The Wave, and What's Happening to the Rest of the Galaxy?


Padawan Learner
I have found a very interesting post on GLP about the Wave. I know that the site is a very confused one but sometime's you can find in all the views there, some very interesting one's.

I think that this post would be among them.

The thread start's here:


The interesting views are on page 4.

Link to that page here:


It has struck me how they see the incoming wave, like the C's, Laura are explaining it.

Good reading to all!

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yes, it comes from Candace from Abundant Hope message from Michael Aton and others

wattsup said:
I have found a very interesting post on GLP about the Wave. I know that the site is a very confused one but sometime's you can find in all the views there, some very interesting one's.

I think that this post would be among them.

The thread start's here:


The interesting views are on page 4.

Link to that page here:


It has struck me how they see the incoming wave, like the C's, Laura are explaining it.

Good reading to all!

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Have You read the Wave at all?
I followed the link tonosama gave. From first glances it seems like an offshoot of the Urantia book followers.

Since they also advertise a dutch section I decided to skim some translated articles just to get a sniff of what this is all about. Doing that I found this snip:

"U zong dat liedje samen met Les Visible bij het Boomhut feest. De woorden waren: "het is spoedig voorbij" en zo is het. Ik zou u kerels niet die woorden laten gebruiken in zulk een goddelijke kring van vrienden aanwezig op het boomhut-feest, zou het niets meer dan de waarheid zijn." (my bold).

A rough translation would be:

"You sang that song along with Les Visible in the treehouse party. The words were: "it's over soon" and so it is. I would you guys not let use those words in such a divine circle of friends present at the treehouse party, it would be nothing more than the truth. " (bing translation) Said treehouse party was held on January 22 2011, apparently.

So it appears Les Visible hangs out with or does gigs for these Abundant Hope people, lighting many candles. This seemed relevant to me, having read only yesterday this thread: and following. Thought I should mention that here as well.

**EDIT** On second thought, they might as well have used one of his CD's or a download or something. That's not completely clear from the text cited and/or the context around it. So I have to leave this option on the table. Sorry!

**EDIT-2** Reactivated the link (see:
Hi wattsup,

You may wish to search this forum for GLP to get up to speed about this disinformation cass defamation site.

Have you read the Adventure Series?
Jerry said:
Hi wattsup,

You may wish to search this forum for GLP to get up to speed about this disinformation cass defamation site.

Have you read the Adventure Series?

I know I don't post often but YES, I have read that along with many others.... Thanks

And I know that GLP has a lot of disinfo but sometimes a few could one are posted on that forum but very rarely...
Not sure if this is mentioned in the transcripts or the Wave Series, but have the Cassiopaeans commented at all on what is happening to the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy as the Wave is passing through it? Or will "The Wave" simply be felt as a localized phenomenon?

Certainly, if the Wave is a feature of the Galaxy (or Universe) then the cataclysm it will bring about can't be localized to our Solar System (please correct me if I'm wrong). That being the case, I understand that the effect the Wave will have on this solar system and the Earth in particular will be unique even in the context of the Wave, but why does there appear to be so much extra-terrestrial interest in the Earth specifically, if the Wave is essentially some kind of cosmic tsunami?

There again, if the Wave is not a localized phenomenon, and it is traveling at or near the speed of light, then won't it be bringing with it a trail of interstellar destruction and chaos, supernovae and debris and the like, that we could only know about once the Wave hits?
Ok, so what I'm pretty much getting is that while the Wave, a feature of the Universe, is in fact traversing the Galaxy (at what appears to be superluminal speed, based on the statistical analysis of the Wave's progression in this thread: ), it's effect as a realm border will be most pronounced here on Earth, which is on the verge of "graduating" to 4D, along with any humans who are 4D STO candidates.

Still I'm not sure if it's answered anywhere, whether the Wave is having similar "Chironic" or "Quantum Flip" effects elsewhere in the Galaxy.

Another question it raises for me, considering that the Wave appears to be moving faster than light, and speeding up, is whether this is an effect of the Earth and the Solar System moving slower through "time", perhaps due to the approach of a nearby gravity well known as Planet X, the brown dwarf star orbiting the Sun.

For example, if you move within a Black Hole's event horizon, "time" outside the event horizon will seem to fly by as opposed to inside the event horizon. I wonder if that's the effect that Planet X is having on us.
Jakesully said:
Ok, so what I'm pretty much getting is that while the Wave, a feature of the Universe, is in fact traversing the Galaxy (at what appears to be superluminal speed, based on the statistical analysis of the Wave's progression in this thread: ), it's effect as a realm border will be most pronounced here on Earth, which is on the verge of "graduating" to 4D, along with any humans who are 4D STO candidates.

Still I'm not sure if it's answered anywhere, whether the Wave is having similar "Chironic" or "Quantum Flip" effects elsewhere in the Galaxy.

I am certainly no expert on this topic, but it seems like you might be limiting your thinking about this to a '3D' perspective (which is pretty impossible to avoid). You seem to be thinking of this as an ocean wave that moves through and affects everything similarly. I don't think that is how this 'wave' necessarily works. From what I understand, as it transits the Universe, as it 'always' has, the effect it has on various bodies/systems/inhabitants is determined by the state of the various bodies/systems/inhabitants. As the C's implied, for a system that is already 4D, there is no effect at all, so it seems that from where we stand now, we can pretty much only grasp the idea that some sort of realm border crossing is approaching, but we cannot currently grasp the details of what that might mean.

js said:
Another question it raises for me, considering that the Wave appears to be moving faster than light, and speeding up, is whether this is an effect of the Earth and the Solar System moving slower through "time", perhaps due to the approach of a nearby gravity well known as Planet X, the brown dwarf star orbiting the Sun.

