This is embarrasing but..... (hemorrhoids)


The last days I have been having hemmorrhoids with a lot of pain until my leg, :( :cry: I have been carefully about my diet but had too much stress, so I think it could affected me most.

I would like to get DMSO but can somebody tell me where to look, I went to Drugstore and they even heard about that!!!
I know that my country have particular "procteccion" for the imports of medicines and they didnt allow some products to come, the same for Coloidal Silver!!!

So if some one have an idea where to look, I´ll really appreciate!!! :/

Thanks for your Idea, I cant see your link! :( but I´ll look for in Amazon !!!!
I'm aware of my hemorrhoid issue since 3 days.

Apparently the issue has been latent for at least one year.

At this time (few times before starting the Paleo Diet) I had noticed a little part of the "skin" around my ass hole was smooth, and frequently when I was going to the toilet I had the feeling that my intestine wanted to go out after the stools (at the time I was on a ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet with a lot of raw vegetables).

That seems to had get away, or at least strongly diminished on the paleo diet (the smooth part was still there).
I am now on the 10th week on the Ketogenic Diet (KD).
I have add back spicy infusion some weeks ago along with heavy lifting HIIT. And lately few grams of garlic once a day.
I have not do DMSO again but will probably re-test it later.

Four days ago I tried DMSO on my low back expecting reducing a chronic pain that I have for years.
The night after that I had a "poussé d'hémorroïde" (hemorrhoid push out?).

I must also add that I spend a lot of my time seat down reading or in front of my computer.

So, All this elements (except maybe the DMSO) seems to be related to this issue.

Has the HIIT exercises seems important in the KD experiment I wonder If I have to quit it or if I can do it from time to time.
I am also wondering if the spicy infusion are problematic or not.

Today I have find some aloe gel, I will try it tonight.
I have add back EE classes (I was only doing the POTS) that seems to help with the back pain along with 5 minutes of "Marche immobile" (unmoving walk - a video here: _ every morning and evening.

Every additional advice will be appreciate.

Good day, forgiveness, thank you
Goemon_ said:
Every additional advice will be appreciate.

Any exertion that resembles the Valsalva maneuver (i.e. defecating) will contribute to the problem. Those veins are very fragile and very low pressure vessels, which is why hemorrhoids can happen when there is constipation and "exertion". It is just too much pressure. In general, hemorrhoids develop over a period of time of high pressure conditions. The vessels get "enlarged" because their walls are not made to handle high pressures. Now that you are on the paleo diet and removed the large quantities of fiber, things will get better. But if you are having constipation problems, those issues can be helped with magnesium, bone broth and/or salted water, vitamin C and even digestive enzymes.

I don't know which resistance training exercises would be advisable here. I would favor those that don't add up pressure in your pelvic muscles, but I don't know which ones. Perhaps lifting weights in a laying down position?

If you have an "hemorrhoid push out", you can reduce yourself with a lubricating oil, i.e. olive oil. That is, push it back inside.
There is an excellent homeopathic cream for hemorrhoids: AVENOC from the brand Boiron. And also something very good, that you take in drops: Dr. Reckeweg R13 Prohämorrhin.

I hope this can help.
I was helped by reading this thread which I found by googling "painful hemorrhoids" so want to post my story to the one or two sites that actually helped me. I just got over a very painful thrombosed hemorrhoid or (Perianal hematoma- I learned when I came here!) - and it took about 5ish weeks to heal. I've had hemorrhoids before, several years ago after childbirth. Those had lasted way too long (with bleeding, itching, some pain)-took about a year or more I think. So this time around I knew it could take awhile and I was much more determined to take extreme actions to get rid of it - quicker.

It began sometime in July, ended late August. It swelled up pretty much overnight, about 10 days before a trip(s) I was taking. The first 7-10 days it was only mildly painful & uncomfortable. I did not do too much to treat it those first days... Then suddenly just before I was about to leave it grew & became super painful. All I could think of is "I am not living with this for another year or more like I did back then!" Right away I started eating smoothies only, barely ate (it was hard to eat in pain, anyway). I was on the road next day--reduced coffee over 3-5 days until I stopped drinking it. I cut out all sweets. Then the next few days (on my trip), I added new healing steps.

I've been under financial stress, and planning two trips back-to-back (adding to the stress). When it appeared and even when it got worse - I forced myself to travel with it. By the end of that first trip I canceled the second trip, due to the pain, and went home to heal. I recommend not forcing yourself to do things that are making heal-time longer or worse.

It was what appeared to be a thrombosed hemorrhoid. It would swell & come out of the anal opening, and I would push it back in. It hurt - constantly: it hurt as it would slowly fall out of the opening; it hurt, again, when pushing it in again, and hurt just as bad as I clenched to *hold* it inside... And I could only clench for a short time before eventually I had to let go & it would slide back out-starting the whole process over...hurting...always, always hurting.

