UFOs on France 2 today

Laura said:
Poor Igor and Grichka: they looked perfectly miserable being cast as opponents of the ET hypothesis. I noticed that they were very evasive about their responses, also, and at one point, Grichka was saying something about he knew people who had studied this for a long time... and then he was cut off.
Oh yes! with an hysteric who claimed all the five minutes "it was a mirage! it was a mirage!" and Stephane Bern who is more interest to excite the people to confront each others and show the soooo interesting "hidden camera"...

"BREAD AND GAMES" : the purpose of arenas, making forget the terrible situation we are living.
The funniest part of the show was the recurring appearing of a psychiatrist who tried to pass off every instance of seeing a UFO as "a mirage"! She was such a joke that even the studio audience started laughing at her.

One particpant was a former pilot for Air France who had seen an object 300-500 metres in length, with no wings and no visible means of propulsion. Two other people of his crew had also seen it. Plus it had been recorded by radar. He described it hanging there for several minutes and then dematerializing before their eyes.

So there were three witnesses plus radar, and the psychiatrist, who obviously didn't believe, refused to believe, and knew nothing whatsoever of the topic, insisted it was "a mirage"!!!!

The pilot was asked if he had filed a report with the police. He said that no, he had reported it to the air traffic controllers because they are not supposed to report them to the police. It seems to be Air France policy.

I knew a pilot from Air France who told me the same thing. I asked him if he had ever seen a UFO while piloting, and he said, "Of course!". Many pilots see them, but they are not allowed to talk about it because pilots are such credible witnesses. They have to know what they see up in the skies while flying. They are trained to judge distances, etc. So company policy is to shut them up.
and at one point, Grichka was saying something about he knew people who had studied this for a long time... and then he was cut off.
The most of what JPP said had been cut off. Very, very bad.
He had to wpoke about his new "ufo-science" association... and nothing was shown.

See his new article : http://ufo-science.com/fr/news/coupes_sombres.html

Or avec l'émission d'hier soir, je constate que vous êtes tout simplement victime d'une censure permanente. Qui a peur au point de vous retirer par tous les moyens la possibilité de vous exprimer sur le dossier OVNI ? Que cache ce dossier pour qu'on interdise toute véritable démarche scientifique. Et par la même qu'on s'acharne � vous discréditer.
Thank you Jsf for this article. We can understand better what happened...

I found very strange that +7% of the spectators were convinced after the debate, while there was so few interesting informations told.
France - the first country that has made public (partially) its UFO archives:

Soucoupes volantes: la France devient le premier pays � ouvrir ses archives:

What's the name of that pathetic excuse for a psychologist they had on the program? The public ought to be warned about delusionals like her.
I have searched to know why they have invited her. She seems to be a perfect unknown psychologist. I found no scientist publication or anything else. Ghislaine Corazza Le Guen is just a psychologist in the 15th arrondissement (quarter) of Paris ( maybe the Psy of Stephane Bern? )

Do you want her adress and phone number to take a rendez-vous? =D
Maybe that :
Link Amazon

"La vieille dans le vinaigre" = "the old woman in vinegar"
One wonders if this slow but gradual release of information is not a preparation of the masses for something big.
We had Independance Day at 20h45 today on the french first tv channel.
Are all theses things a sign of something that could be near or is it just a gradual processus ?
Jsf said:
One wonders if this slow but gradual release of information is not a preparation of the masses for something big.
We had Independance Day at 20h45 today on the french first tv channel.
Are all theses things a sign of something that could be near or is it just a gradual processus ?
I personally think that it looks like they're preparing us for something, and it's accelerating...
The video of the emission can be found here :
part 1: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1j4tn_arene-ovni-12
part 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1j5ru_arene-ovni-22 (the last moments are cut)

The passage where the "psychologist" says that she thinks we are not alone in the universe, YET dismisses all UFO sightings as mirages, is a great moment of stupidity.
Russian mainstream RTR-VESTI broadcasted a load of nice 'unexplained' UFO (military) footage earlier today with interviews of senior officers of Russian navy of 'something outa here' as a whipped cream over it. Warming public. Methinks we will see more of 'documentaries' richly laced with interviews from credible sources of this sort coming these days. I got it almost from the beginning -900 meg. I can work on reducing its size, and can then ask Domivr's permission to upload to his ftp. Is anyone interested in watching?

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