Snowalker said:
when you say that "...there are any number of better models for human civilization than the one we're living in." what does that really mean? Fresco has in my opinion a pretty compelling model.
That was not to detract from the potential effectiveness of Franco's model
if it were ever adopted. It was meant to underline the fact that the problem is not the lack of a model based on "human concern" (of which many have been proposed, and even adopted, though only on a small-scale basis); the problem is that which prevents, and has always prevented, such models from being adopted and incorporated on a wide basis -- i.e. political ponerology.
Snowalker said:
SOTT is the best there is in terms of understanding and identifying the ponerogenic in society and could be instrumental in helping this movement avoid getting ponerized.
How so? I am not aware that anyone at SOTT/Cassiopaean Experiment had identified a means and method for escaping the reality of political ponerology, except within the context of a small, esoteric group. How do you know that the Venus Project is not already ponerized? What do you know about those who are funding it?
Snowalker said:
Would you dismiss it out of hand simply because he does not address the 6% directly?
Are you suggesting that only 6% of our population is ponerized? The point is that those who are at the top of the political food chain and make decisions affecting the whole are 100% ponerized, if not completely psychopathic. It doesn't matter how well thought out a proposed political/social model is, if it is unable to address/solve the problem that prevents it from being adopted on a widespread basis (or being ponderized in the process), I can't see the point of supporting it -- can you?
Snowalker said:
And what if the current situation exposes the banking cartel in ways they cannot cover?
What if it does? Do you honestly believe that those at the top do not have control over the current situation? Do you honestly believe they are "losing their grip" on their power? As the theatre of the latest presidency change-over shows, no matter how much the actors, scripts, and scenery changes, the play remains the same, and firmly in control of the directors.
Snowalker said:
If there is no alternative for people to consider in that moment then what? Wouldn't that give the elite the opportunity to regroup, adjust their strategy and strike back?
What makes you think that they are in danger of becoming "ungrouped", or that what is currently happening is not part of a greater strategy? The PTB have too many contingency plans in place to ever allow for a gap in power. Even when things may seem that way, it is only theatre created for the purpose of distraction. It would not be surprising to find that an enterprise like the Venus Project is actually funded by those it proposes to displace; what better way to distract the populace from the real problem than to get them to expend their energy, money, and hopes on the development of a model that they would never allow to get off the ground?
Snowalker said:
my point here is that Fresco has something that is captivating the human imagination and spirit in ways that can help people move away from participating in (or in your words side-stepping) the "game" and wouldn't that be of real benefit?
Not unless there is a specific and realistic strategy in place that is capable of "helping people move away from participating in the game". "Captivating" their "imagination and spirit" to believe in a pie-in-the-sky utopia that does not address the very real impediments it would face is not of "benefit" to anyone. One could even argue that it dangerously plays into the hands of the PTB (if it is not being orchestrated by the PTB itself).
Snowalker said:
For example, people in the area where I live (New England) are using alternative currencies and barter to avoid the pain and misery being inflicted upon them. They are learning that they don't need Federal Reserve Notes to live and interact with others in their communities. A database of people with goods and services is exactly what Fresco is talking about. That is a resource based economy.
It has always been possible for small communities to adopt more cooperative community-based practices, as long as they do not attract too much attention. History has shown that as soon as such practices show signs of becoming widespread, or turning into a "movement", they become co-opted by those wishing to limit their influence and/or make a profit from it.
Snowalker said:
Fresco has the infrastructure...
No, he doesn't. He just has a model, with no feasible way of side-stepping the decision-makers whose interests would not be served by such a model.
Snowalker said:
and SOTT has the understanding of why this mode of living is necessary in order to render the elite impotent.
There's a big difference between being able to recognize the potential benefits of a political/social model
if it were to be adopted, and actually having the means to sidestep those who would never allow it to be adopted.
Snowalker said:
I cannot think of two more powerful organizations on the planet whose collaboration could have immensely positive impact on our current situation.
I think you overestimate the "powers" of both organizations.
The first step towards changing your world is changing yourself. And that means learning to see both yourself and the world around you as OBJECTIVELY as possible, not just through the prism of your own SUBJECTIVE wishful thinking. OBJECTIVE KNOWLEDGE, and the application of that knowledge, is the only means of protecting yourself from the ponerization of our society. Without it, you are simply "food", a sitting duck for anyone offering a new version of "Utopia"....