While traveling on that trip I hurt so much I just stayed in bed to get some relief. There was one day I needed to be mobile and I found if I just let it hang out it didn't hurt much at all. I thought maybe I'd found a cure -all I had to do was leave it alone & let it hang. But at the end of that day it had swelled *even more*! Sitting was now impossible. Back in my hotel room, it was so swollen it was much harder to press it back into the anal opening - even when I laid down.

Here's what that experience taught me... I think when it hangs out it cuts off circulation causing more swelling. And I think when I press it in & keep it in, it allows circulation to be more natural and allows it to heal. However, in order to keep the swollen lump inside the anal opening, and not "slide out", I had to clench - which was also cutting off circulation, not to mention adding to the pain. All that pain & clenching & tension was disturbing the muscles all over my pelvic and torso area (and whole body). This affected the digestive track, my urinary tract (felt a uti coming), and elsewhere! Generally there was just way too much tension for the area and my body. I was experiencing possible UTi, and had multiple other body issues occurring that showed my immune system was failing. I knew I needed to keep tension (& pain) away...

It became clear the best thing for me to do was lay horizontally with it pressed in, and relax. Laying horizontally - legs strait - took away that gravitational pull for the most part, keeping the lump inside and allowing me to really relax well. Less clenching meant much less pain. And also allowed my body to function without that tension & helped circulation in that area. Sometimes I'd turn on my stomach for a short time, also goes with gravity. Laying down (and baths!) was one of the best pain reliefs I had during the worst of the pain.

The worst of the swelling from that day of walking went down fast enough - by the next morning it was more almond sized or less, and I could more easily keep it tucked in to the anal opening as long as I was laying flat (and following my other healing routines, which I will get to in a bit). I knew from here on out that one of the main things I would need to do was AVOID walking, AVOID standing - and most of all - AVOID SITTING, and to continue to lay down as much as I could.

Other things I did: On that trip- drank lots of water for the uti. two mornings in a row I had a large cup of hot lemon juice, drank fast-to help that uti. Starting during that trip, I took a cranberry supplement, a 1,000 mg C supplement, and an acidolphilis supplement - all three to help with the uti, immune system & digestive system. I stopped taking these supplements about 2 1/2 -3 weeks later.

Overall, I stopped eating much, from the moment of intense pain a day or two before the trip and the next 7-10 days --and tried to eat only fruits and veggies - greens. My goal was to focus on foods that fight inflammation and stay away from foods known to cause inflammation - (NO sugars except fruits, no coffee or super small amounts of these). I used my vitamix to make green smoothies- (with fruit, veg, a bit of steel oatmeal/psyllium husk & almonds). I even took it to my hotel & made them there. I also ate solid food sometimes, in small amounts per day, but otherwise just had smoothies. I did this ritually for about 7-10 days, but as the days wore on I started eating more solids and less smoothies... Eating less and the food choices I made reduced the amount of bowel movements & allowed more time between them for the lump to heal. My choices also 'kept my stool soft- also less painful to eliminate.

I used a toilet sprayer to clean myself (took a sport water bottle for the trip) after every movement - I still do this, and really, I always have (since my birth hemorrhoid experience). After reading up on hemorrhoids, I realized that by cleaning myself so well I think I probably avoided the itching/bleeding, this time around.

Then after every bowel movement & spray cleaning, I took a 10-15 min epson bath (best in the tub vs toilet/pan because I can lay back, push it in & relax). I enjoyed a good book while in the bath.

I found essence oils EXTREMELY helpful-particularly the very nice-smelling geranium oil - 3-4 drops on a cottonball applied directly to the lump hanging out several times a day, (then pressed back in with a bit of vaseline) and always after finishing the bath and/or every bowel movement. Slowly I reducing the amount of applications over the next 2-3 weeks as the swelling slowly declined then disappeared.

On some days, chose to switch out the geranium oil for other oils directly to the lump. I purchased oils listed online to reduce swelling/ inflammation (but making sure to read up on their toxicity): I applied occasional tea tree -least effective; blue chamomile - ok; eucalyptus (be careful with it)- was very painful but I still used it on occasion, sometimes mixed with coconut oil, sometimes strait; Cypress oil and juniper oils. I spent a lot of money on these oils, and if I could only use one it'd be geranium.

