Trans madness: jokes & memes

This not really a joke or a meme about trans, but here we go:
You’re right, not a ha,ha, joke, that compilation is decidedly the most disturbing collection of insane, degrading caricatures of womanhood I have seen, to date.
The creepy looks and dead eyes of these mentally deranged men is horrific.
If sanity gains ground, perhaps this will be how historians record these strange, deranged days.
comment image
This not really a joke or a meme about trans, but here we go:

Lots of fakes

(but not all) in the video where faces have been "pasted into" . The proclaimed image of "Zelensky from 1999" is a fake, too.

Sorry, this ain't helping, really !
[unless it is meant as a joke]

However, the published aforementioned photo didn't tell it was a joke, but instead insisted on that it was Zelensky 1999. Notice that both faces are different in the original photo below.

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This meme appeared recently in the newsfeed of one of my "extremist content" FB groups. There were more than a few angry comments from the progressive woke left - calling anyone who laughed at the meme or any straight person who was unwilling to date a man in a dress, a "transphobe", among other things.

tranny 1.jpg

Remember the whole "super straight" meme frenzy from last year? It emerged as a kind of backlash to this phenomenon of normal people being called out for refusing to date a tranny, because in their minds trans-women are "indistinguishable" from biological women.

Anyway, there were also some funny meme replies in the comment section, of which I'm including a few below...

tranny 2.jpg
tranny 3.jpg

tranny 4.jpg
🤬 Germany • Federal Ministry
for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

This page was present at the German Federal Ministry's homepage via "" (which was taken off line the other day). It's not really a joke. More like a subverted, inspirational manual for kids, how easy it is to change sex by simply pop some pills.


Reporter Henning Rosenbusch writes on his Telegram page:

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth is in green hands:
The rainbow portal here directly addresses children who have not yet reached puberty:
"You haven't reached puberty yet? Then you can take puberty blockers."
The page was taken offline today.

German Federal Ministry
for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

Taking puberty blockers
Are you still very young?
And haven't you reached puberty yet?
Then you can take puberty blockers.

Puberty blockers are special medicines.
The word blocker means to stop.
These medicines make that you don't go through puberty.
This means that your body does not develop any further.

Neither in the direction of a woman.
Nor in the direction of a man.

This gives you more time to think.
And you can think in peace:
Which body suits me?

Take hormones
Maybe you'll say:
No, I'm quite sure.
This body really doesn't
feel right the way I feel.
Then you can take certain hormones.
Political Prankster Trolls City Council Dressed as Furry to Call Out Trans Lunacy

Comedian / political activist Alex Stein trolled Allen, Texas, council meeting dressed in a rat costume to speak out on trans issues.

"Next I have Ronnie 'Therrit'... 'Thur-at'... Thurrit?'
"Yeah that's me."
"Oh." (Face drops) :rotfl:

"My name is Ronnie-the-Rat, I'm a trans-species elementary school teacher..."

Stein’s unique brand of comedic activism is helping bring attention to the woke left’s grooming and indoctrination of children / other critical issues.

I laughed
outloud. Don't know how he kept such a straight face!!
The faces of everyone watching + listening was fascinating!! Talk about aligning with virtue signalling :-P
Would be slightly better if it said “Watch out, SHE has a biology textbook” of if he was visibly a she.
Or maybe, depict a female/male trans "guy", and use their PC speech against them (and troll them with a little sexism) by having one of the "victims" reassure the leader, "Don't worry, he throws like a girl!"

Or have one of the victims retort, "Conservatives are so stupid--they forgot we never even read books!"
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