Turtles all the way down


FOTCM Member
First of all, I discovered that book today and no I haven't read it yet since I have many other books to read before that one. :lkj:
However, I wanted to share the info in case someone would like to read it right away.

The info comes from that article:

Must-Read Book Asks: Why, After 7 Decades, Don’t We Have Proof Vaccines Provide More Benefit Than Risk?

And we can read about the book:

In order to answer the simple question of whether the “safe and effective” vaccine narrative is scientific or merely a myth we have to start with the basics and see what rabbit holes appear and then see where they lead.

The book does just that:

  • Chapter 1 describes how vaccine clinical trials are conducted and the limits of what can be gleaned by these kinds of investigations. How much can we know about the safety of the products we inject into our children if no vaccine on the CDC’s childhood schedule was ever tested against a true placebo?
  • Chapter 2 offers another sobering reality. There has been minimal scientific investigation into the mechanism by which vaccines could harm our physiology. Without any understanding of how they might cause adverse effects, how can we possibly know they don’t?
  • Chapter 3 delivers unapologetic criticism of the adverse event reporting systems that purportedly serve to capture safety signals after modestly powered clinical trials are conducted and the vaccine is administered to tens of millions or more. They don’t work, but have they been designed that way purposefully?
  • Chapters 4 and 5 demonstrate how epidemiological studies can easily be manipulated to produce a desired outcome. The authors take the discussion beyond the hypothetical and dissect several studies widely cited by vaccine proponents to reveal the bias that permeates their methodology and conclusions.
  • Chapter 6 attacks our health agencies’ claims that the childhood vaccination schedule has been thoroughly tested. Is this claim founded in fact, i.e., randomized controlled trials? No, it is not. How about through large, long-term observational studies between vaccinated and unvaccinated children? No again. Certainly such studies would quiet vaccine skeptics. Why haven’t they been done?
  • Chapter 7 demonstrates the glaring lack of evidence behind commonly held ideas that the timing and quantity of vaccines are not only optimal but safe.
  • Chapter 8 delivers a stiff blow to the vaccine dogma by pointing out the elephant in the room: Mortality from diseases that are targeted by the childhood vaccine program had already significantly declined from their peaks prior to the widespread use of these vaccinations. And the elephant’s shadow: Why has the incidence of chronic disease exploded since the childhood vaccine program was expanded?
  • In Chapter 9 the authors teach us about herd immunity, the carrot dangled in front of the public to urge us to participate in vaccination campaigns for the greater good. However, only a minority of the vaccines deployed upon our children are good enough to ever deliver herd immunity, no matter how many of them get into line. Yes, that is correct. Herd immunity is first a function of a given vaccine’s ability to prevent infection and transmission. If a vaccine cannot provide this, herd immunity cannot be attained. Period.


We finally arrive at the biggest topic of all in Chapter 10. It’s the hard stop for many vaccine proponents, especially physicians, who may be open to a spirited debate from time to time.

But no diligent critique of vaccine science can circumvent the topic of polio, the poster child of the modern vaccine movement.

The authors do not shy away from this challenge, devoting one-quarter of their book to this polarizing issue. The authors ask very simple questions, like “Why was the incidence of polio already in decline prior to widespread use of the Salk vaccine in the Western World?” and “Why did the incidence of polio-like paralysis triple in Third-World countries coinciding with the World Health Organization’s intensive vaccine campaigns there?”

Well after all this time, I'm reading it right now and may I say that if you really want to understand the world of vaccines, how they are really tested, what is a safe vaccine if there is some or at least one, this book is really a must.

Here are some quotes form the book:

The last option available to the company wishing to hide their product’s undesirable side effects is to design a trial in which the reported rate of adverse events in the control group would likely be very similar to that of the trial group. As described previously, the RCT’s control group represents the baseline rate to which the trial group is compared. A similar proportion between the two groups would indicate that the adverse events reported in the trial group were the result of “background noise” only and not caused by the experimental drug. This technique has three distinct advantages: (1) It is 100% legal, (2) it is very effective, and, as it turns out, (3) it has the full approval of licensing authorities around the world. As we shall shortly see, this method is exactly the one vaccine manufacturers employ to deliberately obscure the real incidence of vaccine adverse events.

The entire vaccine program is founded upon this deception.
A new pediatric vaccine is never tested during its formal approval process against a neutral solution (placebo)

There is not a single vaccine in the US routine childhood vaccination program whose true rate of adverse events is known.

Here's the cover of the book:

A lot of people in the West seem to be under the impression that vaccines are one of the main reasons why human life expectancy has increased so much in the last 100 years. "We're immune to deadly viruses, therefore we live longer, right?" They have lost faith in the body's natural immune system, and prefer to "play God" and bluntly "fix" things that "evolution" has "missed." So when you say you are not planning on vaccinating your kids, they look at you as if you were a serial killer!

Again, people are "forced" to choose between two extremes: either they die because they didn't take the vaxx, or they risk developing some auto-immune condition. So they take the vaxx—"the lesser evil." Doing nothing, i.e. staying healthy, is never an option, because "upgrades are always necessary, even if they are painful." Fear-driven society. :rolleyes:
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