The Strangest thing just occurred.....


A webpage of a sign of the zodiac by CEO Carter appeared in my browser. Loaded by itself. The funny thing was, it was my zodiac sign. Stranger still, the url was local to my machine not from the web. Funnier still at the bottom of the webpage there was a website host which was utterly bizarre. This is totally baffling. The person who owns the website is the most eccentric looking person I've ever seen. He is an outlaw motorcyclist from California who is an artist and works as a clown. An old hippy. Does anyone know ....

Dig-That-Crazy-Far-Out-Planet-Man! | Pernel S. Thyseldew aka Stephen Dyer Wells
wanderer33 said:

A webpage of a sign of the zodiac by CEO Carter appeared in my browser. Loaded by itself. The funny thing was, it was my zodiac sign. Stranger still, the url was local to my machine not from the web. Funnier still at the bottom of the webpage there was a website host which was utterly bizarre. This is totally baffling. The person who owns the website is the most eccentric looking person I've ever seen. He is an outlaw motorcyclist from California who is an artist and works as a clown. An old hippy. Does anyone know ....

Dig-That-Crazy-Far-Out-Planet-Man! | Pernel S. Thyseldew aka Stephen Dyer Wells

Sounds like you simply have malware script running on your machine. Might be wise to download 'Malwarebytes' and scan your machine.
HI Anart, that was the first thing that I thought...i.e. malware. I ran Malwarebytes but there was nothing. Even if it was something akin to malware, how was it that the htm page's url was pointing to a desktop folder on my machine. Also the chances of the file having the correct birthsign was greater than 12:1, as the birthsign page was part of a set of pages which included all birthsigns and pages for all planets. Also not only did the page load, it also loaded at a particular paragraph which had meaning to my circumstances at present. This really is very strange. I believe in signs, and this appears to be one of those enigmatic instances.
wanderer33 said:
HI Anart, that was the first thing that I thought...i.e. malware. I ran Malwarebytes but there was nothing. Even if it was something akin to malware, how was it that the htm page's url was pointing to a desktop folder on my machine.

Probably because that's what malware does - or a virus.

w33 said:
Also the chances of the file having the correct birthsign was greater than 12:1, as the birthsign page was part of a set of pages which included all birthsigns and pages for all planets. Also not only did the page load, it also loaded at a particular paragraph which had meaning to my circumstances at present. This really is very strange. I believe in signs, and this appears to be one of those enigmatic instances.

Not at all, if it is malware or a hack. All necessary information is found on your machine, wanderer33. Or do you think it is some sort of 'sign' from the unknown overtaking your computer to give you messages? It's a computer, connected to the internet - in other words it is completely transparent and available for manipulation in any and all ways - no need for paranormal interference. fwiw.
anart said:
Not at all, if it is malware or a hack. All necessary information is found on your machine, wanderer33. Or do you think it is some sort of 'sign' from the unknown overtaking your computer to give you messages? It's a computer, connected to the internet - in other words it is completely transparent and available for manipulation in any and all ways - no need for paranormal interference. fwiw.

I agree. My facebook advertisements regularly tells me there's a girl in providence looking for a '28 year old male'. Or that there's some kind of special deal for '28 year old males'. It's pretty obvious they're lifting the data from somewhere in my computer. Nothing special or enigmatic about it. Looks like ya got some regular old malware on your computer. You could also try 'spybot' to see if it catches it. Some programs wont pick up certain programs - are your virus definitions current?
Well it may not be a virus or malware. It could be something like active desktop being enable assuming, you are using some version of MS Windows. I hope the more computer savvy members here will respond and tell us if active desktop can be the cause of such issues. :)
Frankly Anart, I'm not sure what to think and I'm not jumping to any conclusions.