I really didn't feel any great effects using any of the other oils (compared to geranium)- but I hoped by switching around the various oils I was providing my immune system some other options, and also kind of recreating that "first time" affect when I went back to the geranium since the first time I used geranium oil it seemed to have the most noticeable reduction in swelling. No matter what, geranium oil always felt soothing on pain. Geranium oil feels warm on the swollen skin and relaxing to the surrounding muscles. The smell is also soothing and relaxing. And wherever I went people commented it smelled like fresh flowers, lol - much nicer than other smelly rubs you might be using.

NOW brand geranium oil was cheapest so I bought 3 bottles which I used the first couple of weeks. I read up on differences & some critics say there is no benefit to brands labeled "therapeutic". I did go to a well-reputed (Arlys) site to buy cypress, juniper, blue chamomile & an extra geranium - and used them for the final 3 weeks... just in case the NOW brand geranium wasn't as good - I was desperate. I have no idea if the brand I used was better or not just went by reputation.

I used both coconut oil and vaseline (mostly vaseline since it was easy to dispense from a tube) regularly to help push it in several times a day. First I would apply the essence oil, directly, and sometimes I'd wait a few minutes, other times I just immediately put a dab of vaseline over essence oil -which was always just before pressing it back inside.

I finally could feel that it was receding in that 3rd-4th week. It was slow, so I wasn't exactly sure if it was going down, but I had an inkling. Then it became more obvious it was shrinking and soon, I was down to such a small size that I was celebrating.... but wondering if it was going to stay there at that small size or go away. I continued all my efforts, very much a routine by now, (though I was eating far more solids and even a tiny bit of sweets/coffee) and by the 5th week I realized it was gone, so I put away most of my treatments (except my sprayer every day, and an occasional epson bath every few days) - as maintenance.

I can't say which of this routine was most important... I think laying down with the lump inside, relaxed, was hugely helpful... as was the geranium oil. But so was the smoothies, particular diet of non-inflammatory foods, greens/veggies, and so was the cleanings and baths. Probably it all worked together.

During those final 3 weeks after the trip, I didn't really stay in bed ALL day - just OFTEN. Before the hemorrhoid I had been walking, daily, but during recovery, I did not walk. And I *did* stay home. I didn't go out for most of the 3 weeks, cancelled everything, stayed off my computer. On a couple of occasions when I did go out -- my essence oil/cotton went with. I also carried a water bottle with a sport cap so I could clean myself; flushable wipes and a green smoothie. So, while recuperating, I cooked & did light cleaning, and cared for my child etc but spent a lot of time in bed, (relaxing, sleeping, reading/watching tv/ occasionally brought computer to bed --laying down --but hard to use that way, so not too much). I rarely sat down anywhere. When I did sit, I used a soft pillow. I know this routine would not be possible for most people due to jobs. But this is what healed me and I need to tell it.
Just mentioned on the Iodine thread that I've had virtually life-long issues with hemorrhoids. Ordered some DMSO with Aloe, so I'll give that a go. Here's what I posted there that's butt-specific:

Perhaps unrelated, but since it's health I'll throw in I have hemorrhoids. They're mostly like internal blobs of flesh that sit right inside my anus. First noticed it when I was 13 years old, so I'm postulating it's diet-related damage. Recently I had a scare of sorts where I found a hard pea-sized lump within them. It hurt when pressed, and wasn't there before. I did some research, and found it was likely a blood vessel that popped during exercise. I see my trainer every Wednesday for 1.5 hours, and we do various exercises... since the hard lump dealio showed up last Weds night I figured that made sense. Of course I had a day of being like 'oh crap I might have cancer' but that seems unlikely.

Did some more research and postulated that there's some root-chakra issues there. I might make another thread about it, but the short of it is my mom stepped away from the tub when I was an infant and when she came back I was face-down bubbling in the water. I think that may have been enough to cause some sort of issue there, but when I meditate on it I don't get any sort of abreaction or other inklings. I would LOVE to fix whatever problem causes these hemorrhoids, but from the research I've done, they don't seem to ever go away. Anyway - the pea-sized lump is still there, but it doesn't hurt and seems to be fading - which lends to the hypothesis that it was a popped blood vessel. Planning to skip working out this week to give my body time to fix itself.

I may also follow Gaby's advice and avoid doing any sort of lower-core stuff, as ab work may be triggering the issue.
Re: This is embarrasing but.....

