Thor, the movie opens in 2 days


The Cosmic Force
Looks like it might be wakey wakey time? :D

"Your ancestors called it magic...but you call it science. I come from a land where they are one and the same."

Ahh Thor does not look like Thor in that movie... mm but well, hulk didn't look like hulk.

:rolleyes: This Thor doesn't look like wise or like the son of odin with omnipotence, thundering.
cubbex said:
Ahh Thor does not look like Thor in that movie... mm but well, hulk didn't look like hulk.

:rolleyes: This Thor doesn't look like wise or like the son of odin with omnipotence, thundering.

Yeah, I noticed he kinda looks like us ...if we exercise, A LOT. :lol:

Seriously though, I was SOOOOOO glad they didn't pick some steroid pumped professional wrestler to play Thor... this Thor is MUCH closer to legend. Remember that according to Norse saga, Heimdallr made mankind from trees and his own DNA. It's said that the Aesir can walk among humanity unrecognized because you really can't tell them from ordinary people...until you tick one off. ;)

There are very few people on this planet who don't know who Thor is, which is pretty amazing when you stop to think about it. This movie is introducing the concept of inter dimensional Beings, and battles, to the masses in record number. It's being released worldwide, which is rather unusual for this sort of movie, and some people will be seeing (a Hollywood version of) what we're really up against for the very first time.

Best of all, it's an offered opportunity...without force or fear as motivation. In our modern society, what could be more of a free will choice than a movie?
clerck de bonk said:
Oh, You Valhalla buffs...

Remember to keep your mental hygiene intact when You go watchin' :P

I go to watch my Grandfather hand the Frost Giants (Nephilim) their collective asses ...what could be more mentally hygienic than that? ;D
Guardian said:

Hmm ok, hehe, I was referring to the comic books' Thor, the one from "The Avengers". Lol he was fun, whenever he received a blast on his back he answered "HOW YOU DARE TO BE A COWARD WITH THE SON OF ODIN!! YOU SHALL EXPERIENCE THE POWER OF MY HAMMER", ahaha it was so fun to read someone talking like that. There are other actors that may look like Thor, for example the one from "The Wrestler", that it's not a wrestler, but the actor looks like an old Thor.
Guardian said:
clerck de bonk said:
Oh, You Valhalla buffs...

Remember to keep your mental hygiene intact when You go watchin' :P

I go to watch my Grandfather hand the Frost Giants (Nephilim) their collective asses ...what could be more mentally hygienic than that? ;D

Ok, I won't put my member between the anvil and the hammer here but be sure to look out for the vectors... and live to tell us about it ;)
Looking forward to that one, specially knowing that is not that based upon the silly marvel comic :P
clerck de bonk said:
Ok, I won't put my member between the anvil and the hammer here but be sure to look out for the vectors... and live to tell us about it ;)

I will, thank you for your concern. :hug2:

I happen to know one of the screenwriters, and Ash has been a good guy since since he came out swinging at William and Mary. I don't think he would have taken part in the project if it had been corrupted. Of course it will be a Hollywood version of legend, but I think what's really important...the message, will come through clean :)

His name is "Ashley" and it's interesting to note how many descendants have "Ash" in their names. In Norse mythology, the World Tree (Yggdrasil) is an Ash.
skycsil said:
Looking forward to that one, specially knowing that is not that based upon the silly marvel comic :P

Actually, it probably is. The first couple of frames in the trailer resemble the "secret" teaser that appeared in the end of Iron Man II (after the credits). It is probably continuation of "The Avengers" theme as was introduced in Iron Man II. But that's all I know about this topic, really! :D

edit: spelling.
skycsil said:
Looking forward to that one, specially knowing that is not that based upon the silly marvel comic :P

Sushh it is based on that!!!!

That's why I said, it doesn't look like the marvel comic guy, maybe because to drain attention for people not involved a little in comics.
Guardian said:
cubbex said:
Sushh it is based on that!!!!

Actually, as I understand it, it's a combination of the Marvel/ Avenger series, and legend.

Yup, I thought it was going to be 100% the Marvel Thor, so the movie was a big meh for me before reading this thread.

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