Nienna Eluch said:
Alma, from what I can understand of the your english version (as I don't speak Spanish) and I could very well be wrong, it sounds like
sleep paralysis. This is something that happens to a lot of people. Getting paranoid and letting your fear run away with you is not the best thing for you. It really stresses your body and mind.
While suffering from sleep paralysis, the body is unable to move and the mind "sees" aliens, monsters and all manner of scary beings. But it is
usually something of the mind. Could something actually be going on supernaturally? Well, there is always that possibility, but usually, no.
If, indeed, there are supernatural things that are negatively oriented going on with you, are you aware of the fact that sometimes we
attract these beings to us because our
FRV is close to theirs. If this is truly the case, and not normal sleep-paralysis, doing the Work on yourself and raising your FRV is a very good way to lessen their affect on you. To do this you need to read the Wave Series in its entirety, do the Eiriu Eolas breathing and mediation program regularly and clean your machine by self-observing yourself and learning about your programs and getting them under control. Reading Ouspensky's
In Search of the Miraculous is a good start after reading the
Wave Series and the
Adventures With Cassiopaea. Then the Narcissist Big 5 books found in the
recommended books thread.
The last thing you need to do is let your fears take over and run away with you. As I said above, that does you no good and can lead to health issues.
You should, also, take a look at the
Diet and Health section of the forum and start getting rid of foods that you may be allergic or sensitve to as this can also create an imbalance in the hormones and chemicals of the mind and body.
I'm sure that others who speak spanish will help you out further.
Voy a empezar a tomar Té verde, ayer vi un artículo sobre el café. El café forma parte del estado de pánico. Tomaba café peor que un adicto, solo me gusta, el gusto fue suficiente para hacerlo un abuso. No tengo adicción ni dependencia psicológica fácilmente lo dejo. Soy diseñador gráfico y pasó muchas horas en la PC y no duermo mucho me gusta trabajar de noche y debido a una experiencia con grises, esto es psicológico, he invertido mi horario. No voy a un medico desde los 12 años, no enfermo con regularidad, soy alérgico al pelo animal, estoy empezando a controlar la comida ya que aumento y bajo de peso con facilidad.
Deje el alcohol, esto lo escribí en el foro: (Leer la parte en ingles)
Tengo muy presente que algo es mental y no todo es sobrenatural. Me he causado daño con el café, mas café que alcohol. Cuando era niño, y cuando empecé a saber sobre fantasmas, durante la noche no pude dormir, cuando fui a moverme, había algo acostado a mi lado, lo sentí y enseguida caí en un sueño profundo, esto sin duda es un trauma psicologico. También he hablado sobre las experiencias en otros temas.
Estoy leyendo la Onda y voy por el capitulo "The Wave", the translation in Spanish on the page you still reading this up to "lessons are all there or Laura ends in the pea soup ".

DIOS!!!! Tengo que hacer un curso de cocina...
Muchas gracias por la ayuda, :D
I will start taking green tea, yesterday I saw an article about coffee. The cafe is part of the state of panic. Worse than drinking coffee addict, just like me, the taste was enough to make it an abuse. I have no addiction or psychological dependence easily let him go. I'm a graphic designer and spent many hours on the PC and do not sleep much I like working at night because of an experience with gray, this is psychological, I invested my time. I'm not a doctor since age 12, not sick regularly, I am allergic to animal hair, I'm starting to control the growth and food as easily under weight.
Leave the alcohol, it was written in the forum:
"It has been said that marihuana and alcohol are the key to knowledge, open your mind, frees you from suffering. I've heard there are people who have seen "monsters, ghosts, etc." and have stopped drinking from the shock.
I drank too much over the breakup of a relationship with a person manipulated by a psychopath, the damage was serious in my life. When I could fix my life, having accepted the reality, I continued drinking to much. There were moments when I was talking to a person and everything turned black, my consciousness was "asleep" when I "woke up", he continued the conversation, - but did not know he was talking about - or simply i was verbally attacking the person. It was like sleeping without dreams, everything was black, when my consciousness returned, was like waking up, but I was already awake. Total disconnection, I chose to stop drinking, for a long time to prevent the posible suicide by a past emotion.
It was as if my memories, my feelings good and bad, each had its own life, different personalities and are expressed towards the particular person with what he felt or thought about his life, without measuring consequences, what he said was in some way truth.
Here we say "drunk, not lie" the person who tells lies in his life, when drunk, says it all.
For me it was easy to quit drinking, I had no psychological dependence, as there are people who say "it is cold I want to smoke to keep me warm, I'm stressed I want to smoke to calm me"
I am conscious that something is mental and not everything is supernatural. I've caused damage to coffee, more coffee than alcohol. As a child, and when I started to know about ghosts during the night I could not sleep, when I move, there was something lying next to me, I felt it and immediately fell into a deep sleep, this certainly is a psychological trauma. I have also talked about experiences in other subjects.
I am reading the wave and go for the chapter "The Wave", the translation in Spanish on the page you still reading this up to "lessons are all there or Laura ends in the pea soup."

OMG!!!! I have to do a cookery course...
Thank you very much for the help :D