Two jet fighters escorting a UFO?


FOTCM Member

What do ya'll think?
undecided, but just to show how good they(sfx) are these days, take a look at this:
Hard to say. At first it looked faked to me, but after a couple of repeating I'm not so sure. First appearance of jet and saucer formation looked hoaxed. Jets are looking somewhat distorted. It may be due cellphone camera restrictions. And formation looks too tight at first. But second part, after guy runs back, looks authentic. Formation is flying away without glitches and disappeared nicely behind woods. Can't tell for sure it's hoax.
clerck de bonk said:
undecided, but just to show how good they(sfx) are these days, take a look at this:

Yeah, point taken.
Gut feeling says it's a fake but who knows.

If I am not mistaken the first time I could find the uploaded video was on the 15 August 2011 (by disclosur3) :

Looks very fishy to me as they have a whole website dedicated to fringe stuff.

Vernon James seems to be the creator of disclosur3 :


Maybe it's not relevant at all but the same video (uploaded just a few days later) :

was uploaded by CitylinefilmsHD1 who might possibly know how to do such FX videos.
I have some questions: What are two fighters with a flying saucer in broad daylight when anyone can see? Maybe someone who understands CG can reveal more about the images of the fighters and the saucer. To me so far does not convince me much. And besides contributed by Tigersoap makes me wonder even more.
I would say fake. Too stable, too little motion blur- speed is too slow on the exit shot. Also the engine roar seems to be exactly in sync with where camera is, isn't there always a delay? (perhaps only with supersonic speeds). Also there seems evidence of compositing in below frame, possibly indicating that the flying objects plate's antialiasing is having trouble blending with background plate. Though I'm no expert on how artefacts actually evolve.
parallel said:
I would say fake. Too stable,

Same here. The three objects (the flying saucer and the two jets) form a triangle that doesn't change at all during the few seconds when they are recorded. The three objects have exactly the same speed and trajectory.
In the link Laura provided,I am thinking the jets were moving too slow to maintain sufficient airspeed to have sufficient lift. The majority of my service in the military had me stationed on & around Air stations/bases, which is why I offer that opinion. I believe it was faked/hoax.

Edit> capitalized Lauras' name
CGI has advanced to the point where, in moving and still images, it is now completely indistinguishable from images of real objects. And the end result of all this CGI trickery as applied to the UFO question, is that, if or when photographs of the real thing become widely available, they are likely to be dismissed as 'just CGI'. That is, if the real thing can be photographed. CGI tricks create an enormous amount of 'noise' that obscures any signal that might be out there.
Endymion said:
CGI tricks create an enormous amount of 'noise' that obscures any signal that might be out there.
Yeah. At the time of writing 'Gods of Eden', Bramley states the same and that's with the old figure of 2% hoaxes, nowadays with easy access CGI it must be well over 75% (guess). A 'friend' once proposed to do a UFO clip- to renjoy the reactions and the challenge of making something photo realisticly believable, which may be the incentive of most hoaxers. PS- my friend did see, after discussion, that this would muddy the waters since he also somehow does believe it to be a real phenomena.
parallel said:
Endymion said:
CGI tricks create an enormous amount of 'noise' that obscures any signal that might be out there.
Yeah. At the time of writing 'Gods of Eden', Bramley states the same and that's with the old figure of 2% hoaxes, nowadays with easy access CGI it must be well over 75% (guess). A 'friend' once proposed to do a UFO clip- to renjoy the reactions and the challenge of making something photo realisticly believable, which may be the incentive of most hoaxers. PS- my friend did see, after discussion, that this would muddy the waters since he also somehow does believe it to be a real phenomena.

And when you think about it, Hollywood and special effects trickery has been around for quite some time. Consider the images of UFOs in the movie Close Encounters. They were very convincing, and if you showed still photos from that film to someone who had no knowledge of the film, what's the betting they would have believed them to be images of the real thing? And that was all done with camera work, a couple of decades before CGI became widely available.

It makes me wonder - going into conspiracy mode here :evil: - whether the switch to digital TV and film was decided on for just this purpose. That is, to make it as easy as possible for CGI images to be inserted into real footage to create noise and disinformation.
CGI tricks definitely create a great amount of noise to obscure the signal -- muddying the waters. But obscuring the signal, flooding with noise, and muddying the waters is par for the course in the world we live in, unfortunately.
It also seems a little overly dramatized with the camera-person running and sort of just catching it--still plausible, though. The video also fuels the 3D alien government coverup disinfo--the jet fighters are escorting the UFO, as though it was subservient, and viewers's gut reaction might be want for disclosure. But, again, still plausible. Feels off to me, though, and not useful as evidence.

Nothing provable either way--just the way they like it!

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