Trump Elected: The True MAGA Era Begins, Now What?

There is a quote from one of the older C's sessions about the Asian people being the most intelligent / evolved ...
Just found it - from the Session on 10-18-94
Q: (L) Why are there different races?

A: Many reasons. Experimental creations. Partly.

Q: (L) Where did the Orientals come from?

A: Same as all others. Result of experimentation.

Q: (L) Did they originate on this planet? Are they native to this planet?

A: Both. Orientals reserved for souls most advanced; Aryans most aggressive; Negroes most naturally attuned to earth vibrational frequency. So are "native Americans".
Just found it - from the Session on 10-18-94
Just wanted to point out that "Advanced Souls" doesn't mean "Good Souls". We live on an STS planet, and many advanced souls will choose the STS path and are polarizing themselves negatively. As far as I can see it China has the same hierarchial structure as any other country on the planet. The rich feed off the poor. The government is in control and quite tyrannical. I would also assume they are in cahoots with the same people the west are in cahoots with, in terms of 4th D STS, indirectly of course. I can see elements of Chinese culture that make them seem ahead of the curve, but I can also see things like a social credit system or major censorship of the internet and I definitely wouldnt say they are "more STO".

The C's also mentioned that the Kantekkians on arrival were more "advanced" than the natives who were already here, which would include Orientals.. so I am assuming that there is a difference between these two descriptions.🤷‍♂️

One of my main concerns with Trump being back in the WH was Israel's influence on his presidency, didn't have to wait long. Just toady this was published.


My Administration has fought and will continue to fight anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world.

Sec. 2. Policy. It shall be the policy of the United States to combat anti-Semitism vigorously, using all available and appropriate legal tools, to prosecute, remove, or otherwise hold to account the perpetrators of unlawful anti-Semitic harassment and violence.

So, it is being reported as it makes it possible to deport migrants that criticize Israel, the same treatment that actual criminals with actual criminal records that are being deported now get is what might be coming down the pipe for immigrant students that dare to say anything against Israel.

It is sad to see Trump, and any US president really but Trump mostly, become president by defending freedom and American values and then sign the above order that stumps on said freedom. Although I guess it's hardly surprising, but just in time for Israel's latest attack against The West Bank.
A small humoristic interlude... Watching the clips from RFK Jr's confirmation hearing included some hilarious moments of entertainment. There was 'Pocahontas' screaming, a democrat demon entity calling himself Ron Wyden, and then ther was...onesiegate! 🤣 Bernie Sanders really outdid himself by screaming "Do you support these onesies!" It doesn't get much more unhinged than that. Here's the clip:

Overall, RFK Jr did pretty well, it appears. The dems used their usual tactics: the ol' binary questioning of "Yes or no" to strawman arguments, and not letting RFK answer at all before interrupting. Almost all D senators claimed that "They were short on time, hence they needed only Yes or No answers". These people never change.
A small humoristic interlude... Watching the clips from RFK Jr's confirmation hearing included some hilarious moments of entertainment. There was 'Pocahontas' screaming, a democrat demon entity calling himself Ron Wyden, and then ther was...onesiegate! 🤣 Bernie Sanders really outdid himself by screaming "Do you support these onesies!" It doesn't get much more unhinged than that. Here's the clip:

Overall, RFK Jr did pretty well, it appears. The dems used their usual tactics: the ol' binary questioning of "Yes or no" to strawman arguments, and not letting RFK answer at all before interrupting. Almost all D senators claimed that "They were short on time, hence they needed only Yes or No answers". These people never change.

Shameless people that never should have gotten into those positions of power in the first place.
No one (other than Pfizer) could've crafted such an eloquent assassination of JFK Jr.'s character as Caroline delivered with such obvious maliciousness, behind a mask of feigned reluctance. Watching it inspired my post below, which reflected the sentiment of dozens of YouTube commenters.


Caroline's weaponization of her family ties to RFK Jr.


The cracks have already begun to show.

Kushner said he wants to build water front real estate in Gaza. Trump says Gaza is profitable failing to mention to the debt strapped US citizens it's American tax $ funding the ethnic cleansing of ALL of Palestine so his Jewish son in law and daughter can enrich themselves further.