Prodigal Son said:
Hi Slowone
From a body-mind connection, the following may help – make you feel comfortable, or not,
Louise Hay in You Can Heal Your Life said:
Hemorrhoids – Fear of deadlines. Anger at the past. Afraid to let go. Feeling burdened.
Lise Bourbeau in Your body’s telling you: Love yourself! said:
Hemorrhoids reveal a build-up of emotional pressure caused by stress and fear that you would rather not discuss and show. The result is burdensome. Hemorrhoids may occur if you pressure or force yourself to have more; perhaps you are enduring a job that you do not like. Since hemorrhoids are located in the rectum (the terminal portion of the large intestine), you are constantly pushing yourself to finish thinks. Do you ask too much of yourself? Have you created undue tension trying to have something or someone because of material insecurity and difficulty in making decisions?
The more pronounced your inner sense of insecurity, the more you may suffer from hemorrhoids. In order to mitigate this insecurity, you push yourself to do in order to have. When you feel that things are not moving along as quickly as you want, do you burn with impatience? It is essential that you develop a consistent faith in the Universe, an unfailing trust that everything is as it should be and that all of God’s children will be provided for. Learn to let go and to express your feelings openly and honestly while acknowledging your fear of material deprivation.
I have this problem with hemorrhoids for years, even a decades. I don't feel a pain but this itchiness makes me feel very uncomfortable. When I succeed to not scratch it I feel success, but most of the time I feel very unsuccessful because I usually fail not to scratch.
I'm on paleo diet for some time, even when I worked this season I did eat little bit of gluten (in some meals). Also, using supplements like magnesium, vitamin c, zinc, b complex, selenium, pro biotics, omega 3, chlorela and iodium probably helps me which I fail to recognize to the point when I stop using it.

In psychological sense, when I think that I can cure this problem I could easily suppress my need to scratch. And this thing with DMSO makes me think that I could solve this problem.

Because this thread is old is it possible that someone who used DMSO for solving this issue tells me more about his experience.

I have found this articles and I do have DMSO at my home but this one is not gel, it is liquid and we are using this for burns and it is very effective:

DMSO Protocol For Anal Stenosis or Rectal Strictures
How To Heal Internal and External Hemorrhoids
I had hemorrhoids about 8 some years, on and off. And stomach irritation too.
I tried various herbs and methods but not completely cure until few months ago.

Now I am drinking this vinegar and garlic tonic,

Ever since I started to drink 1 tbsp garlic/vinegar tonic add with about 8-10 ounces water 2 times per day, no more hemorrhoids, no more pain in the stomach!
And I feel my bottom is strong/tight like my younger years.
Thank you Kay Kim, very good news that you manage to find great and easy way to deal with hemorrhoids.

I remember in The Wave that C's recommended Ark how to get rid of fluoride from the system:

A: Fluoride is toxic, and deposits in fatty tissues, and lymph system. Aside from the obvious possible negative consequences, it can make one more susceptible to electromagnetic wave frequencies that are designed to make one open to mind alteration!
Q: (L) Okay. You have my undivided attention. How does he get the fluoride out of his system?
A: Recommend daily ingestion of Goldenseal root, as well as vinegar and garlic in moderation, along with up to an hour per every two days of light aerobic exercise.
Q: (L) Well, this sounds serious. Anything else that will help?
A: This is a good start. Arkadiusz, or as we like to call him, Arkady, is the primary target of your trio, for now. Great potential dangers lurk...
And in the article you posted is mentioned the other
Health Benefits of Garlic and Vinegar Tonic:
for health maintenance, for obesity (Adiposis), common cold & cough, fatigue & stress, heart disease, external injury, swelling caused by sprain, arthritis with fever and pain, hemorrhoids, viral hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, tumour, intestinal parasites, bacillary dysentery.

It looks like this tonic can easily solve almost everything ;-) but if I remember correctly C's also said that the significance of garlic is overrated.

Nevertheless, I will certainly gonna try this, thank you for sharing.
For the past six years I have had daily bleeding that requires me to wear protective clothing. The standing position becomes very uncomfortable after a few minutes. I finally found a herbal tea based on Verbascum thapsus (an old Ural remedy, more effective than DAFLON) that limits bleeding without interrupting it completely (once a week). I decided to see a surgeon who, after auscultation, advised me to have HAL-RAR surgery. I go back to see her on April 24th to set a date for the operation. I'll keep you informed.
My diet is very simple, contains only a few groceries: meat (also homemade dried sausage), fish, eggs and potato. When I eat only this groceries my problem with hemorrhoids is decreasing. But sometime, when I visited someone for lunch or try to include some other groceries in my menu (usually because sometime is boring to eat the same food each day, even it's prepared in different ways) I eat peas, bobsled, cabbage or any other vegetable or legumes I have big problems. Also, pickled cucumbers or sour peppers the same. Any sour food is no, no for me.

I'm interested in how others react to certain foods and what are your experiences?
Same for you, Dakota: when I eat only animal food (meat, eggs, butter, lard) it's OK. When i introduce vegetables (even fermented ones :-( ) I immediately have diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
For me, it is mainly chocolate that causes hard stools. Otherwise, the bleeding is due to venous circulation problems (according to the surgeon).
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