US Schools Teach Creepy Stuff To 8 Year Olds


Jedi Council Member
This is an article I found on :

US schools are teaching 8-year-olds how to masturbate, and parents are outraged. The controversy surrounds the textbook titled “It’s Perfectly Normal,” which contains graphic illustrations of naked people of all ages. Some drawings depict children and adults masturbating and having intercourse. Do-it-yourself instructions are included.

US Common Core standards now require sexuality education from kindergarten through grade 12. To qualify for federal grants from the US Department of Education, public schools must adopt Common Core standards. According to the independent Heartland Institute, the Affordable Care Act has budgeted $75 million for sexuality education. Much of that has been granted to Planned Parenthood. With these funds, Planned Parenthood has hired sexuality teachers for public schools.
RELATED: SEXING UP YOUR KIDS: Here’s What A School Has for Your 4th Grader

This academic year, Common Core has endorsed “It’s Perfectly Normal” for fourth-grade public schools. Parents and teachers in Tennessee have opposed it. Reporter Victoria Jackson discussed the Tennessee controversy on

Frankly, I thought the first story was a right-wing joke. Then, I discovered that earlier editions have graced library shelves for 10 years. “It’s Perfectly Normal” is considered a health book for children. Planned Parenthood endorses it for ages 10 and up. Its author and other contributors are affiliated with Planned Parenthood.
RELATED: BLOCKED: Facebook Blocks Sharing About 4th Graders Sex Book; We Wish Teachers Would As Well

This month, the controversy has spread across the US. Read here about what parents and educators in Alabama, Illinois, Colorado and South Dakota have to say. Readers can find hundreds more links about Common Core sexuality education.

The first public controversy began in 2007 in Texas, when Planned Parenthood distributed the book to young teens at its annual sex party. News of the book hit the media. The Catholic Church condemned it as an assault on children. Catholic Online reported that trailers for the book were removed from children’s Internet networks. Other sites restricted the video to ages 18 and older. In Washington, the book promotion was deleted from a public agency fund-raiser because it was considered “sexually explicit” and “obscene.”

Youtube video:
There is the same controversy in Europe and it seems to be a global move of the PTB towards the "sexualization" of children.
In interfering in the step by step development of an individual, they forge it into what they want. Not only a child is supposed to discover social interaction with others, the isolation they experience from the actual culture is not enough, they want to program them to be even more self-centered through a chemical and neuronal conditioning. This alone is so wrong at all levels.
The second aspect of this move is more juridical. If children become officially self-aware regarding these matters, in a court of law they can be possibly be considered to be "consentant" if the their abusers know how to manipulate them. It's a real juridical paradise for pedophiles.
There may be other aspects like consumerism, but these two points alone show how dangerous these ideologies are.

Also, there is in Meetings with Remarkable Men a short discussion on this subject when Gurdjieff was young and I find it accurate even from the developmental imprinting point-of-view.

Added: Escept from the book:

