Us in the Future - Who are the future them?


The Living Force

I was poundering a statment the C's made a while back. They stated that they are us in the future. Thus they have the knowledge that we don't. Who are their future entities? Who are the C's in the future?

We are...(that should melt your noodle.)

Perhaps not?

Q: (L) You have said that when the wave arrives that you will merge with us. Is this the same thing that you are talking about when you say that you are us in the future?

A: No.

Q: (L) So, we are talking about two separate events or subjects, or two separate points in space/time, is that correct?

A: No. You are again slipping into trying to apply 3rd density logic to higher levels of density reality.

Q: (L) So, this is pick on Laura night!

A: No. We are trying to help everyone to advance.

Q: (L) So, we are not talking about the same event...

A: What is "future," anyway?

Q: (L) The future is simultaneous events, just different locales in space/time, just a different focus of consciousness, is that correct?

A: Yea, so if that is true, why try to apply linear thinking here, you see, we are merging with you right now!

Though, logically...moving to the 'past' from the 'future' would also make the past the future :-)

I was poundering a statment the C's made a while back. They stated that they are us in the future. Thus they have the knowledge that we don't. Who are their future entities? Who are the C's in the future?


Its kind of complex but they said not to think about this in a linear way... so think about it: they said that they are us in the future... so at some point they were us in a 3rd density who have a future version of them, who guided them which in a weird way should be the same “group” if that makes sense. So it looks like a continuous learning experience with not beginning or end point. You may look at it as a continuous loop? Idk.

I was poundering a statment the C's made a while back. They stated that they are us in the future. Thus they have the knowledge that we don't. Who are their future entities? Who are the C's in the future?

From what I understand, the Cassiopaeans relate past, present, and future to the learning cycle points.

When they are the 6 Density Beings, they are the top of the learning experience, so to them, their future self can be 7 Density or other parts of their own consciousness that were actually doing something that other parts can perceive as the future self, hypothetical scenario:

6 Density beings who are us in the future, at the same time can communicate with us here and us in the nearer future, which is the future when we are in the 4 Density. This aspect of the 6 Density Being who communicates with us in the 3 Density can perceive these part of himself in the future who communicate with these part of ourselves (us people) who are in the 4 Density.

In other words. These part of us in the 4 Density are our future. And at the same time, it "creates" the two aspects of 6 Density beings, one that communicate with us in the 3 Density (6 Density past in the relation to this second one), and one that communicate with us in the 4 Density (6 Density future in the relation to this first).

Past, present, and future are just a point of view, point of relation, when for us, this is our future or past life. This can happen because Cassiopaeans are in the 6 Density; as the 6 Density beings who represent and interact with every life in every way of existence that has its reflection at the level of information and energy, and as the information is all that is, then the conclusion is that they live in omnipresent; when probably, from their perspective, past, present and future is losing importance, and more accurate would be to say that they are living in the Extended Present.

Those and other ideas you can find in what they already said. The answers to your question can be answered, more or less, by following the already given by them clues about the reality they describe.
It’s fairly simple. The “Cassiopaeans” are Laura’s monadic presence, i.e. the collective past/parallel/future incarnations/versions/personalities as expressions of her soul. Everyone has this and the C’s are hers. So “you” refers to her specifically, not us as a group. “In the future” means “when you expire you will become part of us”. The channeling is technically one personality of the MP “merging” with her in the now for the purpose of communication.
If I remember well the C's said something similar to 'we all reach 7th Density (union with the One) together'. My interpretation of their 'future' based on that is that it's 7th Density state, which will become everyone's future eventually. But I'm not sure.
It’s fairly simple. The “Cassiopaeans” are Laura’s monadic presence, i.e. the collective past/parallel/future incarnations/versions/personalities as expressions of her soul. Everyone has this and the C’s are hers. So “you” refers to her specifically, not us as a group. “In the future” means “when you expire you will become part of us”. The channeling is technically one personality of the MP “merging” with her in the now for the purpose of communication.

Nah, it's not "fairly simple" and most of what you wrote there is word salad.
I remember (or maybe not) the C's advised to think about a grid and try to put the elements together in order to avoid linear thinking.

In this case maybe try think about the quote without the element of time and it would be "we are you" so Laura is the C's and the C's are Laura. Maybe is not that simple but it is the way I see it.
Your undivided real "I". What was, IS and will be. It is what was present before the fall.

The fallen man, disconnected from his higher centers: Genesis 3:9 -10 9. But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?10. He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.
Is it possible that through our network and networking of sharing the Cs find about themselves or augment their presence with other like Laura and themselves? Is that their need we can consciously address from our 3D existence?
Is it possible that through our network and networking of sharing the Cs find about themselves or augment their presence with other like Laura and themselves? Is that their need we can consciously address from our 3D existence?
Hi Ina :-)

You know, it's hard for me to clearly answer this question. But because the Cassiopaeans live in the reality of the Sixth Density, which is the reality of Truth, Information, Seeing Things As They Are.

It is very possible that, by working our conscious mind to maintain a logical and objective view of reality, we may be able to fine-tune our mind to such a level that this Sixth Density Consciousness / Us in the Future can work through us giving us intuitions and thoughts that we would not normally get by simply processing our current knowledge. But the substrate must be prepared, this substrate is a conscious effort in the logical and analytical understanding and processing of information. Our System 2 (which Kahneman wrote about in his book) makes this possible. :-)

The second point is the emotional part of ourselves. Emotions depend on the mind. However, if we do the work properly with our mind, our subconscious will adapt to it - this is simply its role. Of course, there may be emotional blockages that can effectively block the process, however, it is a broad topic...

Do you know Eiriu-Eolas and Cassiopaeans Crystals? :-) The Cassiopaeans also said that this is a way to connect with them (as with us in the future) and with other people with whom we (us in the future) form a soul group. Since the souls of Cassiopaeans connect with each other in 6th densities. And these souls are our future selves, we gain these connections with each other, who they have between selves, and therefore it is possible that we also have them here in the 3 Density, but connection proceeds on the information plane, beyond the limitations built by matter :-)
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