BTW, I worked for a major Sydney ISP for three years as a network engineer, I probably know more about viruses and malware than yourself, no disrespect intended. I have in the past hacked client systems to test their security, all with their knowledge and permission of course. However, I do appreciate your thoughts and I would have suggested the same thing as yourself if a user had presented the same story.
wanderer33 said:
Frankly Anart, I'm not sure what to think and I'm not jumping to any conclusions.

BTW, I worked for a major Sydney ISP for three years as a network engineer, I probably know more about viruses and malware than yourself, no disrespect intended. I have in the past hacked client systems to test their security, all with their knowledge and permission of course. However, I do appreciate your thoughts and I would have suggested the same thing as yourself if a user had presented the same story.

Vulcan, I'm not using an active desktop. :)
wanderer33 said:
Frankly Anart, I'm not sure what to think and I'm not jumping to any conclusions.

BTW, I worked for a major Sydney ISP for three years as a network engineer, I probably know more about viruses and malware than yourself, no disrespect intended. I have in the past hacked client systems to test their security, all with their knowledge and permission of course. However, I do appreciate your thoughts and I would have suggested the same thing as yourself if a user had presented the same story.

Well then, you should have stated all this from the beginning and save us all this hassle of trying to figure out the issue. You could have stated that you've done the malware check and that you are a network engineer and that this issue has stumped you and perhaps a member here could be able to help. Right?
wanderer33 said:
Loaded by itself.

Does that mean while you were surfing or whatnot, all of a sudden it appeared, or it loaded as the first page when you launched your browser?
Try to think back - was there ever a time you registered at a website and gave your birth date? I recently had to give mine for something, it was justified on the form by the phrase "Required by law". Can't recall what the service was offhand.

Anyway, this would set a cookie on my machine, which might be able to be sniffed by a clever individual running a different website that then loads a file in the temporary internet folder (the cache). Is it possible what you saw was running from the cache?

As well, you mention it was pointing to a folder on your desktop. Is it possible the name of the folder would be a common item many would have on their desktop?

As well, have you installed anything lately? Even apparently legit apps have been known to be compromised.

Sorry if these questions seem basic, but I thought it best to clear away the obvious (to me).

Is it my missconception that this intrusion or breach can be prevented with Norton or Macfee and or similar security hardware that can be purchased? Or are they all bought and paid by the same, as the press? :huh:
Reminds me of this:

19 Nov 94

Q: (J) Is there any significance to the high number of hang-
ups I have been getting on both our phone lines?
A: Three calls were monitors because of MUFON involvement.
Q: (L) Are Terry and Jan's phones tapped?
A: Phone "taps" are no longer necessary.
Q: (L) Why?
A: Technology advancements.
Q: (L) You mean they can listen to us without tapping our
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can they listen to us over the phones even when the
phones are hung up?
A: Can.
Q: (T) Can they listen to us through the t.v. through the
infra-red frequency?
A: Again, technology has advanced beyond that. Walls have
"ears." Satellites can monitor any conversation or
Q: (J) Is this conversation being monitored at this point in
A: No.
Q: (T) Can our movements be tracked through the electronic
ignition systems in our cars?
A: Not necessary. You are not yet aware of the extent to
which humans have been "aided" in technological
Q: (T) By whom?
A: This requires long and complicated response.
Q: (T) The object behind using the electronic ignitions, from
what I have heard, whether the source is true or not I
can't say, but I had a strange confirmation of part of it.
A: Beware of disinformation. It diverts your attention away
from reality thus leaving you open to capture and conquest
and even possible destruction.

Q: (L) Is the information about the electronic ignition
systems correct?
A: Disinformation comes from seemingly reliable sources. It
is extremely important for you to not gather false
knowledge as it is more damaging than no knowledge at all.
Remember knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
information you speak of, Terry, was given to you
deliberately because you and Jan and others have been
targeted due to your intense interest in level of density
4 through 7 subject matter. You have already been
documented as a "threat."

Q: (L) Can you tell Terry what event occurred (referring to
"confirmation" of electronic ignition subject)...
A: Remember, disinformation is very effective when delivered
by highly trained sources because hypnotic and
transdimensional techniques are used thereby causing
electronic anomalies to follow suggestion causing
perceived confirmation to occur.

