The Truth Perspective - Oct. 24 2015: Constructive Revolution


FOTCM Member
Join us this week on The Truth Perspective as we discuss: What are Constructive Revolutions made of?

On the lips and in the articles of many observers and activists these days is the call for Revolution in the US. With the Federal government's propensity towards war and more war, with a highly dysfunctional Congress meeting the goals of high-powered money interests and with a population of millions that has been increasingly disenfranchised, abused and terrorized the collective state of affairs in the US has become near intolerable for all but the very few.

But what to do about it - and how to do it? Though we see the desperate need for profound change in how things are being run, how can this change be implemented? Who will do the implementing, and what could take its place? As the saying goes, 'Lignotas nulla curatio morbid' -- do not attempt to cure what you do not understand -- brings us to the question: What would a constructive Revolution consist of? And is one even possible now when it is needed most?

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Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.
I hope you guys, take up this topic again... As I’m still scratching my head as ‘What would a constructive Revolution consist of? And is one even possible now when it is needed most?’

Yeah I’m going to go bald...

The shows are great...
I wasn't able to catch this one live. But a thought occurred to me on mention of PCR's suggestion to (nutshell) round up and execute the neocons. I internally agree with part of the sentiment but I think it ought to be taken both further, and less far. Substitute for neocons 'anyone who personlly profited from the war machine since 2001' - this would naturally include politicians, banksters, Wall Street, media, talking heads, etc. All combined assets to be seized, as well as their physical personage (including corporations). Put all of these people to hard physical labor towards rebuilding what was destroyed. Seized finances to 1) pay for said reconstruction, and 2) be redistributed to the people of the world. I haven't a clue as to what mechanism could be used for this, but I think it is a better (and a more humane) solution than simply rounding up and executing them.

Great show btw!

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