Things in my mind... :headbash: - Spanish


Dagobah Resident
Vulcan59 said:
And from personal experience, one soul, you can easily feed more than 9 entities 4D.

Hi Alma.Innovadora,

Could you clarify how you know that "one soul can easily feed 9 entities 4D"? What personal experience has made you conclude that? :huh:

If you are having problems expressing yourself clearly, then perhaps you may consider posting it in Spanish?

Desperté astralmente, no salí de mi cuerpo, simplemente gire sobre mi cuerpo, fue como “subir un poco el velo” ya que mi cuerpo seguía estando inmóvil. Cuando veo al pie de mi cama había una especie de oscuridad concentrada, muy oscura y de ella surgían 9 ó 12 manos con garras, se agitaban desesperadamente tratando de alcanzarme, con intenciones de desgarrar. Cuando recobre la consciencia, mi cuerpo estaba en total pánico, el pánico que se activa cuando ataca el depredador, un terror que se concentra en el centro del corazón y hace una fuerte presión difícil de controlar. Trataban o estaban alimentándose del miedo.

El traductor que uso no me ayuda mucho, debo cortar las palabras para no deformar la oración, debido a eso, puedo causar confusión al expresarme en ingles dando a entender a veces cosas graves. Ha habido personas que si me han entendido ya que he estado horas corrigiendo los errores del traductor cortando y cambiando palabras para poder comunicarme. Dejaré los textos que requieran de mucho detalle para esta sesión con su respectiva traducción al inglés para facilitar la comunicación.


I Astrally woke, not out of my body, just turn on my body was like "go up a little the veil" because my body remained motionless. When I see the foot of my bed was a sort of concentrated dark, very dark and she sprang 9 or 12 hands with claws, waving desperately trying to catch up with intentions of tearing. When she regained consciousness, my body was in total panic, the panic that occurs when the predator attacks, a terror that is concentrated in the center of the heart causes severe pressure difficult to control. Treated or were feeding on fear.

The translator I use does not help me, I cut the words so as not to distort the sentence, because it can cause confusion to speak in English implying sometimes serious things. There have been people that if I have understood since I've been correcting the errors of hours chopping and changing words translator to communicate. I will leave the texts that require a lot of detail to this session with a translation into English to facilitate communication

Muchas Gracias, Thank you. ;D
Alma, from what I can understand of the your english version (as I don't speak Spanish) and I could very well be wrong, it sounds like sleep paralysis. This is something that happens to a lot of people. Getting paranoid and letting your fear run away with you is not the best thing for you. It really stresses your body and mind.

While suffering from sleep paralysis, the body is unable to move and the mind "sees" aliens, monsters and all manner of scary beings. But it is usually something of the mind. Could something actually be going on supernaturally? Well, there is always that possibility, but usually, no.

If, indeed, there are supernatural things that are negatively oriented going on with you, are you aware of the fact that sometimes we attract these beings to us because our FRV is close to theirs. If this is truly the case, and not normal sleep-paralysis, doing the Work on yourself and raising your FRV is a very good way to lessen their affect on you. To do this you need to read the Wave Series in its entirety, do the Eiriu Eolas breathing and mediation program regularly and clean your machine by self-observing yourself and learning about your programs and getting them under control. Reading Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous is a good start after reading the Wave Series and the Adventures With Cassiopaea. Then the Narcissist Big 5 books found in the recommended books thread.

The last thing you need to do is let your fears take over and run away with you. As I said above, that does you no good and can lead to health issues.

You should, also, take a look at the Diet and Health section of the forum and start getting rid of foods that you may be allergic or sensitve to as this can also create an imbalance in the hormones and chemicals of the mind and body.

I'm sure that others who speak spanish will help you out further.
Nienna Eluch said:
Alma, from what I can understand of the your english version (as I don't speak Spanish) and I could very well be wrong, it sounds like sleep paralysis. This is something that happens to a lot of people. Getting paranoid and letting your fear run away with you is not the best thing for you. It really stresses your body and mind.