Q: (T) Who was the guy in the Camaro?
A: Diversion.
Q: (T) About two weeks after I saw the video tape where I
heard this information, a guy pulled up out of nowhere
driving a souped up Camaro... (Jan: No! It was the night
we were watching it!) We had watched it before and we
were talking about it and decided to watch it again. So,
Gary and I had decided to go outside to take the dog
around the block and we had just gotten back and put the
dog on the porch and we were standing outside smoking a
cigarette when the guy in the Camaro pulls into the
driveway with steam coming out from under the hood. He
asked to use the hose. I told him yes. He gets out
wearing jeans, tee shirt and scraggly blond hair. He
says: "I overheated. I'm coming back from Gulfport and
was going back to Ocala and was on the interstate when his
car overheated. Now, 275 is a little ways from my house
and he came all the way, passed a gas station and
convenience store, turned off the main drag and then onto
my street to get water... then he started talking about
how the new electronic ignitions are designed to shut down
when the car exceeds a certain speed so he had installed a
special racing ignition but ever since his car had been
overheating... we had just finished watching this movie
about electronic ignitions and we were flabbergasted...
What I want to know is who has the power and ability to
set up these kinds of "confirmations" or synchronicities?
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/
consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/
Q: (T) But I'm just a nobody. Why would they go to all
troouble to send somebody in a Camaro to drive up on my
A: Several answers follow: Number One, Nobody is a "nobody."
Number two, it is no trouble at all for aforementioned
forces to give seemingly individualized attention to
. Number three, Terry has been targeted and so has
Jan and others because you are on the right track. Number
four, This area is currently a "hot bed" of activity and
extremely rapidly expanding awareness.
A: Phone "taps" are no longer necessary.
Q: (L) Why?
A: Technology advancements.
Q: (L) You mean they can listen to us without tapping our
A: Yes.

The Unexplained / PSI / Re: Strange sensation on: February 22, 2010, 03:40:42 PM

When I resumed my attempt to fall back asleep (and I assume was a while ) I felt the sudden surge of electrical energy enter my body from the head down. It lasted what seemed like 1 or 2 seconds, and thought I also heard a buzzing sound's well.

I had to force my self awake as I felt the strange sensation of terror run through my mind.
As I laid there gathering my scenes and calming down, I was able to fall back to sleep with know other issues otherLike some one or something was in the room administering torceher session. that the experience that I just had felt. Strange but not surprising, considering the attacks so many are going through at the moment.

Theres no doubt that what ever they have in 3D pales what they have in 4D. It would seem ludicrous to think not . An to go as far to implant any one whom is close to do there bidding through the process called abduction.
The more I thought about the above event the, more and more it seemed to the idea having been abducted an implanted (again).

Ironic there was a previous attempt about 3 weeks ago but I was able to fight this one off (so i believe) and woke Io seeing (or was still in the sphere of the abduction) to a small hexagon swirling counter clock wise in dark room and doing so twice, as came awake. So now armed with this knowledge and recent conversations an experience of the power of mental blocking (as I have used many times to save my life ) and staying vigilant and cognisant to there attempts to activate the impant and stimulate false thoughts that do there bidding.

For the record this not the first time of the experiencing of an abduction and or witnessing the after affects with memories, bruising, as well as sensing seeing a presence visually during there activity's, scene way back.

Don't know what to say or if theres any foundation to it but that perhaps part of the implantation design to make one think it doesn't exist, like the ego, it convinces you that it your smarter than it. P.S. Not happy with this thought :cry:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One last thought to the 2-22-10 situation is that the feeling looking back was like some thing being inserted, a long sharp syringe at the base of my skull for the behind and above the neck, and the feeling like the whole central nerve system reacting to the attack thus feeling thought entire central nervous system going into shock of the intrusion.

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