To eat or not to eat


Dagobah Resident
In the C's transcripts I read that, in order not to be food for 4D STS entities, one needs to cease craving to "eat".

I guess it (partly) means that we have to give at least some respect to our food?

In my understanding, everything we perceive is our interpretation, depending primarily on our level of awareness.
And Consciousness is everywhere, from 1D to 7D.
Then, when feeding on 1D and 2D creatures, there is somehow an exchange of consciousness...

Now, another meaning could be to really cease to eat, as some people are doing by getting their energy from Prana and sun light.
But IMHO this doesn't seem to be what we are supposed to do in 3D.
Or would it be a STO path for advanced candidates?
Hello Esote,
Did you read the discussion that follows June's transcipt?
And also, the life without bread thread,22916.0.html
In short, you do not honnor nature if you don't eat, because that's our nature and our participation into the cycle of life. We honor and respect nature by receiving (not taking) the optimal fuel she gives us without lust and craving. There is no black and white thinking, all is about balance.
Thank you mkrnhr for your reply and the links.

This is very well said:

"We honor and respect nature by receiving (not taking) the optimal fuel she gives us without lust and craving. "
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