Twin Terror Attacks? New Year's Day 2025: Truck plows into crowd in New Orleans, Cybertruck explodes at Trump Hotel in Las Vegas

Well, well, well. Is anybody buying this BS duo terrorist scenario?!! I just couldn't believe it when it was blatantly obvious that the whole ISIS terrorist false flag fear porn was being resurrected after being put into hibernation for how long now? Totally fell off the radar . . . until NOW. I mean really - the NO car rammer had an ISIS flag in his truck!!! And, I'm sorry, but wasn't a very similar photo op featuring an ISIS flag done in the beginning of the whole ISIS threat years ago?
The Isis flag and the Unburned ID from the Tesla truck, now look at this, absolutely ridiculous! The BS is off the charts. In the comments someone notices a tower pc under a table, something that would have been removed.

Apparently both the guys seved at Fort Bragg.

I saw a tweet claiming Ryan Routh (attempted Trump assassin) also visited the base multiple times, but can't find a source.

Looking a little closer at Fort Bragg, there is a history of violence, especially domestic violence. Drug overdoses are high, many died in their sleep after the jabs likely, murder and accidents. In this article it points out there is a large population of 26000 including civilians so things happen with that many people but I have to wonder if there is more to the story. Also its been the center for psychological warfare training but thats been moved to another location according to this. Here is a list of some of the deaths and violent attacks.

One of the largest military installations in the world, Fort Bragg is home to approximately 54,000 military personnel and includes the Special Forces, the Airborne Corps, and the Joint Special Operations Command. In just 18 months, Fort Bragg lost over 80 soldiers from “sudden” and “unexplained” causes. According to officials, 33 of the fatalities are of “undetermined” causes. Fort Bragg cannot explain why dozens of soldiers are dying in their own bunks.
During that same eighteen-month period, three Fort Bragg soldiers died in overseas combat. This means soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg are twenty-seven times more likely to die unexpectedly on their home base than in overseas combat! Fort Bragg stops reporting soldier deaths after dozens found dead in their bunks
Fort Bragg stopped reporting the fatalities after June 2021, but the bodies continue to pile up. Out of the 83 “sudden and unexpected” fatalities, eleven of them were determined to be from natural causes.

Another incident to ponder.

A suspect has been arrested after a bomb threat shut down Interstate 85 and nearby roads for hours on Thursday.
On Thursday, at approximately 2:45 p.m., an SC State Transport Police officer initiated a traffic stop on a tractor-trailer on Interstate 85 in Greenville County due to a missing license plate on the trailer, according to Kyle McGahee with the SC Department of Public Safety.
Traffic is now being let through on Interstate 85 and White Horse Road after the driver of an 18-wheeler was arrested Thursday night, according to law enforcement.
During the traffic stop near mile marker 44, the driver, a man from Illinois, indicated that there was an explosive device inside the commercial vehicle, according to the report. All six lanes of I-85 were subsequently shut down as the threat was investigated by the Greenville County Sheriff's Office, SLED, and the FBI.

No explosive devices were located, and all I-85 lanes were reopened at approximately 7:40 p.m., according to the report.

A massive law enforcement response was organized in the Palmetto Upstate after a bomb threat was reported involving an tractor trailer on Interstate 85 near White Horse Road – approximately five miles southwest of Greenville, S.C.
What happened?

According to sources familiar with the situation, an officer of the S.C. State Transport Police (SCSTP) – a division of SCDPS – initiated a traffic stop with an eighteen-wheeler. During the course of the traffic stop, the officer reportedly asked the driver of the vehicle – who is said to be of Middle Eastern ethnicity – a standard question about whether there were any illegal items on his truck.

“Yeah, I got a bomb on the truck,” the driver is alleged to have responded.

At that point, as you might imagine, all hell broke loose…

The driver – who was immediately taken into custody and transferred to a secure location away from the vehicle – has reportedly told law enforcement he was “joking” about the bomb, and confirmed to police that all he had on board his vehicle were “frozen chickens.”

While they did not believe the bomb threat to be credible, out of an abundance of caution they declined to speculate as to whether the driver of the vehicle – who reportedly has a criminal record – was joking when he made the bomb reference to the officer.
Ukrainian recruiter 🤔

That's typical X post exaggeration. To say he was a "Ukraine recruiter" is seriously overstating what the evidence suggests. It's one post on his linkedin profile where he responds to a guy who posts an advertisement for medical trainers for Ukraine for 1 month at $550 per day. Livelsberger responds by saying he knows a guy who fits the bill. Hardly a "recruiter".

My gut feeling is that we haven't seen the manifestation of what they want, yet. I.e, they haven't 'asked' for it, yet.
As the retitled 🎯 thread indicates, it's a global dragnet that limits our movements with finer restrictions across the board, just like the COVID lockdowns, in my humble opinion!

