Al Today
The Living Force
I posted some remarks here:
Reminds me of two dreams I got to tell you about.
Happy Dream: :)
Ever been at an amusement park? In my dream, I am with my wife, surround by a multitude of friends. Waiting in line for the roller coaster. We're all very excited. Laughing, joking, smiling...
After some time, finally, my turn to get in the car. I get into the car and the roller coaster begins to move. I look next to me and my wife is not there. I quickly look to the attendant and see my wife still waiting in line, next in line waving to me and smiling a big ole smile. The roller coaster begins it's climb. I do not remember the ride. As the roller coaster ride ends, returns to the station and comes to a stop, I see my wife next in line. The attendant says for me to stay seated while my wife climbs in and sits next to me. We smile and laugh, oh the excitement! As the roller coaster begins to move, making its ascent, I turn towards my wife and say to her: "It's okay honey, I will find you there". And I did find her here and here we are...
edit: oh yeah, and then we get back in line for another ride!
Not so Happy Dream:
I'm always in some school. I can never find my locker. Can never find my books. Don't know where my classroom is. Always lost. I'm always trying to get it together. Get my books to study. Find my class. And when I do find my class, I keep thinking about why I know nothing of the work. Seems I skip class and feel absolutely terrible. This dream motivates but I feel I always fall short...
edit: These are both recurring dreams. Many many times. the school dream has been happening much lately. Bothersome...
Reminds me of two dreams I got to tell you about.
Happy Dream: :)
Ever been at an amusement park? In my dream, I am with my wife, surround by a multitude of friends. Waiting in line for the roller coaster. We're all very excited. Laughing, joking, smiling...
After some time, finally, my turn to get in the car. I get into the car and the roller coaster begins to move. I look next to me and my wife is not there. I quickly look to the attendant and see my wife still waiting in line, next in line waving to me and smiling a big ole smile. The roller coaster begins it's climb. I do not remember the ride. As the roller coaster ride ends, returns to the station and comes to a stop, I see my wife next in line. The attendant says for me to stay seated while my wife climbs in and sits next to me. We smile and laugh, oh the excitement! As the roller coaster begins to move, making its ascent, I turn towards my wife and say to her: "It's okay honey, I will find you there". And I did find her here and here we are...
edit: oh yeah, and then we get back in line for another ride!
Not so Happy Dream:
I'm always in some school. I can never find my locker. Can never find my books. Don't know where my classroom is. Always lost. I'm always trying to get it together. Get my books to study. Find my class. And when I do find my class, I keep thinking about why I know nothing of the work. Seems I skip class and feel absolutely terrible. This dream motivates but I feel I always fall short...
edit: These are both recurring dreams. Many many times. the school dream has been happening much lately. Bothersome...