Two interesting dreams.


Hey y’all! Just wanted to share two dreams that I had a couple of months ago that have stood out to me. These dreams did not happen around the same time, they were months apart. This may or may not have something to do with these dreams but my goal is to become a teacher. Not a regular teacher but a teacher like Socrates, Jesus, Pythagoras, etc. I want to help people by dispensing knowledge as best as I can and those ( among the many) are my inspirations to never give up and keep on going.

Dream 1) I remember seeing a heavy, big book on the floor and I picked it up and started lifting it up and down as if they were weights. I woke up after the dream with my arms crossed on my chests like an X and my arms were sore. I could not tell what the book was about but in the dream as I was lifting the book, I had it close to my chest.

Dream 2) I was with two other people ( I want to say a man and a woman but I could not remember) and I was levitating and moving around. The other two people were attempting to do the same but could not levitate so easily. I remember telling them to calm down and have faith in God. I was trying to teach them how to levitate. I woke up and started crying ( tears of joy) and I remember praying and being thankful. One of my thoughts were that this could be a future self and if I keep on walking on this path, I could merge with that future self. Of course it could just be a dream but that is how I felt and the thought that crossed my mind afterwards.
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