While suffering from sleep paralysis, the body is unable to move and the mind "sees" aliens, monsters and all manner of scary beings. But it is usually something of the mind. Could something actually be going on supernaturally? Well, there is always that possibility, but usually, no.

If, indeed, there are supernatural things that are negatively oriented going on with you, are you aware of the fact that sometimes we attract these beings to us because our FRV is close to theirs. If this is truly the case, and not normal sleep-paralysis, doing the Work on yourself and raising your FRV is a very good way to lessen their affect on you. To do this you need to read the Wave Series in its entirety, do the Eiriu Eolas breathing and mediation program regularly and clean your machine by self-observing yourself and learning about your programs and getting them under control. Reading Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous is a good start after reading the Wave Series and the Adventures With Cassiopaea. Then the Narcissist Big 5 books found in the recommended books thread.

The last thing you need to do is let your fears take over and run away with you. As I said above, that does you no good and can lead to health issues.

You should, also, take a look at the Diet and Health section of the forum and start getting rid of foods that you may be allergic or sensitve to as this can also create an imbalance in the hormones and chemicals of the mind and body.

I'm sure that others who speak spanish will help you out further.

Voy a empezar a tomar Té verde, ayer vi un artículo sobre el café. El café forma parte del estado de pánico. Tomaba café peor que un adicto, solo me gusta, el gusto fue suficiente para hacerlo un abuso. No tengo adicción ni dependencia psicológica fácilmente lo dejo. Soy diseñador gráfico y pasó muchas horas en la PC y no duermo mucho me gusta trabajar de noche y debido a una experiencia con grises, esto es psicológico, he invertido mi horario. No voy a un medico desde los 12 años, no enfermo con regularidad, soy alérgico al pelo animal, estoy empezando a controlar la comida ya que aumento y bajo de peso con facilidad.

Deje el alcohol, esto lo escribí en el foro: (Leer la parte en ingles)

Tengo muy presente que algo es mental y no todo es sobrenatural. Me he causado daño con el café, mas café que alcohol. Cuando era niño, y cuando empecé a saber sobre fantasmas, durante la noche no pude dormir, cuando fui a moverme, había algo acostado a mi lado, lo sentí y enseguida caí en un sueño profundo, esto sin duda es un trauma psicologico. También he hablado sobre las experiencias en otros temas.

Estoy leyendo la Onda y voy por el capitulo "The Wave", the translation in Spanish on the page you still reading this up to "lessons are all there or Laura ends in the pea soup ".

:jawdrop: DIOS!!!! Tengo que hacer un curso de cocina...

Muchas gracias por la ayuda, :D


I will start taking green tea, yesterday I saw an article about coffee. The cafe is part of the state of panic. Worse than drinking coffee addict, just like me, the taste was enough to make it an abuse. I have no addiction or psychological dependence easily let him go. I'm a graphic designer and spent many hours on the PC and do not sleep much I like working at night because of an experience with gray, this is psychological, I invested my time. I'm not a doctor since age 12, not sick regularly, I am allergic to animal hair, I'm starting to control the growth and food as easily under weight.

Leave the alcohol, it was written in the forum:

"It has been said that marihuana and alcohol are the key to knowledge, open your mind, frees you from suffering. I've heard there are people who have seen "monsters, ghosts, etc." and have stopped drinking from the shock.

I drank too much over the breakup of a relationship with a person manipulated by a psychopath, the damage was serious in my life. When I could fix my life, having accepted the reality, I continued drinking to much. There were moments when I was talking to a person and everything turned black, my consciousness was "asleep" when I "woke up", he continued the conversation, - but did not know he was talking about - or simply i was verbally attacking the person. It was like sleeping without dreams, everything was black, when my consciousness returned, was like waking up, but I was already awake. Total disconnection, I chose to stop drinking, for a long time to prevent the posible suicide by a past emotion.

