A: Indeed. But many belligerants will fold rapidly
Yes, little by little this is what is being glimpsed with so many foci of regional or border "imbalance" between enemy countries worldwide. Argentina and Brazil standing out here in the South while the rest of the hyenas wait for the leftovers. China is watching Taiwan very closely and so on.
The pawn countries will do their part, they will throw the stone and hide their hands as they usually do.
Will Russia show its teeth? How far is too far? Wait and see!
Yes, but in a smart way. We will not see the hunt that the psychopaths made on Bin Laden, Gaddafi or Saddam Hussein. We will not see a bloody revenge to which the America-psycho style distorted society has become accustomed.
I don't see Russian missiles in every corner of the planet. When Putin warns about their use and says for example to the Netherlands, "Take into account the density of your population," I think it's more a call to that part of the conscious society that can bring a balance by revealing themselves against their governments, not completely but at least hinder them internally and delay them enough to give time for other favorable circumstances to develop.
If Putin decided to attack the United States,Who is he really going to attack? the Pentagon and the White House? that Hydra has too many heads and Biden or Kamala or Netanyahu are not even at the tip of the pyramid to think that if they moved to another plane that could bring years of peace and happiness, rather it is to stir up the hornet's nest. Psychopaths have too many backup systems, they are all the same and have the same goal. But Putin, if he falls, who will think like him to know how to do in the objective way?
On this side of the pond the anchor people are unique, on the other side, they settle among themselves because there is always someone who can cover and use for their purposes.
We need resistance and resistance needs suffering. I think Putin is mainly playing the card of awakening that resistance of people towards their respective psychopathic leaders and not of plunging the world into a cloud of nuclear missiles. He knows that it is not worth talking or negotiating anything with them, everything he talks about, what he says, what he warns, goes to those people who have or have left or are in the process of being aware about what he says, those "who have ears to listen" because the eyes don't seem to be open enough even with the facts in front of their noses.