In his conversations with me he often spoke about the question of sex.
Concerning sexual desire, he once told me the following:
'If a youth but once gratify this lust before reaching adulthood, then the same would happen to him as happened to the historical Esau, who for a single mess of pottage sold his birthright, that is, the welfare of his whole life; because if a youth yields to this temptation even once, he will lose for the rest of his life the possibility of being a man of real worth.
'The gratification of lust before adulthood is like pouring alcohol into Mollavallian madjar (1) 'Just as from madjar into which even a single drop of alcohol has been poured only vinegar is obtained and never wine, so the gratification of lust before adulthood leads to a youth's becoming a monstrosity. But when the youth is grown up, then he can do whatever he likes; just as with madjar—when it is already wine you can put as much alcohol in it as you like; not only will it not be spoiled but you can obtain whatever strength you please.'
Father Borsh had a very original idea of the world and of man.
His views on man and the aim of man's existence differed completely from those of the people round him and from everything I had heard or gathered from my reading.
I will mention here certain thoughts of his which may serve to illustrate the understanding he had of man and what he expected of him.
He said:
'Until adulthood, man is not responsible for any of his acts, good or bad, voluntary or involuntary; solely responsible are the people close to him who have undertaken, consciously or owing to accidental circumstances, the obligation of preparing him for responsible life.
'The years of youth are for every human being, whether male or female, the period given for the further development of the initial conception in the mother's womb up to, so to say, its full completion.
'From this time on, that is, from the moment the process of his development is finished, a man becomes personally responsible for all his voluntary and involuntary manifestations.
'According to laws of nature elucidated and verified through many centuries of observation by people of pure reason, this process of development is finished in males between the ages of twenty and twenty-three, and in females between the ages of fifteen and nineteen, depending on the geographical conditions of the place of their arising and formation.
'As elucidated by wise men of past epochs, these age periods have been established by nature, according to law, for the acquisition of independent being with personal responsibility for all one's manifestations, but unfortunately at the present time they are hardly recognized at all. And this, in my opinion, is owing chiefly to the negligent attitude in contemporary education towards the question of sex, a question which plays the most important role in the life of everyone.
'As regards responsibility for their acts, most contemporary people who have reached or even somewhat passed the age of adulthood, strange as it may seem at first glance, may prove to be not responsible for any of their manifestations; and this, in my opinion, can be considered conforming to law.
'One of the chief causes of this absurdity is that, at this age, contemporary people in most cases lack the corresponding type of the opposite sex necessary, according to law, for the completion of their type, which, from causes not dependent upon them but ensuing, so to say, from Great Laws, is in itself a "some-thing not complete".

(1) Mollavalli is a small place in the south of the Kars region and madjar is a very new, not yet fermented wine (must).
I think it has been an ongoing process for a very long time. Wen i was young i ended up taking sexual education classes every year from grade three to grade nine. Mainly because i was at a different school every year, and every school did it at a different grade. This is in Canada, and over twenty years ago. They also taught us about masturbation at a young age.
I recall a sexual education class in elementary school also. I went to a parochial school, and the parents were required to sign a consent form for their child to attend the class. Some of the students did not attend the class. I don't know if there is an opt-out option for public education, but considering this article, it doesn't appear there is one if the school must conform to Common Core.
If I recall correctly we were spared this torture until around age 10. By this time I'd already been told the basics by my mother in a fairly decent way, however we were forced to do a week-long project on sex, masturbation and relationships, including cartoon videos, videos of nude children running around, and various embarrassing group discussions. Then we had to fill an A3 folder thingy with what we had learned, like diagrams etc.

Looking back now it was seriously messed up, but what the hell isn't these days!? I agree completely with how pernicious and dangerous this forced ideology is.

mkrnhr said:
Also, there is in Meetings with Remarkable Men a short discussion on this subject when Gurdjieff was young and I find it accurate even from the developmental imprinting point-of-view.

Added: Escept from the book:

(MWRM quote)

I've wondered a lot about this quote since I first read it. Gurdjieff was spot on about most things, but he seemed to bring forward some ideas that strike me as "unfair", as well as being completely rigid and black/white, this quote being a good example. If the above is true, for instance, then I have absolutely 0% chance of ever becoming a "man of worth", whatever that means, and nor does pretty much anyone in modern society, due to accidental circumstances into which we were born.
Still the man G. talks to is getting at an important point, and sexual activity before manhood (especially early childhood) most likely has some disastrous consequences, but any wound should be able to heal given the right knowledge and effort.

Then again, you can't heal an amputated leg either, so I don't know..
'The gratification of lust before adulthood is like pouring alcohol into Mollavallian madjar (1) 'Just as from madjar into which even a single drop of alcohol has been poured only vinegar is obtained and never wine, so the gratification of lust before adulthood leads to a youth's becoming a monstrosity. But when the youth is grown up, then he can do whatever he likes; just as with madjar—when it is already wine you can put as much alcohol in it as you like; not only will it not be spoiled but you can obtain whatever strength you please.'

