Tribute to Planet Earth 🌎 ♥️

Le Coccoloba gigantifolia est un arbre endémique du bassin du fleuve Madère, dans le centre et le sud-ouest de l'Amazonie brésilienne, dont les feuilles peuvent atteindre 2,5 mètres de long pour 1,4 mètre de large. Énorme !

Coccoloba gigantifolia is an endemic tree of the Madeira River basin, in the center and south-west of the Brazilian Amazon, whose leaves can reach 2.5 meters long and 1.4 meters wide. Enormous !

I promised myself that one day i would try to grow these gorgeous vines in my yard.
Japanese Wisterias.
Does anybody in this forum grow them or had them for a while in the yard, house, property? Hard to grow? Demand a lot of time to keep them healthy? What is the best environment to grow them? I'm so enamored with these "natural creations".......
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