In other words, Americans are USA's Zionist piggy bank for luxury not necessity.

Trump demanded Egypt and Jordan take MILLIONS of Palestinians. Interesting, Egypt is only built for 60 million people but has more than 100 million people, Jordan and Egypt have made it quite clear they will NOT take Palestinians who HAVE THEIR LAND but the Jewish and Christian Zionists refuse to give the Palestinians their own land. Sisi built a new capital city making the buffer zone the desert have the Tahir square protests.

Sisi said "We have more than 1 million Egyptians ready to protest, you will not push Palestinians into Egypt so the resistance is inside Egypt giving Israelis the chance to "DEFEND" themselves by bombing Egypt, Jordan said the same thing all to steal Egypt and Jordan.The entire Arab world is 100% aware Zionists control US leadership like puppets, Arab leadership will end up Gulddaffied and destabilized. Jewish legislators have made it a point to call for Eretz Israel border expansion in both Israel and USA.

Israel's borders are planned from Ukraine all the way to Mecca and Medina.

Unlike Western Europeans, the rest of the world doesn't falsely believe Jews are these helpless victims fighting for survival. Trump and the Dems have actively aided Israelis in the theft of Gaza's gas.

Both parties are puppets, there isn't enough billions to go around bribing the Jordanian and Egyptian CIA assets to brutalize their population(s).Personally, I thought Trump would had been more tactful especially when he knows Israelis are the problem, but... America appears to be on a suicide million, the Zionists are on a 'clean out the US economy and bankrupt America' mission just like they did in 1991 to USSR.😬

Session 25 January 2025 🎯

No one (other than Pfizer) could've crafted such an eloquent assassination of JFK Jr.'s character as Caroline delivered with such obvious maliciousness, behind a mask of feigned reluctance. Watching it inspired my post below, which reflected the sentiment of dozens of YouTube commenters.

View attachment 105488

Caroline's weaponization of her family ties to RFK Jr.

In this video, Alan Dershowitz says he knew JFK and Jackie, and has known Caroline Kennedy for her entire life. He was part of their social circle on Martha's Vineyard. He also knew RFK and was his "go to" person for any constitutional legal issues. But he now admits that he doesn't like Caroline, especially after she once remarked to him at a dinner party, "If I'd known you were invited, I wouldn't have come, but I'm too polite to get up and leave now." When he inquired if he'd offended her in some way, she scolded him saying, "You defended Donald Trump!" to which he replied, "Yes I did because the actions to impeach him were unconstitutional" (thinking to himself, "I also defended your uncle, Teddy, who drove off a bridge and a woman died, but you happily sat at dinner parties with me after that!"). He describes her as "such an over-zealous Democrat, for whom Republicans can do no right, and Democrats can do no wrong." Regarding her claims RFK Jr. isn't qualified to be Secretary of HHS, he points out her hypocrisy due to her complete lack of qualifications to be an ambassador!

Gotta love such Democrat tolerance, open-mindedness and joy!

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And it all seems rather sudden, but in reality it makes sense, problem solution, pushed down leftist ideology to the point of repulsion and use that repulsive jump to slide whatever else in, with the resistant conservatives having their guard down due to the ecstasy of victory, god knows what will be coming down the pipe.

I was reading what you were saying, and I came across an interesting text that could describe the reason for this situation where one becomes polarized. I left the PDF here but I share it here as well.

The “system” stronger than ever

If power succeeds in dividing, then it can loosely command, often without even being named: the traditional vertical master-slave struggle is replaced by the horizontal confrontation of slaves fighting each other.

Within the false dichotomies through which the dominant order consolidates itself by fragmenting and manipulating dissent, the old topological opposition between left and right is also noteworthy. The single thought of the transnational financial oligarchies is right-wing in economics (the power of money), center-wing in politics (the power of consensus) and left-wing in culture (the innovative power of custom). The progressive and leftist dismantling of bourgeois and proletarian lifestyles, always in the name of modernity, serves to expand the market and, at the same time, the power of the money right.

