The Visible Human Project - Body slicing


The Cosmic Force
FOTCM Member
session940730 said:
Q: (L) Well, do they just take people and kill them and do what with them?
A: They slice them up.
Q: (L) Do they die?
A: Maximum matter and energy transfer occurs during this type of transition.
It's the kind of information that is difficult to digest and then to forget.

It recently reminded me of this anatomy project conducted a few years ago and that got at the time a relatively high media buzz.

Visible Human Project said:
The Visible Human Project
Laura posted this email on another forum a while back - since it relates and is pretty funny here it is again:

Date sent: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 11:20:29 -0800 (PST)
To: "Laura Knight-Jadczyk
From: Blue Resonant Human <>
Subject: RE: "Mommy, look! It's snowing!"
Copies to: [snipped list of recipients - early Cass group members]

At 11:01 PM 11/27/99 +1000, ******* wrote:
>Dear Laura and Blue,
>Thank you for your kind words of support. It really helps knowing that
>others out there have similar feelings about this whole affair.
>I do enjoy humour and the sick sort at that. This is probably why I so like
>"South Park" and "The Simpsons". I have absolute mountains of "The Simpsons"
>tapes at home and watch them compulsively.
>Am I glad I did today! On one of the tapes I found this old and forgotten
>"South Park" episode. It was about - you will not believe - mind control.
>And at its worst!

>Let me say this - after watching it, I felt like I got hit by a truck. I
>just couldn't believe what I just saw. The funny thing is that the guy
>watching it with me wasn't game to say a word afterwards - he knows about
>this whole discussion but it is a bit beyond him.
>The episode is really weird and revolves around this professor working at a
>planetarium. He has some bone disease and is not able to pronounce "t" in
>"planetarium" - so in essence we all know where he works and what it is but
>he doesn't call it by its proper name.

>Nobody wants to see the stars (fake ceiling projections) so the place is
>running down. He then comes up with a plan of taking over the visitors and
>through mind control making them like planetarium and returning on a regular

>The school kids are the first target since they go there on field trips. As
>they watch the show, the professor turns this knob (intensity/volume) and
>the lights begin to swirl, a high pitched noise is heard in the background.
>He says, "You will not remember what happened here. You will like
>planetarium. Planetarium is good." So the kids love it and turn into zombies
>enslaved by the professor.

>As the word spreads about the "great planetarium", adults begin to come. And
>this is the freaky part:

>when the professor begins the presentation for the adults, he goes through
>some star constellations. Most of them made up but two : CASSIOPEIA and just
>before the mind takeover begins ORION!!!

Greetings Marklar,

Your marklars are wise and true. There are those marklars on this marklar
in this present marklar who feel their own marklar is more important than
your marklar. Therefore they use all manner of different marklars to
enforce their marklar on all other marklars which -- they reason callously
amongst themselves -- comprise only the great unwashed marklar of marklars.
Yet as we continue to awaken from the slumber of the consensus trance, we
see these marklars for what they truly are and the process is simultaneously
enlightening yet terrifying; envigorating yet deeply saddening; joyous yet
horrible almost beyond imagination. "With much wisdom," wrote Solomon, "is
much sorrow."

Your marklars are wise and true.

Dare I dredge this old one up, Laura ... ?

- - - - -
[re: the Orion reptoids (aka lizzies)]

Q: (Laura) Well, do they just take people and kill them? I
mean, what do they do? And don't baby me, I really need
to know here?!
A. They slice them up.
Q: (Laura) Do they die?
A. Maximum matter and energy transfer occurs during this type
of transition.
Q: (Laura) In other words, you are saying that a slow painful
death gives them the most of what they want? This is
totally sick. Whoever these creeps are they are totally
A. You asked for truth. You say it is sick but it is merely
the ultimate form of service to self.
- - - - -

And that, my friends, is why *smart* reptoids choose:

The Abductee Slicer(tm) [from RonCo!]

