Trying to make sense of this

I couldn't think of a better place to put this, I think this is the right section for what's on my mind so to speak.

So just a little while ago I went to CNN's website and this was staring me in the face -

There was this sensational headline under the main story -

Convicted killer on tape: 'The devil is here, boy'
Jurors cringed, cried and some desperately looked away as they were shown a series of deeply disturbing and graphic videos taken by a convicted child killer as he tortured, sexually abused and nearly killed a 9-year-old boy. Federal prosecutors showed the video as part of their efforts to persuade the jury to recommend the death penalty for Joseph Edward Duncan III.

Of course my first reaction was horror at the story itself but then some extremely unsettling implications of the meaning behind these words hit me. At first glance it seems like a crazy and maniacal pervert taunting his victim to instill the maximum amount of fear. But I don't know, there seems to me to be something more going on here. I remembered other things I've read in the news over the years of people claiming "the devil" or a "demon" prompted them to push someone in front of a subway train or whatever. Now, I'm not 100% clear on how reincarnation, organic portals, STO and STS forces work but I have (I believe) a general enough understanding of these things to wonder if these so called crazy people and these children who are murdered and tortured are actually coming under the dominion of forces more powerful than twisted human urges and brain chemistry gone wrong. I mean, we're all taught that some people are crazy, their brain chemistry is wacked and this is why they do such things but I wonder if there is something more going on here. Forgive me if I seem to be rambling, I think in a way I'm just trying to make sense of this and throw some ideas out there. Because to believe that such terrible things happen with no rhyme or reason whatsoever is just something I can't deal with at this moment.

I've never heard of child murder/torture/abuse talked about in esoteric terms. Is anyone familiar with esoterica specifically dealing with this type of tragedy? Is it possible that on a spiritual level there is a predator/prey dynamic at work? Or is it possible that souls can be reincarnated into a trap of sorts? Again, if this is total nonsense please forgive me but if anybody has any info or pertinent thoughts about this I would appreciate it.
Hey Telperion, have you read The Wave and Adventure Series? They're on
Los said:
Hey Telperion, have you read The Wave and Adventure Series? They're on

Tentatively, but I haven't gotten to the material yet that focuses on this issue or anything like this issue.
Hi Telperion,

There is a lot of very horrific and terrible things going on in the world. And Los' suggestion that you read the Adventures Series and The Wave series is fairly critical to understanding just what is going on in the world.

You have read the psychpathy threads, have you not? For psychopathy has a part in all of this. But also, and you may have heard the term, is what has been known as Greenbaumed. The C's have said that some of the individuals who have been Greenbaumed can erroneously go off, or be triggered early - or as I am thinking be triggered on purpose for various reasons not known, but this could be subjective on my part.

And then you should take into account our 4d STS keepers. They are trying to ramp up the STS-ness of as many people as possible so as to be able to take over their bodies here in 3d and/or when and if the world goes into 4d. Which may or may not be a part of all of the horrendous things transpiring on the BBM now and in the past.

But I suggest that you do as Los has suggested and get to reading what Laura has found out and provided for us to be able to see what she has learned. Read the Adventure Series and the Wave.
Telperion said:
Tentatively, but I haven't gotten to the material yet that focuses on this issue or anything like this issue.

The Wave - volume II deals with child ritual abuses and Greenbaum programming (and many other topics.)
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