Two dreams: running away from the police and being arrested

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Oxajil said:
I'm sorry about what you had to go through. :hug2:

Thank you, but don't be :). It has been one hell of a lesson, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Of course "past me" would just beat me up if she read this!

Sorry if the way I conveyed my previous posts elicited that response in you though, guilt was talking when I wrote them.

EmeraldHope said:

I found a thread that I think may help. It sure helped me reframe this guilt thing.,24389.0.html

That was superb! Right what I needed to read. And reread.

Windmill knight said:
Notice that in the first dream you knew you were innocent and your only regret was not defending yourself. And in the second, even the police held sympathy for you. Maybe your self blame is slowly starting to lose its grip?

Despite what I said on my last posts, I also believe this to be the case.
The stagnant feeling of guilt has gained dynamic over the past months. All of the feelings I have about this subject seem to be in a sort of gradual, continuous mutation.

Thanks all, I really appreciate the support.
There's some "ping poeing" with my feelings, so I best refrain from talking about it for now, otherwise I'l just go round and round and round in circles...
Yes, I think that going back and forth with issues is a normal part of the healing and processing, and I have no doubt you are doing just fine. It's like Don Juan said about the predator's mind, that it comes back again and again, every time a little weaker if we are disciplined (although it doesn't always feel weak when it comes), until one day it doesn't come back any more. So we just need patience.

When you get guilt-attacks again, remember that of all the people who know you and understand you well, the people that matter, no one ever thinks any less of you because of your past, so why should you? Only that you are growing and learning matters. And also that it is natural and ok in this world to be imperfect and have a past - we all do, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Or we would be very boring people.
Windmill knight said:
Yes, I think that going back and forth with issues is a normal part of the healing and processing, and I have no doubt you are doing just fine. It's like Don Juan said about the predator's mind, that it comes back again and again, every time a little weaker if we are disciplined (although it doesn't always feel weak when it comes), until one day it doesn't come back any more. So we just need patience.
That's what I'm working on right now! :)

[quote author=Windmill knight] When you get guilt-attacks again, remember that of all the people who know you and understand you well, the people that matter, no one ever thinks any less of you because of your past, so why should you? Only that you are growing and learning matters. And also that it is natural and ok in this world to be imperfect and have a past - we all do, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Or we would be very boring people.
[/quote]This so true, and you are making great progress. Also, now, you may like to forgive yourself for having these stagnant feelings of guilt in the past, and giving up self-punishing (because only you are affected) guilt now in favour of honest regret - and getting on with the present now.
I had 2 dreams of getting arrested lately.
1st: driving around I guess I had drugs on me and cop came be hind me so I drove faster home and went to my room to hide the drugs and cop came in my room and arrested me.

2nd: me and my best friend walking around in the development (me and another friend use to actually walk around in this development and start trouble but he moved) well I seen a Rc car of my fav car a skyline so I stole well owner seen me we. an and we went through woods and the owner was everywhere lookin for us. Than he called the cops me and my friend we hiding right beside where the cop was walking and he gave away his spot and got cought so i did too. I was wearing weed related clothing so the gave me crap about it and took me to some trailer where I guess was a jail and I was drugged there and they try to make it seem like I've only been there one day but I've been there for 17 days. And I finally get out and go home where my best friend was there. What's this all about? Its kinda scary
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Given the way the world is going, and all the cops invading peoples homes it may be a reflection of that.
However dreams are usually about the self, so it may be that it's more about doing things that are going against your conscience? I'd hazard a guess that you see conscience as authoritative/problematic/gets in the way of what you want to do, and are generally rebelling against it.

Might be an idea to take it as a warning from yourself to reassess things? :)
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