Yes, that's right, now you too can enjoy all the benefits of a
fine, home-cooked meal of freshly mutilated humans right there
in your very own hollowed-out-battle-planetoid, the Hale-Bopp

Wondering what to do with those pesky 3D-ers once you've raped
and pillaged every available orifice to your heart's content?
Don't just throw them away, there's PLENTY more terror, despair
and hopelessness which you can milk from them.

In fact, the fun has only just begun!

Why, just listen to these satisfied customers:

"Mmmmm, good!" said the head reptoid as he smelled the delicious
aroma of that fresh, human blood which was so wonderfully seasoned
by all the extra adrenaline which the heinous torture of RonCo's
Abductee Slicer(tm) had just delivered, "Just like Mom used to make!"

"I like the taste of the lightworkers who finally realize in abject
visceral terror what we are truly all about!" said Junior with a
big, toothy smile -- a shred of flesh wedged between his upper

Sis, noshing on the neck of a Zetan abductee, grimmaced momentarily
then, after spitting out the implant which chipped her upper right
bicuspid, remarked, "Even the Zetan leftovers taste better when they
are flavored with such stark terror and unimaginable pain!"

"Mmmmm...Abductee Sliced(tm) human body parts. It's the only
kind my mom lets me chew!" chortled the cuddly little infant in
the highchair as he banged his fork noisily on the tray.

That's right, now you too can enjoy the extra goodness of human
blood, enzymes and body-parts which have been delightfully and
delectably seasoned to perfection; every last morsel of terror
and excruciating pain invoked to procure that tasty reptoid

How does it work?

Dual action! As the laser beam sears through the flesh, all blood
vessels are immediately cauterized so the human does not die too
quickly from lack of blood. This can prolong death for hours.

But wait -- there's more!

As an EM ELF field is generated to encapsulate the consciousness
in a field of visceral terror, further excruciating pain is
generated by the pulsed microwave emmissions which literally
dance in high-heels on the raw, exposed nerves freshly exposed
by the gaping wound.

"It's absolutely MARVELOUS!" raved the ships cook, "I get slice
after slice after slice of paper-thin arms, legs, testicles and
so forth yet try as he might, the victim simply cannot die until
*I* let him. Why, you should hear them scream. What a delight!"

That's right folks, is it any wonder why 4 out of 5 reptoids
prefer the Abductee Slicer(tm)?

Order yours TODAY!
I also think the STS feeding techniques are both ethereal and physical... but in the case of the Visible Human Project, the donated corpse was frozen in a block of ice before slicing - hence prior death in a different psychological scenario for the deceased, as I believe the male died of natural causes during incarceration (like the video decapitation of a journalist in Iraq by the CIA propaganda machine, death was prior to the violence done to the corpse).

I would suggest that in that case there would be no soul present in the body for the fear to be taken by the slicer before transitioning to 5D.

On another note, I think that the visible human work can be used as a video exploration much more effectively (less macabre) - an animation of the body from head to toe... This way the relationship of the morphing shapes of the body can be appreciated in its fractal nature as it might once have been in life, rather than staring at a still slice of inanimate flesh.

in lak'ech
Taken from the wikipedia on Visible Human Project

"The donors
The male cadaver is from Joseph Paul Jernigan, a 38-year-old Texas murderer who was executed by lethal injection on August 5, 1993. At the prompting of a prison chaplain he had agreed to donate his body for scientific research or medical use, without knowing about the Visible Human Project. Some people have voiced ethical concerns over this.

The female donor, 59-year-old, remains anonymous. In the press she has been described as a Maryland housewife who died from a heart attack and whose husband requested that she be part of the project."

When I first heard of this project, I was told that the guy was chosen due to being young and healthy, since the pictures which would come out of it in the end, are a lot closer to what we are supposed to look like, than they would have been with a 85 year old specimen having died of cancer. I was also told that he knew about this project in advance and had accepted in participating in it, so that he could give something back in death for all he had taken in life. Making doctors able of snatching him of the table right after his last heartbeat, put him into gelatine and then freeze him, which should be the reason for the corpse not having decayed at all, but instead looking alive.

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