Carlisle said:
I've wondered a lot about this quote since I first read it. Gurdjieff was spot on about most things, but he seemed to bring forward some ideas that strike me as "unfair", as well as being completely rigid and black/white, this quote being a good example. If the above is true, for instance, then I have absolutely 0% chance of ever becoming a "man of worth", whatever that means, and nor does pretty much anyone in modern society, due to accidental circumstances into which we were born.
Still the man G. talks to is getting at an important point, and sexual activity before manhood (especially early childhood) most likely has some disastrous consequences, but any wound should be able to heal given the right knowledge and effort.

Then again, you can't heal an amputated leg either, so I don't know..

Maybe it also refers to the "child" in the ordinary person, and having crystallization on a good foundation by sacrificing:

Sacrifice is necessary. If nothing is sacrificed nothing is obtained. And it is necessary to sacrifice something precious at the moment, to sacrifice a long time and to sacrifice a great deal. But still, not forever. This must be understood because often it is not understood. Sacrifice is necessary only while the process of crystallization is going on. When crystallization is achieved, renunciation, privations, and sacrifices are no longer necessary.
Carlisle said:
I've wondered a lot about this quote since I first read it. Gurdjieff was spot on about most things, but he seemed to bring forward some ideas that strike me as "unfair", as well as being completely rigid and black/white, this quote being a good example. If the above is true, for instance, then I have absolutely 0% chance of ever becoming a "man of worth", whatever that means, and nor does pretty much anyone in modern society, due to accidental circumstances into which we were born.
Still the man G. talks to is getting at an important point, and sexual activity before manhood (especially early childhood) most likely has some disastrous consequences, but any wound should be able to heal given the right knowledge and effort.

Then again, you can't heal an amputated leg either, so I don't know..

I think it is important to keep in mind the context of any aspect of a teaching and also the way we tend to react to it. The goal of these chapters of Gurdjieff is to show the different programs that are absorbed by our being through life. There are programs at all levels, not only intellectual and emotional. Neurological and physiological programming exist as well (look at the diet issues discovered so far).

It is best not to have been subjected to a certain program. If it is the case, those who are not aware of it are indeed condamned to live under its control. But those who undertake the conscious work of getting rid of those programs have that possibility. It is just extremely difficult (but not impossible) relatively to the case were that particular program was not introduced.

I don't think that Gurdjieff is being white and black here because this is a teaching he received as a child. If you have a child, you will tell him: "don't drink alcohol otherwise you will never get rid of it". You don't tell him: "If you drink alcohol, you will be addicted and it is very difficult to get rid of addiction". A teaching is not absolute, it depends on how the learner will receive it at any period of his life. Later in the book, Gurdjieff talks about a woman who was so damaged, he even hated her! And yet, she became the most valuable element in his truth seekers' group. It is important then to get the context of the whole teaching and how several elements do complete each other.

On the interpretation, it is easy to our predator mind to say: "aha you see? you are doomed. There is no possibility for you to correct this or that." That's why is important to have faith and courage. The more heads the hydra displays, the more work there is to slay them.
The sexualization of our kids through sex ed. seems to be the point of the program in public schools, rather than being a deterrent or for their protection as is sprouted in their rhetoric. They sure start 'em young. My daughter was taught how to put a condom on a banana for sex ed the other day. She is all of 14 years old. :scared:
mkrnhr said:
I think it is important to keep in mind the context of any aspect of a teaching and also the way we tend to react to it. The goal of these chapters of Gurdjieff is to show the different programs that are absorbed by our being through life. There are programs at all levels, not only intellectual and emotional. Neurological and physiological programming exist as well (look at the diet issues discovered so far).

It is best not to have been subjected to a certain program. If it is the case, those who are not aware of it are indeed condamned to live under its control. But those who undertake the conscious work of getting rid of those programs have that possibility. It is just extremely difficult (but not impossible) relatively to the case were that particular program was not introduced.

I don't think that Gurdjieff is being white and black here because this is a teaching he received as a child. If you have a child, you will tell him: "don't drink alcohol otherwise you will never get rid of it". You don't tell him: "If you drink alcohol, you will be addicted and it is very difficult to get rid of addiction". A teaching is not absolute, it depends on how the learner will receive it at any period of his life. Later in the book, Gurdjieff talks about a woman who was so damaged, he even hated her! And yet, she became the most valuable element in his truth seekers' group. It is important then to get the context of the whole teaching and how several elements do complete each other.