The left and the right, after having traveled through much of modernity transmitting two different worldviews and fueling an agonal confrontation between different and mutually exclusive ideologies, can now be considered interchangeable.

They turn neoliberalism into an eagle with a double wingspan. The anti-communitarian and globalist “right of money” dictates the economic-financial rules and protects the interests of the stateless post-bourgeois global class. The “left of custom” imposes the patterns and lifestyles necessary to reproduce the system of market fundamentalism (individualistic enjoyment, relativism, nihilism, absolute secularism, abandonment of anti-capitalism and anti-imperialism, etc.).

The right of money establishes the structure, the left of custom the superstructure. The right of money physiologically needs the anthropological profile of the consumer atom which, constantly stripped of utopian and anti-adaptive passions, believes in nothing except the market.

The left of custom, on the other hand, is in charge of spreading the culture of nihilism and disenchantment, favoring the transition from a conception of emancipation as a social and political revolution to a freedom understood as the property of the isolated individual and bearer of civil rights, who realizes himself by narcissistically modeling his own isolated self and enjoying himself without inhibitions.

The right of money aspires to propagate without limits or obstacles commodities and the code of exchange value.

The left of custom, for its part, spreads the nihilistic program of suppression of traditional values (the Nietzschean “transvaluation of all values”); market fundamentalism itself pursues this program with a view to breaking down all limits - ethical and religious - that might prevent, or even slow down, the ever more pressing acceleration of the hyperhedonism of universal commodification.

If the right wing of money, with labor deregulation, seeks to make young people precarious until the age of seventy or, worse still, unemployed, and prevents them from forming a family, the left wing of custom justifies at the superstructural level these processes by delegitimizing the family as a bourgeois and obsolete institution, and glorifying precariousness as a way of life, without ethical limitations of bourgeois matrix.

If the right wing of money says that the nation states are an invention - the “Ministry of Truth”, as Orwell teaches, falsifies history and rewrites it again ad usum sui - and that the only existing reality is the one world of the globalized world reduced to the smooth surface of the international sovereign market that delocalizes labor, volatilizes capital and suppresses rights in the name of the competitiveness imposed by the “challenges of globalization”, on the other hand, the left wing of custom will justify all this at the superstructural level by praising globalization as a paradise of cheap travel and English for all, praising the united colors of a false multiculturalism.

For its part, the customary left will justify all this at the superstructural level by praising globalization as the paradise of cheap travel and English for all, praising the united colors of a false multiculturalism where all cultures are subsumed under the single market model, but then also through the conceptual elaboration of the new anthropological profile of the migrant man, deterritorialized and rootless.

If the right wing of money affirms that religion is an obstacle to the diffusion of the commodity form and that it is necessary to get rid of it in order to convert to the monotheism of the market as the only legitimately recognized theology, then the left wing of custom will justify all this by compulsively defending the liturgical forms of religious atheism, enemies of any divinity other than the economy.

If the right wing of money decides that “society does not exist”, and that only the individual consumer exists, then the left wing of custom will remove legitimacy from all forms of community, sanctifying the individual atom as the bearer of civil rights and fostering in every possible way the culture of narcissism.

But, in addition to this, if the right wing of money aspires to reduce humanity to a dust of monads without identity or cultural depth, infinitely manipulable by advertising and the consumer society circuit; the left wing of custom will delegitimize the very idea of human nature as intrinsically authoritarian and will silence, accusing it of being homophobic and sexist, anyone who thinks that, by nature, there are men and women, fathers and mothers.

From a different perspective, the left of custom today administers dissent against everything that can restrict or limit the right of money, the integral commodification and global economization of everything that exists.

The act of dissent, on whose foundations the left of custom rests and educates, is posited as the indispensable foundation for achieving the consensus of class society and planetary alienation.

By Diego Fusaro, in Pensar diferente. Filosofía del disenso (2022). Compilation and graphics by Emiliano M. Ayusa.​
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Strange times indeed, Trump on his own.. there's tons to discuss. But these hearings, my lord... is it any wonder the elections went the way they went?

