Choussudovsky penned this just before the bailout was announced:
The state of an institution's balance sheet has obviously nothing to do with whether one survives over another - going by the original meaning of the word, they're all basically bankrupt!
So what are the criteria for bailout? Amenability to the Dominionists? Maybe, from the Pathocrats' point of view, the banking crisis is a system check to scan and select for only the most ruthless adherents to greed?
Global Financial Meltdown
by Michel Chossudovsky
The crisis on Wall Street is part of a process of financial warfare.
Since the 1987 crisis, a new era of intense financial rivalry has unfolded.
Financial deregulation in the US has created an environment which favors an unprecedented concentration of global financial power.
What we are dealing with is a major clash between competing financial conglomerates.
A stock market meltdown can be highly profitable operation. With foreknowledge and inside information, a collapse in market values constitutes (through short-selling) a lucrative and money-spinning opportunity, for a select category of powerful speculators who have the ability to manipulate the market in the appropriate direction at the appropriate time.
There are indications of a carefully engineered conspiracy to trigger the collapse of several major financial institutions through outright manipulation.
"Short selling" as well as the spreading of false rumors were used as a strategy to trigger the collapse of selected stocks on Wall Street including Lehman, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs.
"Short sellers aim to profit from share declines, usually by borrowing a stock, selling it and buying it back after its price has decreased. In abusive “naked” short selling, the seller does not borrow the stock and fails to deliver it to the buyer.
Some market participants say abusive short sellers have contributed to the fall of companies such as Lehman Brothers by forcing down share prices
John Mack, chief executive of Morgan Stanley, told employees in an internal memo Wednesday: “What’s happening out there? It’s very clear to me – we’re in the midst of a market controlled by fear and rumours, and short sellers are driving our stock down.”' (Financial Times, September 17, 2008)
Regulators have acknowledged that the collapse of Bear Stearns last March was attributable to short selling. "Regulators have been looking into a combination of short-sales and false rumors are part of the problem." (Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2008)
Merrill Lynch is bought, Lehman Brothers is pushed into bankruptcy. These are not haphazard occurrences. They are the result of manipulation by powerful rival financial institutions, using highly leveraged speculative operations to achieve their objective, which consists in either displacing or acquiring control over a rival financial institution.
The current financial meltdown has nothing to do with market forces: it is characterized by financial warfare between competing institutional speculators.
Financial Warfare: The Powers of Deception
The weapons used on Wall Street are prior knowledge and inside information, the ability to manipulate with the capacity to predict results, the spreading of misleading or false information on economic occurrences and market trends. These various procedures are best described as the "powers of deception", which financial institutions routinely use to mislead investors.
The art of deception is also directed against their banking competitors, who are betting in the derivatives and futures markets, in stocks, currencies and commodities.
Those who have access to privileged information (political, intelligence, military, scientific, etc.) will invariably have the upper hand in the conduct of these highly leveraged speculative transactions, which are the source of tremendous financial gains. The CIA has its own financial institutions on Wall Street.
In turn the corridors of private banking and offshore banking, enable financial institutions to transfer their profits at ease, from one location to another. This procedure is also used as a safety net which protects the interests of key financial actors including CEOs, major shareholders, etc of troubled financial institutions. Large amounts of money can be moved out at an opportune moment, prior to the company's demise on the stock market. (e.g. Lehman, Merrill Lynch and AIG).
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and its powerful stakeholders have "inside information" on the conduct of US monetary policy. They are thereby in a position to predict outcomes and hedge their bets in highly leveraged operations on the futures and derivatives markets. They are in an obvious conflict of interest because their prior knowledge of particular decisions by the Federal Reserve Board enables them as private banking institutions to make multibillion dollar profits.
Links to US intelligence, to the CIA, Homeland Security, to the Pentagon are crucial in the conduct of speculative trade, since it allows the speculators to predict events, through prior knowledge of foreign policy and/or national security decisions which directly affect financial markets. An example: the put options on airline stocks in the days preceding the 9/11 attacks.
An internal war within the financial system is unfolding.
What we are dealing with is a clash between a handful of major financial institutions, which have developed through mergers and acquisitions into Worldwide financial giants.
The financial meltdown on Wall Street largely benefits Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase, which is part of the Rockefeller empire, at the expense of Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
The state of an institution's balance sheet has obviously nothing to do with whether one survives over another - going by the original meaning of the word, they're all basically bankrupt!
So what are the criteria for bailout? Amenability to the Dominionists? Maybe, from the Pathocrats' point of view, the banking crisis is a system check to scan and select for only the most ruthless adherents to greed?