SAO.

Yesterday evening I finished reading 'Masquerade of Angels' by Karla Turner and Ted Rice, which has some very interesting information about cloning and moving souls or minds to new bodies - vis a vis the Cs talking about replacing us with a new race this makes fascinating reading - and as I neared the end of the book I decided I would sit and think about this new information, and make some notes.

But, after closing the book, it was as though all my desire and ability to think was switched off. I found myself almost unable to think about anything other than buying new curtains, what to eat for dinner the next day, and other completely mundane things. Every time I tried to return my thoughts to the book I had just read, I was distracted (manipulated? controlled?) into 'safe' thoughts. And these kind of thoughts were running automatically, almost without volition on my part.

It was quite an effort to return my thinking to the subject of alien/human encounters. So perhaps that reptile had his finger or claw or whatever appendage he likes to use, on the button all evening!

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