19 Nov 94
Q: (J) Is there any significance to the high number of hang-
ups I have been getting on both our phone lines?
A: Three calls were monitors because of MUFON involvement.
Q: (L) Are Terry and Jan's phones tapped?
A: Phone "taps" are no longer necessary.
Q: (L) Why?
A: Technology advancements.
Q: (L) You mean they can listen to us without tapping our
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can they listen to us over the phones even when the
phones are hung up?
A: Can.
Q: (T) Can they listen to us through the t.v. through the
infra-red frequency?
A: Again, technology has advanced beyond that. Walls have
"ears." Satellites can monitor any conversation or
Q: (J) Is this conversation being monitored at this point in
A: No.
Q: (T) Can our movements be tracked through the electronic
ignition systems in our cars?
A: Not necessary. You are not yet aware of the extent to
which humans have been "aided" in technological
Q: (T) By whom?
A: This requires long and complicated response.
Q: (T) The object behind using the electronic ignitions, from
what I have heard, whether the source is true or not I
can't say, but I had a strange confirmation of part of it.
A: Beware of disinformation. It diverts your attention away
from reality thus leaving you open to capture and conquest
and even possible destruction.
Q: (L) Is the information about the electronic ignition
systems correct?
A: Disinformation comes from seemingly reliable sources. It
is extremely important for you to not gather false
knowledge as it is more damaging than no knowledge at all.
Remember knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. The
information you speak of, Terry, was given to you
deliberately because you and Jan and others have been
targeted due to your intense interest in level of density
4 through 7 subject matter. You have already been
documented as a "threat."
Q: (L) Can you tell Terry what event occurred (referring to
"confirmation" of electronic ignition subject)...
A: Remember, disinformation is very effective when delivered
by highly trained sources because hypnotic and
transdimensional techniques are used thereby causing
electronic anomalies to follow suggestion causing
perceived confirmation to occur.
Q: (T) Who was the guy in the Camaro?
A: Diversion.
Q: (T) About two weeks after I saw the video tape where I
heard this information, a guy pulled up out of nowhere
driving a souped up Camaro... (Jan: No! It was the night
we were watching it!) We had watched it before and we
were talking about it and decided to watch it again. So,
Gary and I had decided to go outside to take the dog
around the block and we had just gotten back and put the
dog on the porch and we were standing outside smoking a
cigarette when the guy in the Camaro pulls into the
driveway with steam coming out from under the hood. He
asked to use the hose. I told him yes. He gets out
wearing jeans, tee shirt and scraggly blond hair. He
says: "I overheated. I'm coming back from Gulfport and
was going back to Ocala and was on the interstate when his
car overheated. Now, 275 is a little ways from my house
and he came all the way, passed a gas station and
convenience store, turned off the main drag and then onto
my street to get water... then he started talking about
how the new electronic ignitions are designed to shut down
when the car exceeds a certain speed so he had installed a
special racing ignition but ever since his car had been
overheating... we had just finished watching this movie
about electronic ignitions and we were flabbergasted...
What I want to know is who has the power and ability to
set up these kinds of "confirmations" or synchronicities?
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/
consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/
Q: (T) But I'm just a nobody. Why would they go to all
troouble to send somebody in a Camaro to drive up on my
A: Several answers follow: Number One, Nobody is a "nobody."
Number two, it is no trouble at all for aforementioned
forces to give seemingly individualized attention to
anybody. Number three, Terry has been targeted and so has
Jan and others because you are on the right track. Number
four, This area is currently a "hot bed" of activity and
extremely rapidly expanding awareness.