It was as if my memories, my feelings good and bad, each had its own life, different personalities and are expressed towards the particular person with what he felt or thought about his life, without measuring consequences, what he said was in some way truth.
Here we say "drunk, not lie" the person who tells lies in his life, when drunk, says it all.

For me it was easy to quit drinking, I had no psychological dependence, as there are people who say "it is cold I want to smoke to keep me warm, I'm stressed I want to smoke to calm me"

I am conscious that something is mental and not everything is supernatural. I've caused damage to coffee, more coffee than alcohol. As a child, and when I started to know about ghosts during the night I could not sleep, when I move, there was something lying next to me, I felt it and immediately fell into a deep sleep, this certainly is a psychological trauma. I have also talked about experiences in other subjects.

I am reading the wave and go for the chapter "The Wave", the translation in Spanish on the page you still reading this up to "lessons are all there or Laura ends in the pea soup."

:jawdrop: OMG!!!! I have to do a cookery course...

Thank you very much for the help :D

Your account about your sleep habits seems to me one of the main causes of your experiences. Are you aware of what goes on with your brain chemicals when you don't get proper sleep, and at night?!

Yes, coffee is bad, and not drinking it anymore is absolutely a good thing. But with a brain chemical imbalance like the one you are describing, I doubt that it's going to solve the problem at its root. I think you need to take 5-HTP and melatonin, eat healthily, go to bed at a reasonable hour, keep reading, stick to the facts, and let your body calm down. Until your body is clean, you can't tell whether your experiences are real or due to that imbalance. And if they are real, the best thing to do is to regain strength and balance so as to psychologically fight it better. Please take care of yourself.
Ailén said:

Your account about your sleep habits seems to me one of the main causes of your experiences. Are you aware of what goes on with your brain chemicals when you don't get proper sleep, and at night?!

Yes, coffee is bad, and not drinking it anymore is absolutely a good thing. But with a brain chemical imbalance like the one you are describing, I doubt that it's going to solve the problem at its root. I think you need to take 5-HTP and melatonin, eat healthily, go to bed at a reasonable hour, keep reading, stick to the facts, and let your body calm down. Until your body is clean, you can't tell whether your experiences are real or due to that imbalance. And if they are real, the best thing to do is to regain strength and balance so as to psychologically fight it better. Please take care of yourself.

Pánico, pensamientos involuntarios que impiden mi concentración, olvido las cosas con frecuencia pero tan no grave, por minutos se me olvida lo que iba a decir o pensaba sin embargo asimilo la información de una manera muy fluida (Demasiado fluida... creo que ese es el problema debo hacerlas mas solidas, se me van los pensamientos como el agua entre las manos :lol:). Cambios de humor que se reflejan como intolerancia, no tengo depresiones, no tengo insomnio solo me levanto durante la madrugada, no fumo, no bebo alcohol, no tenían dependencia psicológica sin embargo los efectos no fueron buenos (arriba explicados). El alcohol dejo sus marcas y lo respalde con el café prácticamente. No como las 3 comidas, no sigo una dieta, como de todo pero controladamente, no abuso con la comida por que hace 3 años había aumentado de peso, no considerablemente pero físicamente me estaba afectando debido al sedentarismo debido a mi trabajo, hago ejercicios en la casa, pero muy pocos. Pero jamás he ido al médico debido a un estado crítico de salud... al ver todo esto escrito… por irresponsabilidad también. :/

Seguir un régimen alimenticio sano, se me hace un poco difícil porque la mayoría de las recetas que tienen o hasta ahora las que he leído, no las se preparar y tampoco dispongo de alguien que me ayude.

¿Cuál sería el tratamiento adecuado? ¿Con las comidas o sin las comidas? el modo de uso, a qué hora, etc.

