

A Disturbance in the Force
I have seen a tokoloshe. Years ago my husband and i got home one night and a typical Cape Town crazy wind came up. I went to close a window that was banging and immediately felt the presence of something bad. My husband didn't think much of my uneasy feelings and I tried to ignore it. We went to bed and I later woke up from the banging of the window that i closed earlier. My husband (now ex) slept like a log, so I decided to conquer my fears and just face whatever was waiting there in the other room. I walked in quickly, shut the window, ran back to our bedroom and jumped in bed. I was terrified, I knew something was there and coming closer. I tried to wake my husband, I shook him, pulled his hair...and then realised he was not going to wake up, it just dawned that it was me and this thing and I have to face it. It came into the room, shaking, very agitated. I did'nt want to believe what I was seeing, but I was frozen in terror. The thing came rushing at me, all hands and teeth. I kept my eyes wide open up to the point where it was on top of me; i thought its going to rip me to pieces and wanted to protect myself, but couldn't move. It rushed right into me or through me, I don't know. I think it was a tokoloshe, why me, I do not know. I have felt the presence of spirits before but its always been friendly. I am not superstitious, prefer walking underneath ladders and love walking about at night alone...Has anyone else experienced this?
I wrote about the Tokoloshe here, but I've never seen one, nope.

You seem quite sure that it was a Tokoloshe though. Why are you so convinced?
Thanks for the welcome! A few years ago my staff was talking about the tokoloshe. I explained to them what I experienced and they convinced me that it was definitely a tokoloshe. They wanted to know if i didn't get an illness afterwards and I replied that I got shingles. They said some people die after a visit from the tokoloshe. They are certain of its existence and terrified of it, although they couldn't tell me much more. They are also scared of cats because it reminds them of the tokoloshe.
In the other thread I wrote about the Tokoloshe, I mentioned that it would be interesting to hear what Credo Mutwa has to say about it.

I found this:


He says it's the same creature that people in the US call a Sasquatch or Bigfoot, or the people in Nepal call a Yeti, or the Polynesians call a Tiki. Here we just call it a Tokoloshe.

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