The Living Force
Many are not because otherwise they were not allowed to compete in the photo contests. Next time I will share the names and the contest here so others can look it up. So if you have any doubts about that then the judges missed something. These people take literally hundreds or even thousands of photos of the exact same location. Often day after day. Even coming back in different seasons and weather conditions to capture a different feel. Then you also get very unique photos.
Oh wait, some manipulation is allowed, but not much:
12. The content of a picture must not be altered by adding, rearranging, reversing, distorting or removing people and/or objects from within the frame. There are two exceptions:
13. Adjustments of color or conversion to grayscale that do not alter content are permitted, with two exceptions:
- Cropping that removes extraneous details is permitted;
- Removing sensor dust or scratches on scans of negatives is permitted. (See the guidance on what counts as manipulation for details on what is, or is not, acceptable.)
- Changes in color may not result in significant changes in hue, to such an extent that the processed colors diverge from the original colors.
- Changes in density, contrast, color and/or saturation levels that significantly alter content by obscuring or eliminating information in the picture are not permitted. The jury determines which changes are significant, following the video guidance on what counts as manipulation.