The Living Force
Los said:The category Zeitgeist falls into also uses external shocks by exposing the falseness of religion and the monetary control systems. The 'more truth' method does seem to bring more consciousness into the picture, but as has already been mentioned there's no consideration of the self. And what of will? Perhaps some people who find Zeitgiest were already asking and searching, but I suspect even from the many who still accept the shock that they were not asking.
Maybe Zeitgeist is widely promoted as to shock people on the brink of discovering new things because they start to ask too much questions, by providing the gentle push in the direction of what the PTB wants at the right time.
It's time for a "new" kind of belief to be promoted : Alien origins (perhaps?) and a "new world order" with a new financial system, that ties in perfectly with The Venus project, or so it seems.