Their Baleful Agenda



Detention sets the agenda from an early age
With dour faces of arid skin
Peering from a doubtful perch.
We ask aloud what anchors
The quarried brain without remorse,
All ceaseless cursing of the new ways.

Detention sets the watch and fires the gun,
Satisfied by a mirthless gain.
From here the rules coerce to coalesce;
Questions fold like a deck of cards
Riddled with Kings and Jokers,
Only lacking diamonds and hearts.

Detention sets the human mould
As if the spirit were jelly;
First melt the resolve, then
Administer the crucial blow before
Packing them in, with hive ambition
Chewing the nerves like cheap confectionary.

Detention sets a new exam
And waits for results.
Judgement wears an ugly grin -
Smug with years of power -
Still peering from that doubtful perch
Between folly and design.

Detention sets the agenda from an early age,
Yet never leaves us.
Its sterile vapour permeates a galaxy of
Thwarted dreams and a sleepless fancy.
We ask aloud and ask it now,
Before another quarried brain is anchored.

"Their Baleful Agenda"

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