UOs in the sun's corona

Also, it seems rather obvious that the "updating to remove anomalies" phenomena is just a difference in resolutions.

It appears they load low resolution photos first, then exchange them with higher resolution ones shortly after. See how in all of the "before" pictures, the pixel size is larger and the whole thing appears "blockier"?
Karma_001 said:
Pashalis said:
for example this photo I've saved on Tuesday, ‎23. ‎Februar ‎2010 (look at one o'clock)


the same photo how it looks today:


Added: I've noticed this when viewing any image on the internet that is high-res as well. If my connection is slow, the browser will display a lower resolution image and then in a couple of seconds, it will suddenly show the full resolution. This may be the case in some of these, rather than them even posting two different images.

Apparently this is done with interlaced gifs, or progressive jpegs.
Ask_a_debtor said:
If you intend to analyze SOHO pictures, this is a useful link http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/index.php?p=content/faq

This explains many things that people think are anomalous in these images.

The persistent streaks are from cosmic rays or debris, these are not "time lapse" images. Many of the other "anomalies" are due to image processing or CCD sensor artifacts. Also, the way the images in the movies are presented causes some confusion:
9. Why do I see cosmic ray streaks persisting from frame to frame in the movies ?

Missing 32x32 pixel blocks are filled in with the corresponding block from the previous image. This was done for cosmetic reasons in the movies. It is not done in the raw data or archived data.

O.K. Thanks for the enlightenment. Cosmic rays, and another poster said protons striking CCD at various angles. Makes sense
tschai said:
Ask_a_debtor said:
If you intend to analyze SOHO pictures, this is a useful link http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/index.php?p=content/faq

This explains many things that people think are anomalous in these images.

The persistent streaks are from cosmic rays or debris, these are not "time lapse" images. Many of the other "anomalies" are due to image processing or CCD sensor artifacts. Also, the way the images in the movies are presented causes some confusion:
9. Why do I see cosmic ray streaks persisting from frame to frame in the movies ?

Missing 32x32 pixel blocks are filled in with the corresponding block from the previous image. This was done for cosmetic reasons in the movies. It is not done in the raw data or archived data.

O.K. Thanks for the enlightenment. Cosmic rays, and another poster said protons striking CCD at various angles. Makes sense

The other poster is referring to the same thing.

wikipedia said:
About 89% of cosmic rays are simple protons or hydrogen nuclei, 10% are helium nuclei or alpha particles, and 1% are the nuclei of heavier elements. These nuclei constitute 99% of the cosmic rays. Solitary electrons (much like beta particles, although their ultimate source is unknown) constitute much of the remaining 1%.
Ok, check nasa Soho


Select LASCO C3,
Start Date 2012-03-07
End Date 2012-03-09

and enjoy Artifacts. You can compare with any other dates and see how it ordinary looks like.
Yes, it happens when we experience CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun). The satellites's cameras receive more charged particles than usual. If you search SOTT you will see that in March there were a few CME's directed towards the Earth. Nothing out of the usual.
rs said:
December 4, 1999
[quote author=Transcripts]
Q: Now, according to some information posted on the Millennium Group site, there are some photographs that seem to indicate that there IS something anomalous in orbit around the Sun... maybe a new "planet, " or something. Is there a new object in our solar system in a close orbit around the sun?
A: Maybe.
Q: There is conjecture that this object appeared around the time of the passage of the Hale Bopp coment. Is that the case?
A: No.
Q: Is this object that is possibly in orbit around the sun, is it a natural or artificial construction?
A: Latter.
Q Who constructed it?
A: Orion STS.
Q: What is it?
A: HQ.
Q: The Orion Headquarters?
A: For your star system.


There will be a almost total eclipse of the sun here on Sunday, which means that many people will stare up there -


this is a video I received today, I thought I would post it for those interested to watch.


HF :evil:
It's amazing (and funny) how the youtuber jumps into so many conclusions (it's a UFO, it's a wormhole, it's breaking into our dimension, etc.) from one single frame, and doesn't find it suspicious to have his "wormhole" exactly aligned with a column of the detector.

You did start a very interessting thread here, but sadly with low resonance...lets see if there is coming a change now.... ;)

@All people who are interessted in this UFO around the Sun Phenomen:

As i told in the newbies forum today why i am signed up here i now want to show you all two paintings from the nagual Don Pablo Amaringo which in my eyes verifies the UFOs around the Sun Phenomen. All the UFOs you can see there around the Sun and also direct at the Sun to see and looking mostly crosslike, so here are the paintings which i hope gives an interessting Discussion here:

The first one showes in the upper left corner of the painting this crosslike looking Object. Try also a look at the Huge Mothership which comes maybe from Orion System and points its Front to our Sun...so in this case it looks like that all the "little" planetsized working ships come out of this Mothership which must be so huge that we can not believe it (means it must be bigger than our sun):

_http://guariadeosa.com/photos/pamaringo/paintingsforsale/?cur=7& [link deactivated by moderator]

PS: Also very interessting in this painting is the digital Octopuss with two penisses, which for me is a symbol for all the internet porn....and if you look down in the middle you will see a diabolic face under the naguals which represents in my eyes the genetic engeneering...there is also a lot more to view in this painting which is worth a look. I will talk later about the other things to see in this painting if there is a poitive resonance to my post. For my knowledge this one of the prophetic paintings of Don Pablo Amaringo which are already fulfilled.

So the second painting is also very scary, it shows a possible future if the Lizzies will win the battle against us all and shows their Master arriving to catch the harvested souls:


PS: Notice the crossshaped UFO in the left upper Corner of this painting, which shows a different angle to the first painting of the Crosslike looking Object!

I have much more to show and to say but i think this is a good start for the moment.

Be all blessed

Silent Knowing
Sirius said:
Anyone noticed the misspelling in the title?

mkrnhr said:
Unidentified Objects in the sun's corona? :)

And If you had read the first post of this thread, you would have found that:

Perceval said:
Some Unidentified Objects (not sure if they're flying or not) for y'all to ponder.





They're unidentified because Nasa has yet to make any comment on them.

Can someone grab them and post them here?

So far my best guess is that it's venus, because venus is always playing tricks on us!


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