Now, there's something that keeps making its way into my thinking, and it is the idea that the US is a banana republic, and it has become so transparent lately, specially with the swing of the pendulum, and using that pendulum to attack the former leaders not in the search of justice, but simply because they are of the opposite party, much like it happens in third world countries.
Overall, RFK Jr did pretty well, it appears. The dems used their usual tactics: the ol' binary questioning of "Yes or no" to strawman arguments, and not letting RFK answer at all before interrupting. Almost all D senators claimed that "They were short on time, hence they needed only Yes or No answers". These people never change.

Unfortunately, although Sanders looks unhinged in that clip, I feel that RFK Jr. looked somewhat rattled and dishonest too. I wish that he would use "I support vaccine safety" in response to every "are you anti-vaccine" question. As far the vaccine schedule, saying something like "I support vaccine safety including studying how the current schedule can be safely administered." Disavowing any connection to Children's Defense Fund just looks disingenuous.
Kushner said he wants to build water front real estate in Gaza.

His poppa, Charles Kushner, got the node to be the ambassador to France - years after being pardoned by Trump for tax evasion (18 counts) years earlier than that, and also witness intimidation, whatever that looked like.

From here (Town&Country), one reads:

In a lurid twist, Charles Kushner had apparently hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law and videotape the interaction because Kushner believed the man was cooperating with federal authorities.

Jared steps into Trump's orbit sometime thereafter playing antiemetic card against Trump, or so it is indicated:

During Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign, Jared Kushner invoked his grandparent's Holocaust survival story as a defense of a seemingly antisemitic tweet Trump had posted. "I am the grandson of Holocaust survivors," he wrote, sharing the story of how his grandparents escaped persecution in Belarus. "It's important to me that people understand where I'm coming from when I report that I know the difference between actual, dangerous intolerance versus these labels that get tossed around in an effort to score political points."

and how it then happened, don't know, yet Ivank was somehow hitched to Jared (a love match or... how about spellbinding?).

Whatever the case, these two families are very linked at the hip, to the point that Jared seems to have a free hand and influence on Middle East Policy (and now apparently the Gaza seaside condo market developing interests, to be built upon a pile of bones) - and in kind he may be influenced by underground handlers, like Bibi?


(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

(Ursus Minor) Who or what is making Netanyahu push Israel to the brink?

(L) I think we have that answer! [laughter] Already answered there! Is that something along the line of what these underground handlers would be doing?

A: Yes and also mind manipulation.

2024 (July, 6th, just before the "program change" a week later)

Q: (Joe) Is Israel going to get smashed for doing that?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Tomorrow?

A: Not yet.

Unfortunately, although Sanders looks unhinged in that clip, I feel that RFK Jr. looked somewhat rattled and dishonest too. I wish that he would use "I support vaccine safety" in response to every "are you anti-vaccine" question. As far the vaccine schedule, saying something like "I support vaccine safety including studying how the current schedule can be safely administered." Disavowing any connection to Children's Defense Fund just looks disingenuous.
I noticed the same thing; that in contrast to his previous statements in public, he now employed the strategy of saying "I support vaccines" like a mantra whenever they brought it up. However, I don't think it's that significant, he was just being 'smart as a serpent' by giving them what they wanted to hear, to have the topic over and done, and 'dancing the dance'. And yes, of course he resigned from the CHF for the very reason of not being denied the HHS position based on this technicality. It's obvious and everyone sees it, but they can't prove the intentionality.

On the other hand, the whole hearing is just a big show, and all senators have long ago decided on how they're going to vote. So, while what they say during the hearings does not have any impact on the voting, it is all about appearance to the wider public. That is one of the reasons why RFK Jr doesn't want to throw out too 'radical' opinions in these hearings – he could, and some might say he should, but most 'normies' would be inclined to think he's a nutcase if he brought up those things. He can do that later once he's confirmed.

Even though I don't like one bit of RFH Jr's support of the Zionists, I'm mildly hopeful that he can have a positive effect on many other things. In any case, the degree of his honesty and common sense is on an astronomically higher level than those 'things' called Democrat senators questioning him (most of them don't appear to have brains at all). 😁

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