Keep in mind while reading this session that this was 6 years before 9-11-01. A lot of things that we could not imagine have become realities since then, including the increasing control of populations and travel restrictions.
(Joe) At some point in the past few sessions, we asked a question about COVID and the lockdowns and stuff. They said that, as usual, the powers that be will push it too far and all will come crashing down. Is the 'all' that will come crashing down at least partly economic?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Are they going to continue these lockdowns with the talk of new variants, travel restrictions, no hugging your neighbor...?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I tell ya, people: it's all really depressing out there. The thing is, we had all of this predicted to us 25 years ago. We knew it was coming; we just didn't know how.

(Andromeda) It's surreal to see it actually happening.

(L) It's Bizarro World.

Jabbar's brother says this took the family completely by surprise, describes him as well-mannered and well-tempered. He notes that he started growing out his beard 6 months ago and dressing more conservatively, but that's the only change he noticed. It was also the last time they saw each other:
Electric vehicles

You have two terrorist acts committed using electric vehicles...

Electric vehicles were a promising advance to transportation until it's shortcomings made them impractical. Shortened battery life in cold conditions, safety issues with fires - it was becoming popular, and weather, accidents, economic concerns, charging stations, put an end to its growing popularity.
In the meantime, you have fleets of these vehicles that aren't selling. It's bad enough with any new vehicles, as they are expensive - electric vehicles being the least attractive.

So what do you do with a glut of unsellable vehicles? Sell them to the govt. in fleets. Or as been revealed, sold to companies with political ties.

So, in addition to the shortcomings, mentioned, they fall into the hands of political factions who use them as munitions - further tarnishing their reputation as vehicles employed by terrorists.
So, 'Green' being a selling point, and environmentally friendly, turns to a domestic terrorist characterization in a turn as fast as it gained, and then lost popularity.
It looks like a set up to me as well. And some at Ft Bragg don't have a problem with their soldiers dying. I wonder if he had become a "problem" for some reason, a potential whistle blower maybe?
This latest info appears to support that angle, and it's related to those drones:

From the Shawn Ryan show blurb:

Sam Shoemate is an intelligence officer and Chief Warrant Officer 2 (US Army, Retired). On December 31st, Sam received an email allegedly from Matthew Livelsberger - who would be named as the perpetrator in the detonation of a Tesla Cybertruck at Trump Tower the following day. In this episode of the Shawn Ryan Show, Shoemate brings forward critical information and allegations that cast doubt on the “mainstream” narratives surrounding this event - and many others - if true.

The full podcast:

This latest info appears to support that angle, and it's related to those drones:
Yeah. First, someone could have easily spoofed his email address so there is no reason to believe it is genuine.

More interesting is the content, which focuses primarily on the recent "drones" over NJ, claiming they are high tech Chinese drones launched from subs in the Atlantic and it's basically "checkmate" for the US vis a vis China.


Livelsberger was likely a patsy, probably dead before the Cybertruck exploded. The goal was to sow fear and despondency in the American people on the first day of the year, and to posthumously use Livelsberger to provide a BS explanation for the NJ "drones".
Yeah. First, someone could have easily spoofed his email address so there is no reason to believe it is genuine.

More interesting is the content, which focuses primarily on the recent "drones" over NJ, claiming they are high tech Chinese drones launched from subs in the Atlantic and it's basically "checkmate" for the US vis a vis China.


Livelsberger was likely a patsy, probably dead before the Cybertruck exploded. The goal was to sow fear and despondency in the American people on the first day of the year, and to posthumously use Livelsberger to provide a BS explanation for the NJ "drones".
...and to further sugar the path to 'war with China'. MSM is, right out of the gate, pooh-poohing the Livelsberger email to Shoemate as an 'unhinged suicide note'.

It is curious that it gets sent to someone who would be a natural 'fit' for linking the bombing to the drones (whatever about Sam Shoemate, about whom I know little, Shawn Ryan is a popular podcaster who has been talking to lots of 'current and former' mil-intel types about 'them drones'...)
Livelsberger was likely a patsy, probably dead before the Cybertruck exploded. The goal was to sow fear and despondency in the American people on the first day of the year, and to posthumously use Livelsberger to provide a BS explanation for the NJ "drones".
Interesting that in the text messages included previously he just casually throws out that he's working on drones. Either someone already had his phone and was pretending to be him to lay down a fake evidence trail, or he actually wrote these things and was himself a target of disinfo (i.e. the China angle). Some basic options:

1) he was dead for a while, all writing is disinfo
2) he was a real "whistleblower," but unintentionally believed some internal disinfo, writing is his genuine thoughts
3) he was intentionally set up as a whistleblower with disinfo to be used in this elaborate scheme, writing is his genuine thoughts

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