:whlchair: Supongo que ahora sí debería ir a un médico…

Realmente Gracias. :D


Panic, involuntary thoughts that prevent my focus, I forget things often but not serious but a minute I forget what was said or thought to assimilate the information but in a very fluid (Too much fluid, I think that's the problem I make them more solid, my thoughts are like water in his hands :lol:). mood changes that are reflected as intolerance, not I have depression, insomnia, only get up at dawn, do not smoke, do not drink, had no psychological dependence but the effects were not good (explained above). The alcohol left their marks and back it up with coffee practically. Not like the 3 meals, do not follow a diet, as all but under control, not with food abuse that 3 years ago he gained weight, but not significantly physically I was hurting because of inactivity due to my work, I workout in the house, but very few. But I have never seen a doctor due to a critical state of health ... seeing all this writing ... by irresponsibility too. :/

Follow a healthy diet, I get a little difficult because most of the recipes so far have or have read, are not prepared and I own not someone help me.

What would be the appropriate treatment? With food or without food? how to use, what time, etc.

:whlchair: I suppose now I should go to a doctor ...

Really Thanks! :D
Hi Alma Innovadora,

Here is a translation of the Ultra Simple diet:

That is our Spanish health blog. The recipes are very easy, they are literally simple. The first step is to cut down inflammatory foods and that can make the whole difference.
Not like the 3 meals, do not follow a diet, as all but under control, not with food abuse that 3 years ago he gained weight, but not significantly physically I was hurting because of inactivity due to my work, I workout in the house, but very few. But I have never seen a doctor due to a critical state of health ... seeing all this writing ... by irresponsibility too.

Well, not having a lot of any physical symptoms doesn't always mean one is healthy:-) Some members of our forum couldn't recognize any allergies or intolerance until they did the diet, and now they feel much better. In some people, inflammation manifests itself physically (chronic diseases, pain, allergies, bloating, etc.) In others, psychically (troubles with sleeping, moodiness, displaced anger, anxiety, panic...) And in others, it shows in both ways. So you really have to try it to see if you can discover what is good and bad for you. Even if you don't feel bad, you may be having some brain chemical imbalances you are not aware of, and healing that part could make a lot of difference! :D Your panic and lack of concentration may well have something to do with this.

As Psyche said, the recipes are really simple! This isn't a "diet", in fact. It's rather a living style, and a rather pleasant one if you ask me. ;) No other way to know than to try it out.
Sí, he tenido esto en cuenta que no tener dolor físico no significa que tenga una buena salud -la irresponsabilidad y descuido de mi parte- tengo una alergia a una comida específica pero puedo comerla sin problema, de todas maneras, lo como muy poco. Voy a tomar el tiempo necesario para recordar y analizar las cosas en todas las experiencias que tuve cuando niño, porque no todas las experiencias han sido durante el sueño, sólo para explicar estos dos eran los más fuertes desde que empecé a conocer el material Cassiopaea. Lo que ha pasado en el exterior ha sido un "catalizador" para el daño interno, por ahora no puedo descartar la posibilidad por razones obvias, físicas y psíquicas (Las emocionales tenían un rol serio, con un toque psiquico significativo) durante un largo periodo antes de hacerme daño.

Continuaré lo indicado. Muchas gracias, de verdad gracias. :rockon:


Yes, I have had that in mind which has no physical pain does not mean that i have good health - irresponsibility and carelessness on my part- I have an allergy to a specific meal but I can eat without problem, anyway i eat very little. I will take the time necessary to remember and analyze things on all the experiences I had as child, because not all experiences have been during sleep, only to explain these two were the strongest since I started Cassiopaea know the material, which has spent externally has been a "catalyst" towards the internal damage, for now i can not rule out the possibility for obvious, reasons physical and psychic (The emotional had a serious role, with the touch psychic significant) for a long time before I hurt myself.

I will continue the indicated, thank you very much,really thanks . :rockon:

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