Atreides said:I didn't see the second film, only the first, but I didn't get that impression at all really. A lot of vamp romance flicks are a bit twisted I suppose, and I am not a vampire fan (I like werewolves), but don't you think you are going a little too far? It's just a movie, and there is plenty of reasons for young girls to think like you are describing just by watching their own parents. Maybe their parents and relations have twisted narcissistic love relationships because they watched twilight?
It just seems a bit like all of the Christians saying Elvis and rock n roll are the devil's tools to corrupt the youth.
All I am saying is that people aren't mirrors for movies, movies are mirrors for people.
Hey Atreides
You may be right, I did let my horses run away with me a bit when watching that film and generally yesterday when I posted this.
I think Psyche did a way better job of explaining it. Put simply, it was the glamorisation of a dangerous/destructive relationship......given I've been friends with women who had those sort of relationships I think maybe I ended up projecting some bottled up resentment among other things.
Screaming 'what the hell are you doing?' at the TV probably should have given me a clue

I haven't seen the first one, but from what others are saying it seems the second film is completely different.
I'm a little like Deedlet too....and use to love watching Buffy. So I think boredom (it was pretty boring in places), confusion (had no idea what was going on not having seen the first one) and emotional projection may have coloured my review a little....or maybe a lot?
The trouble may be a movie, but given all these women's emotional attachment to it I worry they take it too literally and go looking for vampires in real life.
Maybe it just reflects something already inside them.....or maybe it takes that and twists/channels it into something unhealthy? I don't know.