The Thirteenth Floor


FOTCM Member
I found that movie a couple of days ago while reading an article of Ron Unz American Pravda: Hamas, Nazis, and the Right to Rape.

Herer's what he wrote about it :

A quarter-century ago in 1999 The Matrix entered our theaters and became an instant film classic as well as a colossal blockbuster, earning nearly $500 million at the box office. There were also interesting epistemological implications to the notion that our own world was merely the illusion created within a computer simulation, hiding the grim reality behind it. The word “redpilling” —breaking through those illusions into the underlying true existence—soon entered our popular political lexicon, with a Google search revealing that “redpill” and its variations appear on well over 5 million webpages, and the term has even inspired the somewhat related notions of “blackpilling” and “whitepilling,” respectively inducing despair and hope.

I found the film outstanding when I originally watched it in a theater and over the years it has held up very well when I’ve seen it on the small screen, although I’d regarded the couple of sequels it quickly inspired as merely so-so or even mediocre.

However, I’ve always believed it a little unfair that this tremendous success so completely overshadowed a different Hollywood film released that same year that dealt with a similar theme. I’ve seen The Thirteenth Floor a couple of times, and although I’d hardly rank it alongside its far better known rival, I thought the plot included some interesting ideas and felt it might have gotten far more attention under other circumstances.

Lacking the hyperkinetically stylized gun-battle sequences of The Matrix, this much quieter film centered upon a virtual reality research company in 1999 Los Angeles that had successfully created a computer simulation of a 1930s society whose characters lived their lives completely unaware that they were merely software constructs. The sudden murder of the company’s director and other strange events led one of the puzzled researchers to eventually discover that his own society also only existed as a simulation in the computer of a higher-level world. The clues leading to that breakthrough came from the power of analogy, as he and others noticed that some of the inexplicable events that so puzzled the 1930s characters they had created were similar to what they were themselves encountering in their own world, which they had always assumed was real.

So after reading his comments, my wife and I watched the movie yesterday night and may I say that it is very very good movie. A must watch on these times of AI and for those familair with the concept of "tranfering consciousness'' (if not read those excellent articles by @Approaching Infinity and of course the sessions ), you will see that it is a concept used in that movie.

And if you watch the movie, pay attention to the year in which this was possible.

I found a french version here and an english one here.
I found that movie a couple of days ago while reading an article of Ron Unz American Pravda: Hamas, Nazis, and the Right to Rape.

Herer's what he wrote about it :

So after reading his comments, my wife and I watched the movie yesterday night and may I say that it is very very good movie. A must watch on these times of AI and for those familair with the concept of "tranfering consciousness'' (if not read those excellent articles by @Approaching Infinity and of course the sessions ), you will see that it is a concept used in that movie.

And if you watch the movie, pay attention to the year in which this was possible.

I found a french version here and an english one here.
I watched both those movies and The Truman Show (from 1998) years ago. They left an impression on me.
I have been actively searching for that 'door out' ever since, lol.
So after reading his comments, my wife and I watched the movie yesterday night and may I say that it is very very good movie. A must watch on these times of AI and for those familair with the concept of "tranfering consciousness'' (if not read those excellent articles by @Approaching Infinity and of course the sessions ), you will see that it is a concept used in that movie.

And if you watch the movie, pay attention to the year in which this was possible.

I found a french version here and an english one here.
I remember watching this movie 20 years ago and remember got excited with the movie though I forgot the story line. If time permits, I will watch it again.
I found that movie a couple of days ago while reading an article of Ron Unz American Pravda: Hamas, Nazis, and the Right to Rape.

Herer's what he wrote about it :

So after reading his comments, my wife and I watched the movie yesterday night and may I say that it is very very good movie. A must watch on these times of AI and for those familair with the concept of "tranfering consciousness'' (if not read those excellent articles by @Approaching Infinity and of course the sessions ), you will see that it is a concept used in that movie.

And if you watch the movie, pay attention to the year in which this was possible.

I found a french version here and an english one here.

Excellent movie! Thank you very very much for the recommendation and the English YT link! :flowers:
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