What causes you to think that the wave is 'speeding up'? I can't really address the idea that the Earth and the solar system are moving more slowly through time since this is the first I've heard of this concept, so if you have data that indicates it, let me know, since it sounds interesting.

js said:
For example, if you move within a Black Hole's event horizon, "time" outside the event horizon will seem to fly by as opposed to inside the event horizon. I wonder if that's the effect that Planet X is having on us.

I don't think that would be applicable since 'planet X' (and using that term is a bit sticky because there are so many varying definitions) is not, to my understanding, a black hole. A black hole is a very, very particular phenomenon, so applying those dynamics to other systems is likely to cause errors in understanding. fwiw.
We should also remember that the wave was described as a wave of "hyper-kinetic sensate" aka "feeling". It was also said that the wave and the comet clusters etc that are coming with it are related to human experience. Basically, how this phenomenon affects anything that it passes through may depend entirely on the nature of the thing that it passes through. For some things, no effect, for other things, a big effect. Try to think of things in this 3D world that are affected by waves of some type, light waves, heat waves, radiation etc and then think of the things that are not affected by those waves. My point being, it seems we can't think about this in linear terms.
anart said:
Jakesully said:
Ok, so what I'm pretty much getting is that while the Wave, a feature of the Universe, is in fact traversing the Galaxy (at what appears to be superluminal speed, based on the statistical analysis of the Wave's progression in this thread: ), it's effect as a realm border will be most pronounced here on Earth, which is on the verge of "graduating" to 4D, along with any humans who are 4D STO candidates.

Still I'm not sure if it's answered anywhere, whether the Wave is having similar "Chironic" or "Quantum Flip" effects elsewhere in the Galaxy.

I am certainly no expert on this topic, but it seems like you might be limiting your thinking about this to a '3D' perspective (which is pretty impossible to avoid). You seem to be thinking of this as an ocean wave that moves through and affects everything similarly. I don't think that is how this 'wave' necessarily works. From what I understand, as it transits the Universe, as it 'always' has, the effect it has on various bodies/systems/inhabitants is determined by the state of the various bodies/systems/inhabitants. As the C's implied, for a system that is already 4D, there is no effect at all, so it seems that from where we stand now, we can pretty much only grasp the idea that some sort of realm border crossing is approaching, but we cannot currently grasp the details of what that might mean.

Hi anart. I have no doubt that I'm looking at this from a somewhat 3D perspective. However, I guess what I was trying to do was think of the closest 3D analogy, which to me is that of a tsunami. Of course, the analogy breaks down fairly quickly.

The data that may show that the wave is changing velocity is in the thread I linked to in my previous post.

DreamGod said:
Going back to the trancripts, the c´s said that with distance and eta will work to locate the crest of the wave, so I just throw all the dificulties and simplify the work by messuring the distance between stars (using celestia) and divide it for the years between contact, something like this:

Stars Diference Distance between stars Year
Orion - Arcturus 2 years 1999.44826 ly 1982 - 1984
Arcturus - Pleiades 4 years 408.4 ly 1984 - 1988
Pleiades - Shedir 6 years 279.45 ly 1988 - 1994
Shedir - Denebola 17 years 241.8 ly 1994 - 2011 aprox
(contact for Leoians are not confirmed but I speculate from the last session 23-feb-11 that they are almost in leo)

Now that I'm looking at this data more closely, it would appear that the wave is in fact slowing down relative to our perception of time on Earth, and has been slowing down and speeding up at various points (see line graph at the end of DreamGod's post), which negates much of my earlier analysis and statements. Apologies for the noise.

However, perhaps here the analogy of the tsunami may in fact be applicable. As a tsunami nears the shore and gains height, it also slows down.

Then again, perhaps the fact that the Wave appears to be changing velocity is related to the human experience as Perceval pointed out, and the idea of a "quantum wave collapse" (hope I'm using this term correctly).
I think the whole idea that the Wave is slowing down as a tsunami would as it approaches land is - again - getting really sidetracked by a 3D analogy. After all, to my understanding the Earth is not the final destination of the Wave, nor is it even a significant physical barrier, as the shore would be to a tsunami. I don't think it's even vaguely related to such mechanics. In short, I think it might be helpful to stop trying to fit 3D parameters to a phenomenon that is not limited by, nor really defined by, 3D. fwiw.
here is what the C's said in the new session:

Session 9 April 2011

A: What do you think about the ”new” explosion 3 to 4 billion light years away? They think, that is.

{Here it seems the Cs are referring to recent news of an explosion that is going on in the center of a small galaxy said to be 3.8 billion light-years away. See:
“Astronomers say they have never seen anything this bright, long-lasting and variable before. Usually gamma-ray bursts mark the end of a massive star and emission from these events never lasts more than a few hours. But radiation from the blast continues to brighten and fade from the location a week after the explosion.”
And: “Rather than the short-lived gamma-ray bursts typically associated with the death of a massive star -- most last no more than a few hours -- this explosion continues more than a week later to emanate pulses of high-energy cosmic radiation for an effect that's brighter, longer lasting, and more variable than scientists have ever seen.”}

Q: (L) Are you saying that it’s not as far away as they’re saying it is?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is it representing? What is it doing?

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.
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