Kasimir said:
Here is few weird things I noticed:
The serpent/lizard holding broadsword in it's mouth has human hands.
I cannot see "human hands".
[edit] I now see the "hands" but cannot say it is human
but the hands of a beast of some sort - 4 "fingers" on the
right column.
It is very much alive although been impaled.
The guy holding a shovel (standing right from the stallion) has a pole stuck in his back.
There is a shovel and a pick. Implies there is digging
to be done somewhere and for some purpose?
Who are the dark people at the topmost?
They appear to be "workers" with a specific function,
however, odd - not enough detail. I wonder if there is
a higher pixeled image available for closer examination.
[edit] I downloaded a higher res image! Thanks to E!
1) Picture at top-left panel. Two men holding up a pole,
carrying what appears to be a sickle or a cradle holding a
"child" inside it. There appears to be a ominous looking
rod-head-cradle looking at the "child" inside this cradle.
[edit] Its not a cradle - its a weighting device - and it
appears to weighing grain of some sort: wheat?
Just below this cradle, a woman opens the window to let
in the "sun rays", while a man is seemingly pulling up people
"from the depths".
2) Picture at top-right appears to be an alchemist lair,
as behind the "boy" appears to be chemicals and the boy
appears to be handling a head?
[edit] it is not a head, but a microscope
Above the alchemist appears
to be a huge odd-angled beam, hoisting something - hard to
make it out, but appears to be hoisting a dead man?
[edit] It is not a hoist or a dead man, but a big telescope!
3) Soldier appears to be stepping on the tail of the dragon,
I wonder if this symbolizes the potential danger he faces?
4) Just above the impaled dragon's head, looking down,
there appears to be a dove's head, looking up, with an
olive branch in it's beak - why is this "symbol of peace"
and the "symbol of evil" both in this common "underworld"?
[edit] it is not a head looking down nor a dove, but the
right foot of the dragon, and it's head is actually wrapped
around the column, seemingly biting the hand of the second
beast above it. The right "hand" is that of the beast below
and the left hand is that of the beast above. So there appears
to be two different beasts involved here.
5) "Ropes" are seemingly used to "tie in" something from one
"frame" into another... a leading/hinting device?
[edit] The "ropes" are chains - chains of bondage - those
seeking to break their bonds and move towards happiness,
goodwill, and prosperity?
Top murals starting from the left seems to indicate:
(1) Commerce, (2) Industrialization, (3) Arts/Music, (4) Science
Middle murals indicates: Peace, helping-hands/Goodwill, and prosperity
Bottom murals indicates Poverty, Wars, Human suffering, misery, bondage.
Overall - it's a mystery - too bad no one talked to the
painter himself to learn more of what was in his head,
regarding the symbolism.
[edit] Hmm... maybe it is not so much a mystery as I previously
thought, it seems to indicate the horrors of war, pestilence, and
human suffering/misery and achieving the goal towards "higher
ground", or so it seems?