On the interpretation, it is easy to our predator mind to say: "aha you see? you are doomed. There is no possibility for you to correct this or that." That's why is important to have faith and courage. The more heads the hydra displays, the more work there is to slay them.
Thanks for sharing, mkrnhr.
About sex education for children seems to be a project that is implemented since many years. And that can have many effects. Same as the increased drug prescriptions at younger ages, and for the most stupidest motives. Drugging children is an example of how some teacher and parental (and doctors) are irresponsible. It seems that these people do not see the harm done to children, not only to get rid of the problems but also because parents and teachers (and doctors) in general are medicated too.
When I was in high school, in the early to mid 80's, there was sex ed for two 6 month periods. But it was nothing like this. It was informative (lots of anatomy lessons, etc.) and non-pornographic. So it seems this movement is widespread in the West. Another sign of the times....
mkrnhr said:
I think it is important to keep in mind the context of any aspect of a teaching and also the way we tend to react to it. The goal of these chapters of Gurdjieff is to show the different programs that are absorbed by our being through life. There are programs at all levels, not only intellectual and emotional. Neurological and physiological programming exist as well (look at the diet issues discovered so far).

It is best not to have been subjected to a certain program. If it is the case, those who are not aware of it are indeed condamned to live under its control. But those who undertake the conscious work of getting rid of those programs have that possibility. It is just extremely difficult (but not impossible) relatively to the case were that particular program was not introduced.

I don't think that Gurdjieff is being white and black here because this is a teaching he received as a child. If you have a child, you will tell him: "don't drink alcohol otherwise you will never get rid of it". You don't tell him: "If you drink alcohol, you will be addicted and it is very difficult to get rid of addiction". A teaching is not absolute, it depends on how the learner will receive it at any period of his life. Later in the book, Gurdjieff talks about a woman who was so damaged, he even hated her! And yet, she became the most valuable element in his truth seekers' group. It is important then to get the context of the whole teaching and how several elements do complete each other.

On the interpretation, it is easy to our predator mind to say: "aha you see? you are doomed. There is no possibility for you to correct this or that." That's why is important to have faith and courage. The more heads the hydra displays, the more work there is to slay them.

Thank you for the insightful explanation, the hydra metaphor is very appropriate. It seems that reading about early neurological imprinting triggers a certain program of helplessness and unfairness in me (as is the case with this example), like "how dare they imprint me as a child and subject me to such future consequences out of their own stupidity". But in a larger perspective, considering on a level of souls, reincarnation, and how life is a reflection of ourselves, I guess we all get given challenges perfect for us to overcome if we choose so.
I don't remember sex ed being that bad, just a little embarrassing as a child. They had movies in elementary school, but there wasn't any nudity. And then in high school we were showed pictures of venereal disease, as if to scare us away from sex. That was in the 90s and early 2000s.
Arwenn said:
The sexualization of our kids through sex ed. seems to be the point of the program in public schools, rather than being a deterrent or for their protection as is sprouted in their rhetoric. They sure start 'em young. My daughter was taught how to put a condom on a banana for sex ed the other day. She is all of 14 years old. :scared:

I remember doing the banana condom thing in grade six. Age eleven. Now they are starting in kindergarten. Apparently it is already happening in Chicago. Funny that i couldn't find it on SOTT.
I did a bit of looking on the internet for opting-out of sex education in US schools, and the option does exist in some places. This is what I found, FWIW.


According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, three states—Arizona, Nevada, and Utah—require parental consent before a child can receive sex education in school.

However, 37 states and the District of Columbia require school districts to allow parental involvement in sexual education programs, which can mean anything from parents having a say in the curriculum to incorporating them into schools' health education committees. In 35 states and the District of Columbia parents can opt their children out of sex ed.

The Kansas Association of School Boards already has a policy that encourages districts to make sex education an opt-out decision by parents. Some scholars say that even opting out shouldn't be allowed.

So perhaps this opting out eventually will not be allowed, but that is not the case currently. I do not know how reliable this source is, but I found it interesting.
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